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Everything posted by dgrochester55

  1. I feel like both candidates have been steadily doing this for the past three months. Parallel to a close football or basketball game, it might come down to the last verbal gaffe.
  2. Truth Social and Parler were right leaning. X actually allows both sides to speak without being banned. We've all just been so conditioned to think that it's normal for social media to censor one side that an equal opportunity platform blows some people's minds. The difference between liberals and far left authoritarians are who they think that freedom of speech applies to. Which one are you?
  3. Democrat strategy over the last few months. 1) Orange man bad. 2) Biden good. No health issues for Biden, Harris bad. 3) Someone shot at Trump? Well, they missed, so no Biggie! 4) Actually its opposite now, Biden Bad, Harris good. 5) Hey wait, X allows both sides to post, that will trigger too many independent thought alarms! Only our side should have freedom of speech. Rich man bad!! 6) Trump shot at again? Yeah but Jan 6th!!! 7) Lets focus on Harris’s platform. What are you running on Kamala? “I don’t know he he he, elect me and I’ll tell you!” 8 ) No wait, Hitler hitler hitler, threat to democracy!! We dont need a platform, they are worse
  4. The media needs to be held accountable if this country is ever going to heal. I am not talking about in a fascist way or one that suppresses freedom of expression. I am thinking more like mandatory disclosure by each network on what party their news leans towards. If they say something that is not true, the punishment should be a required retraction that is visible to everyone and not buried seven pages down and a fine in extreme cases. The deliberate lies need to stop.
  5. Trump didn't backpedal, he clarified what he media since the mainstream media twisted his words like they always do. Nobody using common sense and critical thinking would ever take either of Trump's versions as a death threat. There, now Stop spouting out insults and grow the hell up. This post is the perfect example of the obtuse, tone deaf mentality that is going to cost the democrats the election. Edit: Laughing at my comment like a little boy only further proves the desperation of lefties like you.
  6. I have no obligation to answer that. Your "question" was actually a passive aggressive attempt to back me into confirming your misguided mainstream media propaganda based sentiment disguised as your opinion. From my experience, most questions have question marks at the end. No doubt some on the right will protest and act stupid if Harris won, but I will bet any money that the lefts reaction will be on a larger scale and much more extreme if Trump wins. You know it and I know it.
  7. Your reply was nothing but insults and TDS. Yawn! If I wanted that, I would watch NBCNews. Do you not have any of your own thoughts or opinions to share? Agreed, at least until the left and mainstream media try to redefine that term, regurgitate their version like it is scientifically established gospel and brand anyone who dares question it a conspiracy theorist.
  8. You are a sick and misguided human being if you think that this is better. You are a perfect representation of the far left.
  9. If that comment makes you think of the firing squad, then you are the one with the problem. I see a lot more violent sentiment on the left lately. Deep down inside, you know that they are grasping at straws. Take a moment to be honest with yourself and admit it. This is a desperate reach on the democrats part.
  10. This is not the sentiment when you go outside of the TDS bubble. Most things are going Trumps way. What actually sealed the deal is when Biden calls the voters for the opposing party garbage. The comedian at MSG and the comment on Cheney might turn some people off, but that will be more than offset by Biden's comment. Wisconsin and Michigan were leaning towards Harris until local Arab American leaders started endorse Trump or Stein. That will be the difference in those states where every vote is needed. Toxic conformity and fear from COVID drove people in 2020. Being jaded with the tone deaf and failing nature of the government and medias resposne to inflation and crime over the last four years is what is driving people this time. I am not a MAGA by any means and wish that there was a third choice. I am just observing what I see.
  11. Somehow "Liz Cheney is a war monger, lets see her go out there and do it" becomes a "death threat" according to mainstream media? Democrats and mainstream media are getting desperate as hell, but it is all they have, so they will run it straight into the ground until Tuesday.
