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Everything posted by dgrochester55

  1. Many on the democrat side have believed that about Soros and Gates for years. The reality is that billionaires are very deliberate with where they invest their time and money and there will always be an ulterior motive beyond the "kindness of their heart." What is Musk's motive? We will find out at some point. I don't fully trust Musk but I find it funny how billionaires backing a party all of the sudden became taboo when one backed a different one from the rest.
  2. "It's the best sports moment since Colin Kaepernick overcame two missed free throws by crossing 4th base to score a touchdown in the third period to win the world cup and secure trans-women's rights to play high-school sports while defeating racism!"
  3. With the extremism saturating the left, the presence of politicians who care about nothing else besides taking him down and the fact that there was already two assassination attempts, I am afraid that you could possibly be right. Democrats and media have proven for almost ten years know that they will play as dirty as required and stoop to any level necessary to go back to establishment based status-quo.
  4. A lot more people think this now than MAGA's. I am not referring to every Harris voter or even every Trump hater when I say TDS. I am only referring to the small percentage than have made it their religion to complain about Trump. They saturate their social media accounts and every conversation with the topic and can't go on with life because of the thought of him. Most of those people only parrot what the media and democrat politicians call them. That is a valid and fair question. Theoretically, there is enough recovered money to be able to do that. In reality, maybe, but most likely not. If it happens It is probably much less than that as Trump tends to exaggerate. As mentioned before, I have mixed feelings about DOGE, I love the concept but would be worried about Musk having too much power. My problem is more with the tone deaf thought of $5000 not helping the average person.
  5. The only way that Trump will end up being worse than Biden is if there is a civil war or nuclear fallout. I voted for him, but I am by no means a MAGA. I can be objective about what i see from him. To me, this is what i see so far. Positive: Removing criminals and securing border: This is why he won and he is making good on it Being active and taking charge in the assistance of wildfire and hurricane victims: Western North Carolina was shafted by FEMA and needed aid, they got it. Trump worked well with the politicians in California last month when dealing with the wildfires. Using the tariff threats to get Canada and Mexico to work out better deals: I am not a fan of tariffs in general, but I agree that this worked well in his favor Negative: Overuse of the tariff threat: Countries will eventually catch on and retaliate. This means either actually putting out the tariffs and getting into a trade war that would severly hurt the economy or backing out because his bluff was called and looking weak. The whole Greenland thing, Gulf of America: Neither make sense and both give legacy media who is always looking for an excuse to bash him an easy target Jury is out: DOGE: I Love the concept, but would like to be more of politicians on both sides and less of Musk. Immigration/Where does it stop? No one should have a problem with removing criminals who got in illegally, but if it was to extended to people who have been here for decades, That is where i would personally draw the line and be against it. I believe that there should be a pathway to citizenship as long as they don't have a criminal record and are willing to cooperate. What annoys me the most and causes me to argue against the left 90 percent of the time is the inconsistent treatment of both. At least you were objective to admit something positive. Some people have been conditioned to hate Trump so much that they refuse to ever credit him for one thing. If Trump discovered a cure for cancer, people would be screaming about him taking away people right to get the disease. A real life example is politicians and mob members and TDS trying to tell everyone that $5000 wont make a difference to the working person as a result of DOGE because "rich man bad" "Orange man bad." These are the same people who sky screamed that "EvErYoNe wOuLd StArVe" is another 600 dollar stimulus package didn't go through five years ago. More and more people see through things like this and that is why he won this time around. 90 percent of the stuff that I see against Trump is not a persons own opinion, but merely a parroting of what they saw in the news. They make think that it is their own, but it isn't. Anyone who likes him or even thinks neutrally of him has to keep silent and conform to the swarm or people will ostracize, personally attack and sometimes threaten them. That is never okay and that is why I dislike TDS people more than anyone else. They are literally like dealing with a cult.
  6. However Trump may end up being, Harris was going to be much worse, hands down. There was so much deep seeded corruption and chaos in the last administration and I feel like we don't know most of how bad it really was just yet. If you want to ask if people regret picking Trump in the primary, it may be a valid point, but there is almost no one who voted for Trump who is saying "Gee, I sure wish I picked Harris instead". The country rightfully got rid of the Biden/Harris two headed monster. Whether or not it goes from bad to good or bad or another type of bad remains to be seen, but any chance under Trump was better than the 0% chance of turning things around that we would have had under Harris
  7. No, the problem was that you had a democrat party that did nothing for the people, catered to the elite instead of the blue collar workforce, and lied to everyone for four years about many things including a good economy and the mental capacity of the President. Next, they proceeded to pick Harris (who was seen by everyone including dems as a useless airhead)once the lie about Biden was impossible to cover without any selection process and ran on nothing but how bad the other part won. They made things so unappealing that anyone else looked like a better option, even Donald Trump. The only reason why Trump is less unpopular than last time is because he is cleaning up the mess left by Biden. No sir, your party, legacy media and people like you are the problem that got us here.
  8. Seeing that the libs and legacy media were making excuses for Biden three years into his regime, I think that it might be only fair to give Trump more than two months. If not, than the media has no business crediting Biden instead of Trump if things get better within the next few months, you can't have it both ways.
