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Everything posted by dgrochester55

  1. The playoff game two years ago, Cody Ford was called for a penalty at a key part of a drive that likely gets Buffalo in field goal range to win. The refs admitted in the off-season that it was the wrong call.
  2. Buffalo made mistakes that cost the game in overtime, but there needs to be accountability on the refs part. What happened today gave the Bills more of an uphill battle than they should have had at the end of the game. Look around and you will see plenty of non Bills fans complaining about the officiating in that game. I feel like many of the memorable bad ref jobs happen to go against the Bills (Houston 2019, Homerun throwback, 1998 Just give it to them/hailmary pass interference). At best there is an half hearted apology (Shouldn't have called it that way, oopsie daisy) with a promise to change, but no real improvement. It is not just Bills games, refs have made many of the games that I see unwatchable. The NFL needs to do a major overhaul on the officiating. Make refs full time, fire most of the current ones and start over, create a consistent set of rules not prone to subjective interpretation, and have an independent accountability board. It is time to do something because the game gets less credible every year.
  3. I am disappointed in the team and McDermott this year, but no way that it is time to fire him. The team turned around under him and you are more likely to get a worse coach or lateral move than an upgrade. I do believe that the team needs to get rid of Daboll and Frazier and find out why they are on the short end of every close game this year. Something is different from last year and it is not for the better.
  4. I hate to blame refs, but when it comes to the Diggs play at the end of the fourth and the Evans play in OT, you either call both or dont call both. The inconsistency was glaring and the officiating as a whole this season has been atrocious. I feel like the NFL wants a NE/Tampa super bowl and will stop at nothing to get it. I appreciate the effort and new found drive in the Bills during the second half. I hope that they can carry that over and treat the rest of the games in the season like a playoff game
  5. https://memegenerator.net/instance/51500250/luke-skywalker-1115555-i-care
  6. I do not get why they went for three passes after that run on the last drive. Make it four down ball, punch it in the end zone with less than a minute or at least get a short 1st and goal and have four shots in the end zone. Even with a TD on that last play, New England still had a chance to tie it up. Just not playing to win all around.
  7. Get rid of Daboll, overhaul the o-line and add a running back along with a LB who can stop the run. That is the goal in the offseason.
  8. This team has no sense of urgency, no ability to make adjustments and Josh Allen is not playing like last year. They played like a loss was inevitable the entire time despite having two red zone drives at the end. This is not a fun team to watch. There is a lot of talent, but they have the timidness of a Jauron team and the lack of discipline that you would see in a Rex Ryan team.
  9. You are most likely right, but this is a strange year and there is no dominant team. My delusional hope is that they eek into the playoffs and get hot at the right time in in January and February.
  10. Wow, I thought I was pessimistic. 7-4 and we are rebuilding? Not like we are Not 4-7. Even with Tre out, maybe not quite time to think rebuilding yet. Well, not THAT bad, lol.
  11. Glad that Buffalo won, it was needed to keep them on the right side of the playoff hunt. This is at least a wild card team, but the two games against New England and one against Tampa will tell us where they are. I hope they win next week if for anything else to stop the announcers from gushing all over the Patriots and fawning over Mac Jones as if he is the next Tom Brady, that will be unbearable to listen to if New England wins.
  12. This is the first loss that makes me question the rest of the season. This Bills team is underachieving. They are the same team as last year with some added depth, but they are suddenly looking a like a wild card team at best. The first three losses brought up concerns, this last one was flat out embarrassing. It has been very hard to watch football this year even before the Bills started floundering. Refs are worse than ever with flags every other play, conference after conference between plays, flags thrown and picked up, two refs making different calls on the same play and no consistency. Commercials seem to be more than before, and announcers just focus on one or two "fun fact" storylines(ex Josh Allen vs Josh Allen) and repeat the same corny ass one liners dozens of times. Yes, Buffalo can beat the Saints on Thursday, yes, a win against New England in two weeks, gives them momentum again, but it is suddenly not a guarantee. I hope that Buffalo will turn it around and will watch until they can't anymore, but if they fall out of it, I may be done with watching the NFL for this year.
