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Everything posted by dgrochester55

  1. Trump won't take as much heat from the media and establishment this time around (at least at first). The only reason for this is because in their eyes, Elon will be the media's boogeyman since he broke the big tech monopoly. RFK Jr if he is appointed by Trump to handle healthcare will be second on the MSM boogeyman list because that threatens big pharma who has their tentacles deep into both parties. For example the media will position approval of more non prescription options as "He's gonna steal your vaccines!!!!" Once we get to around 2026 and 2027, the "Orange man bad" narrative will flare up again, but for now, they will focus on what most threatens their chances of making their view the only option again.
  2. 1) Make good on the immigration policies: This is a big part of why he won. Finish the wall and deport the low hanging fruit (those with criminal records and those with no pending application for amnesty or refugee status) as soon as possible. From there, take it case by case, and also make the legal process easier so that there is no reason or incentive for sneaking in illegally if you are not hiding something. 2) Tell us your healthcare plan and make it good: I do not think that government run healthcare is feasible in the US, but I also think that the Republicans need to do better that talking about letting insurance companies overcharge or deny services to pre-existing conditions. Trump never established his plans in healthcare and could never get anything up and running. Healthcare is a train wreck in the US and neither party has talked about it at a meaningful level in years. 3) More accountability for the media: This is a tough one because I do not want this to include suppressing of opinions or free speech. I am thinking more along the lines of consequences for mistakes and deceptions. Both sides had their networks spreading lies and false information about each candidate as if they were fact for the entire election process. I am not sure how to do this but maybe a label using a term such as media entertainment instead of news for NBCNews, Fox, CNN or other networks that lean greatly one way and use emotional driving techniques to hype their fan base. I would also be for mandatory disclosure of which party a news outlet favors, visible and hard to miss headlines when retractions are needed and fines if the deception led to deliberate harm or ill gotten gains for politicians. In my opinion mainstream media is more responsible for this divided country than anyone in either party. Fix that and everyone calms down. Bonus: Start right away with something that most people want on both sides like reducing the cost of pharmaceuticals and banning prescription drugs commercials. This helps to make a good first impression and get the other side to hope for something different this time around.
  3. There is a huge disconnect between the democrats and the pulse of the country. If the democrats want to win in two and four years, they need to move on from the Jan 6th/threat to democracy/"things are just fine with the economy, you need to try harder"/gaslighting media/telling us climate change is bad and to stop eating meat while flying private jets everywhere narrative. Instead, they need to figure out why their biggest losses across the board in every age, race and gender were from the groups of people making 0-50k and 51-99k. The party somewhere along the way stopped being the party of the people and that was their strong suit for most of my life. If this is becoming a third world country as you stated, than it is time for the left to realize that sound plans on healthcare, housing and jobs mean a lot more to the average person than whether or not Taylor Swift endorses your candidate
  4. Not really. States took more precautions and the election was more carefully monitored this time. I'm not one of those who thought that the election was stolen, but I feel that a lot of last second adjustments in an unprecedented scenario four years ago led to more issues that normal, no matter what the force fed narrative from the media tries to say. People had a right to question the results. I just wish that things had calmed down after the conservative leaning supreme court a couple weeks before 01/06 ruled that there was not enough to conclude that it made a difference in who won.
  5. What is there to protest? This was a blowout and Harris lost voters compared to Biden in just about every single county in the country. Harris took an even larger beating in the income ranges of $50-99k and almost as much in 50k and under. The Democrats should protest against their own party for migrating to a more extreme, authoritarian, tone deaf party that only caters to elites.
  6. I agree. If he doesn't produce or if he goes off the rails with laws like the other side tried to tell everyone he would do, he needs to go. Now that he is in, I have other concerns. I was quite literally going for what I thought was the lesser of two evils in this case.
  7. I just want to take one moment to remind everyone that it is unamerican and social taboo to question the election in any way. Since the Dems and media have told us this for four years, I am looking forward to seeing them continue to drive this message across and lead by example over the next few days.
  8. 55% of the country including about 10 percent who voted for Biden in 2020 were sick of people like you. Turns out that people hate tone deaf authoritarians more than they hate loud obnoxious leaders. You can spout out insults and act unhinged all you want, but does not change facts. You need to calm down and stop taking politics so personally. You are by far the most angry and unstable poster on the politics section of this forum. That is only on you and not the rest of us. Many good mental health treatment resources are out there, consider one of them.
  9. 5-10% of the country who voted for Biden in 2020 either decided to vote for Trump or not bother voting at all. The difference in this election was the tone deaf response by the media and democrats to people going through issues with inflation, unemployment, and safety over the past four years. People do not like being dismissed even more than they do not like an obnoxious leader. This is what it came down to. Had the dems run on anything positive or been more proactive in replacing Biden with a better candidate, it would have most likely been a different story.
  10. Happy election day. Regardless of what we believe politically, we all are voting with who we pick because we are doing what we think is right for ourselves and our country. I hope everyone either gets out to vote today or was able to vote early. We are all Americans and Bills fans first.