  9. Trump has done some things that I don't like, but I have no remorse. However bad Trump may be, I have no doubt in my mind that Harris was going to be worse. We could not have handled four more years of Biden's continued policies and the least transparent regime of all time. It will take a few years for everyone to realize just how bad Biden and Harris were. As far as Trump, It is what it is and I would rather have some good things and some bad things with transparency than nothing good with lying and gaslighting.
  10. Nope, I literally wanted to find a neutral article to form my own opinion., calm the hell down. Have some damn patience and stop calling people names like an angry little boy. It was hard to find an article about it that didn't appeal to emotion with rage baiting and sob stories, but Newsweek came close to having a balanced neutral summary. https://www.newsweek.com/are-veterans-benefits-being-cut-trump-va-cuts-explained-2031047 My opinion, I don't like it. I understand eliminating red tape, but the VA seems understaffed as it is. I would have rather seen them make the VA run more effectively first before considering cutting. My hope is that it leads eventually leads to a more effective replacement but as of now, this is in the same category as "gulf of America" where I don't agree and think that it is quite dumb. This does not means that I think Harris would have better and this doesn't mean that I am going to make a daily TDS post like a jaded ex. Now that this is done here is some advice. Grow the hell up, be more respectful in your interaction and don't ever call me a coward again. You would not have the balls to say that face to face to someone and you know it.
  11. Nope, I will look at it when I do. I am not going to give an opinion until I know for sure what parts of your statement were twisted and taken out of context. You see, because I am not either progressive or MAGA, I try to carefully form an opinion instead of letting my favorite news station form it for me.
  12. Of course that sounds horrible, but I am sure that there is some missing context in your deflection. I would have to look more into it and read neutral sources before I could give a final opinion.
  13. Now that you've given us Rachel Maddow's opinion, what are your own thoughts on the topic?
  14. Who had "Suckers and losers" on the TBD TDS crew bingo card?
  15. This is precisely how more than half of the country feels about progressives and the legacy media, but that doesn't stop them from preaching their gospel of chaos and mediocrity every day.
  16. This is what happens when people out there still believe the legacy media is credible. There will be another election race between two new people business as usual in four years. Don't let the TDS fear monger media make you think that their exaggeration and ten year smear campaign is actual news. Edit: Don't get me wrong, I am not 100% for Trump. I am happy with the deportations for now, but hope that he doesn't try to extend it to dreamers. The jury is out on DOGE, (love the concept, but don't fully trust Musk) and the gulf of America is sheer idiocy. I do think that it would have been worse under Harris and the most of the hate for Trump comes from the media.
  17. Point to the part of the doll where Trump touched you. Seriously, you are obsessive. Its fine you you don't like Trump, but you seem to have let it consume you 24/7. Please, for your own benefit, get help.
  18. Of course. Also don't forget that he hired Fauci to do that because he is racist against chickens. Trump also did absolutely nothing about inflation between January of 2021 and January of 2025. It's ALL his fault! Also member, inflation is Trump's fault now, but if it gets better in the spring, we can only credit Biden's past policies because Biden had the "best economy ever!!!!!!" Orange man bad cause the news says!
  19. Dems under Biden "Inflation is global, its only been three years, give it time" Dems under Trump "Eggs have been skyrocketing in price for the last three months, and trump has been for a whole month, impeach him!!!!"
  20. The least talented player to start a game that I can remember was Justin Rogers at CB. During a game against the Jets where they gave up around 300 yards passing, Rogers was responsible for something like 260 of them. I would not answer him as worst of all time though because he was a 7th round pick in a starting role because of multiple injuries. Joe Dufek and Bruce Mathison at QB between Ferguson and Kelly could also be considered here. My choice for worst player would have to be Aaron Maybin. Some players like Peterman, Bennie Anderson and JP Losman at least played well enough to earn and extended starting role at some point. Others like Justin Rogers, Keith Ellison and Jeff Tuel were Practice Squad caliber players at best thrust into a starting role. Maybin was a first round draft pick who could not even get on the field. I forgot where i heard it, but it was understood that had he not been their first rounder, than he would have likely been cut in the first season. He was not only bad, but had a poor attitude and work ethic. When you consider how much of a need DE was and how he could not see the field on a defense that was giving up 30-40 points a game nearly every week, that makes this the clear obvious choice in my opinion.
  21. CNN, and NBCNews use the same philosophy. Who cares if it is fake? Even if we retract it, the masses believe that it is real, the intent was fulfilled.
  22. Is anything that I said inaccurate? Be honest when you answer that. I have no problem with an adult living their life as they choose, I just think that it is silly for most people to pretend that a man who decides to live as a woman is the same as a biological woman when they would most likely see it as a deal breaker in the dating scene. What about you? If you found yourself single and looking, and found out that a potential match was a Trans-Woman instead of biological one, would you still be interested? Regardless of the answer that you may reply with, only you know the real one.
  23. The funniest thing about the trans movement is that 95 percent of the guys who say that a trans-woman is a woman would change their tune really fast if they ran into a Sheena/Funky Cold Medina situation. It is all virtue signaling and a desire to conform with the swarm
  24. Agreed, Biden definitely was not leading. Any average person with his level of cognitive decline at the end, would have no doubt been in a full care nursing home. Trump for better or worse has been more active in the first month than Biden's four years combined. In retrospect, I feel a little bad for Biden. What his party did to him was elder abuse.
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