  13. Didn't this actually happen to Joe Klopenstein during Mcdermott's first year? Seemed like the poor guy was getting cut and re signed every week.
  14. I vote anyone but ford and anyone but ford. I know how bad Bobby Hart is, but I also know how awful Ford was in the jags game. Even slightly below replacement level is an upgrade over Ford, so if Hart can do this until Brown is back, than I can deal with it.
  15. The Bills, Chiefs, Packers and now the Ravens have now had games where they were shut down this season. Defenses seem to be catching up to the high powered offenses again.
  16. One one hand, it is one game. Teams fall flat once or twice a year and we are still 5-3 in a conference where nobody besides maybe Tennessee looks like a dominant team. On the other hand, it was a loss to the Jags who were blown out by a rebuilding Geno freakin Smith led Seattle team last week. 10 of the last 12 quarters have been poor since the win over the Chiefs. Buffalo is underachieving and there are clearly some things that need to be fixed. This means that no win on a seemingly easy schedule seems like a lock anymore. Buffalo needs to figure this out fast. Hopefully they can right the ship against the Jets next week but for the first time this year my optimism is a bit faded.
  17. I was thinking about just how bad Ford was today. Does he make the list if you pick the worst Bills offensive line of all time? It has to be close. I am thinking that you would be looking at something like Mike Williams-Bennie Anderson-Melvin Fowler-Cody Ford-Langston Walker with Jerry Crafts and Derrick Dockery rotating in.
  18. I am not going to blame this on the refs, but that was one of the most single incompetent crews that I have ever seen. -Calling wrong numbers -Missing obvious penalties while calling non existent ones -Calling false start on Buffalo with half of the jags line in the neutral zone on 4th down but not calling it at least twice when the entire right side of the jags line jumped. -Slowing down the game to a crawl by throwing flags every three plays and taking forever to call on some Buffalo lost and this may be the worst effort in the last three years, but the NFL really needs to evaluate whether this officiating crew should be changed around before next week's games.
  19. They were down three starters, and Cody Ford needs to never be anywhere near a football field in a Bills uniform again. This was discouraging though and they need to find a way to get it together.
  20. Chiefs, Saints and Packers are scenarios which make the most sense. I would not see a use for him now and would rather see what Davis and Kumerow would do if it came down to injuries. Maybe it would have made sense in 2017 or 2018 when our WR corp was Zay Jones, a 300 lb Kelvin Benjamin and a rotation of street free agents, but not now.
  21. Tier by himself 1) Josh Allen Quality starters 2) Doug Flutie 3) Drew Bledsoe Stop gap options 4) Ryan Fitzpatrick 5) Tyrod Taylor 6) Kyle Orton Failed draft picks 7) Rob Johnson 8 Todd Collins 9) Trent Edwards 10) EJ Manuel 11) JP Losman Journeyman backups 12) Kelly Holcomb 13) Matt Barkley 14) Derek Anderson 15) Alex Van Pelt 16) Thad Lewis No business Starting-Tough call between Tuel and Peterman as the worst. 17) Brian Brohm 18) Jeff Tuel 19) Nathan Peterman
  22. EJ may have been able to stay in the league for a few more years as a backup had he decided to do that instead of pursuing a television career. He was bad, but I never saw drafted him to be nearly as big of a mistake as a lot of other bad 1st round picks during the drought. The larger mistake was not picking a QB in 2011 and 2012. 2013 was the worst qb class ever, You had EJ, Geno Smith, Mike Glennon, Matt Barkley, Landry Jones and Ryan Nassib. When you can say that Matt Barkley is the best qb picked that year and have a strong case, that should be pretty telling. There was no "it would have gone better if they picked..." scenario. They had also traded down and gotten a pick where they selected Kiko Alonso who ended up being traded for McCoy. Not so much a poor strategy as it was a no win scenario.
  23. This is a great overall situation. In addition to this, Oliver is starting to come around, there is still a strong veteran presence with Lotulelei, Hughes and Addison, and more depth with Zimmer and Basham. This line may suddenly be one of the better and deeper ones in the NFL
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