  12. This pictures summarizes any Dolphin talking trash about Buffalo before we play them and own them as usual.
  13. Like most Bills fans, I do not like Brady. However, this is a big nothing burger. Movin on and ahead.
  14. The funny thing about this election is that Trump was very beatable but Harris spent the last months following the what not to do playbook. Trump for better or worse was consistent with his message, Harris tried to blend in with what she thought the audience or voters immediately in front of her wanted to hear. Neither did a great job of catering to people outside of their fanbase, but Trump started to do this recently with the Rogan interview and a few other sit down interview in different networks. Trump went on Rogan who would have torn into him mercilessly if he came off poorly and did well enough to win people over. Harris did softball interviews with people favoring her such as the View or Oprah and even tried their patience by doing word salad dances instead of giving straight answers. Trump looks relaxed and like he is having fun out there, Harris comes off as nervous and overwhelmed and speaking in a scared wavering tone in most recent interviews. The people in the middle who may not like either candidate are seeing this. Harris lost a five point lead nationally and a majority of polls in the swing states are in favor of Trump. Only one of them had their boss call the other side garbage, try to guess who. The writing appears to be on the wall.
  15. There were two controversial statements made. One from a comedian at a convention, one by a president in his office. Both statements were wrong, but a shock comedian saying a joke about an island is nowhere near as inappropriate as a sitting President calling the entirety of a voting party trash. Biden cost Harris the election with that comment. The only question is whether or not it was accidental or a passive aggressive way of getting back at Harris for being forced to stop his reelection campaign. Edit: When the resident TDS Bills fans react with childish downvotes but don't comment, I know that I have made a good point that they have no way of refuting.
  16. Mario had a much bigger impact on the team. He was a big part of some pretty decent defenses including the 2014 defense which almost singlehandedly got us into the playoffs with Kyle Orton as quarterback. It wasn't his fault that that Buffalo gave up on Fitz in 2012 with no other viable option on the roster and forced our own hand into drafting a QB in what might be the worst QB draft class of all time. Miller was a signing intended to be that last piece to boost Buffalo from playoff contender to Superbowl contender. The injury has obviously made this signing a let down, but he was starting to look good again before the suspension. I agree with the general consensus that Williams is easily the more impactful signing unless Buffalo wins a Super Bowl while Miller is having a Pro Bowl caliber year
  17. These refs not only are flag happy, but can't even articulate what they call without a conference. What a joke.
  18. Refs are way too flag happy. We want to see the players, not them.
  19. Michelle Obama in a speech today stated the she does not understand why the polls are at a tie. This is exactly why Harris will not win. She is not coming off well and the party platform is no longer resonating with people. To make things worse for them, the party is tone deaf to it. Obama's comment today proves that. Harris had the momentum after their last debate and all she had to do was articulate what she stood for. She failed to do that. Trump on the other hand adjusted his strategy and reached out to people outside of his fan base. The fact that Trump is winning after everything speaks volumes about how bad of a candidate that Harris actually is.
  20. I would be on board with stashing him on the practice squad. In addition to being a mentor, he could take a few weeks to recover and possibly be available and in better form later in the season.
  21. Get out of here, and get a life. You Never Trumpers have used the same divisive crap for eight years. Russia, "MAGA, Orange man bad, 01/06, blah blah blah!" Who cares? It is a tired act. Never Trumpers to me are even more tone deaf and extreme than MAGAs. Stop already, in case you didn't notice, this country is falling apart at the seams. Instead, the left needs to focus on Harris articulating what she plans to do as President to change things or explain why she shifted more moderate for this race when she has been historically far left. Empty platitudes and word salads wont cut it and the changes in the polls over the last few weeks are showing that. Even left friendly platforms like the View and NBCNews are losing patience with her. If you reply, please do so with your own thoughts instead of a mainstream media recap and try not to to resort to cheap childish insults.
  22. This whole "breaking news" on Musk is a sad and desperate grasping at straws from the far left and media who knows that Harris is costing her self more votes by the day. We have all heard "what is wrong with the other side" for eight years and are sick of it. Maybe if Harris would give a straight answer on her policies instead of dancing around in word salads, they wouldn't need so many Octobers surprises that reek of desperation.
  23. Hopkins is on the downside of his career and is more of a veteran starter than a difference making number one at this point. A more even debate would be Amari Cooper vs Davante Adams. I do not ever remember two division rivals making such a prominent trade for the same position within about two hours of each other.
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