  11. In an election that is as dead even as you can get, Rogan's endorsement might be the difference.
  12. At this point, looking at polls are pointless. Any media outlet or person can hand pick whatever polls they want to fit whatever narrative that they want to push. The reality is that the race is going to be close and we have no way of knowing for sure until the election is over.
  13. That is awesome to still see Poyer coming through for us.
  14. Stalking poster's history is creepy, you really shouldn't do that. However, It is true I only recently started posting about politics here and yes it has mostly been critical of the left. Despite that, I am in fact in the middle. I have been critical of both sides and probably would have voted either Kennedy (before he dropped out) or written in Chase Oliver, but seeing a candidate get shot at twice and the media dismissing or minimizing it is what made me pick a side. That is when I started making political posts here. At this point I find TDS people more annoying that MAGA's. Both are equally delusional, but the TDS people have the media backing them and are in your face with the same talking points every day. I tend to go after what I find to be the biggest threat. Questioning the corruption of the government and media is within my rights and there is a lot to question. It is sad to see what the left has become. When I was young they were all about freedom of speech and questioning authority. As soon as they got more power ten to fifteen years ago, they went right to being authoritarian and demonizing any questioning of the system. I didn't like it when the Moral majority and PTC acted authoritarian in the 80's and 90's and I don't like it when the far left and media are doing it now. The left leaning posters here match that mentality a lot more than the right leaning ones match the MAGA mentality, hence my post history. At the end of the day we all are making choices because we are doing what we think is right. We are also in agreement that we want to see the fish get squished in a few hours.
  15. Another poll on the same day had Trump up 10 in Iowa. As far as the Des Moines poll, maybe it is a trend, maybe it is just one outlier, there will be other polls after to help us find out either way. Don't tell the mainstream media that though. They have already plastered it on every headline as if it is a national swing. Further proof that mainstream media is campaigning for Harris.
  16. Glad you also thought that was dumb. I don't like extreme behavior from both sides. I am not a MAGA or a fan of them, but I think that the authortarian left and media are the bigger threats. I've heard the Trump quotes a million times. I don't like the guy, but I am voting for who would better lead the country. Harris is all over the place and looks nervous and uncertain every time she speaks. She would be a disaster if she got in. That is fine if you disagree with me, but stop assuming that every person voting for Trump is a MAGA.
  17. I don't care if you are dumber than a stump, don't worry, I still think that you have a right to your opinions. About the rest of your post, was that a clip from yesterday's nbcnews headline article or Thursdays?
  18. Can I get your opinion next time instead of an excerpt from CNN?
  19. No one said that questioning the election was bad? Really, just run a Google search for "questioning the 2020 election" and this is instantly disproven. Do you actually ever watch news or are you always creating your own alternate storyline when you post? Honestly, your posts make it look like you live in a parallel universe because they are so far off and easily disprovable. At least the other regular TDS posters here are on the same planet. Is this really you or are you trolling on purpose? This isn't as much of an ask for me as you might think. First, individual states seem to be adding extra precautions and there has been more time to set up and vet the early voting process. Second, I think that we are screwed either way, I just think that Harris is worse. I've thought of what might happen in the worst case scenario if each person wins and have decided that whatever happens will happen and I will be at peace with it. Regardless of the result, its business as usual for me. I will be going to work the next day and cheering for the bills the next Sunday after.
  20. If Trump wins, I do not want to hear one comment from the media or democrats about questioning the election process. After four years of driving down our throats that questioning the election is taboo and violating sacred ground, it will only make them look silly and narcissistic.
  21. What I have learned from the democrat side of the 2024 election campaign. • Things went great over the last four years under Biden and the economy was better than ever, but if we elect Harris, she is going to fix the mess that Biden created. • You don't need competition in a primary and can hand pick another candidate if your first one is losing, and we should abolish or expand the supreme court, but Trump is a threat to democracy • Assassination attempts aren't a big deal unless they are successful • Social media platforms that censor one side support freedom of speech, but platforms that allow both sides to speak are full of hate • It is okay for the elite to be ultra rich if they donate to the Harris campaign, but if they support Trump or even act neutral, they must be stopped and boycotted at all costs • Blatant lies in the media are perfectly okay as long as there is a retraction in small print on page 10 after the relevance of the topic has passed. • It was funny to call Dick Cheney a war monger for eight years during Bush's presidency, but if Trump says it just once about Liz, it is a death threat • Most importantly, you don't need a platform when you have 90 percent of the media and Hollywood campaign for you at no cost and smear the other side. When they want the opinion of the masses, they will give it to them. Edit: Quick shout to Joe Ferguson Forever and L Ron Burgundy for taking the time to let me know that they enjoyed the joke and found it funny by using the laugh emoji. Thank you.
  22. The is no place for that, but i am sure that you probably thought that hilarious when Kathy Griffin ran around with a severed head of Trump. Both parties have idiots doing extreme behavior. The difference is in how the media covers it. If a far right person does something stupid, it is all over the news for weeks on every station. If someone from the far left does something stupid they are either praised for it or it it is swept under the rug by the media and censored online by all big tech except for X.
  23. Not a death threat. You already know this. Anyone who says that it is is either lying out of desperation or has piss poor reading comprehension. Which is it in your case?
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