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Posts posted by dgrochester55

  1. I figured that Allen would spread the a ball around like he did after Dorsey last year and that the WR's would do just fine, but I expected there to be a little bit of a learning curve to start the season. I guess if you count the first half of week 1, maybe those two quarters were it.


    The offensive line has been the pleasant surprise on the offensive side of the ball. I haven't really seen Allen get pressured and the running game is effective. Probably the best line that I can remember since the first two Super Bowl years in 1990 and 1991.



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  2. 7 minutes ago, CNYfan said:

    Dumb. Could have traded down again and still drafted EJ


    8 minutes ago, Sweats said:



    Picked a QB just to say we picked a QB.


    Buffalo put themselves in that position by never drafting at QB until they absolutely had to. Granted, 2010 to 2015 was a rough stretch for QB draft classes, with 2012 being the only decent year, but by 2012, it was clear that Fitz was average at best. We could have drafted Russell Wilson or Kirk Cousins in the mid-rounds, but instead, we traded up for T.J. Graham, who was nowhere close to being an NFL-caliber WR.

    By the time 2013 came around, there was no QB on the roster after we moved on from Fitz, and we pretty much had to draft a QB. It did not help that the 2013 QB class may be one of the worst ever. Your best options that year were Geno Smith, who was seen as a bust until he resurrected his career two years ago, and Matt Barkley, who we all love but was never more than a backup.

    Buffalo definitely could have got a QB later, but their strategy was sound. They traded down once, and the rest of that draft was one of their better ones in the drought era. That year, Robert Woods, Kiko Alonso(Got us LeSean McCoy), Marquise Goodwin, and Dustin Hopkins were also picked. I never blamed EJ Manuel, it was just the the perfect storm of bad timing and terrible decision making in previous years.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    argue with the facts presented, not the reputation of the publication (leans left, so what?).  Even your crazy, far right, mo f'er bloggers are correct on occasion.


    Here, try this one.  Unlike your sources, these folks actually have enough resources to make suing them for false info worthwhile (see Alex Jones)...



    also this from wiki:  AllSides was launched to the public in September 2012.[2][3] After working as a Republican political operative in the 1980s[4][5] in the southern United States(including for George H. W. Bush, Mitch McConnell and the Republican National Committee),[6] John Gable worked at internet firms in Silicon Valleywhere he recruited software developer Scott McDonald to help him launch AllSides and become his CTO.[4][7] Gable continues to identify as a Republican.[7]


    I'm not far right. I am in the center. I try to only get my news from stations that are the same.  Allsides is a good resource to differentiate between networks that are truly in the Center such as News Nation or the Hill and left leaning networks who lie about being Neutral like CNN. I used it to expose your source as left leaning. Not sure why you were referencing that, but anyway.....


    I am sorry that it blows your mind that not only MAGA's see through the BS of the mainstream media and the far left M-A-R-X-I-S-T-S! Yes, that's right. I am referring to the extreme politicians on the left as Marxist. Who cares if no politician explicitly calls themselves Marxists(of course they won't if they value their jobs.) some of the beliefs of the extreme ones line up with it. That's where you were trying to passively aggressively redirect to, yesterday wasn't it?. Oooooh you sure would have gotten me there.


    Hope you enjoyed your golfing today.



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  4. 11 hours ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    And what was the Rs motivation to start it?  It couldn’t have been the D’s reichstag fire if they didn’t. Did the D’s actually do Jan 6 undercover in your opinion, in some elaborate ruse?  The question is salient to the discussion. Did the rioters and their leaders desire the D’s to have reichstag fires purposely?  Your assertions make no sense without an explanation of this. 

    Again, what i said was clear.  I meant that 01/06 to the Dems is what the Reichstag fires were to the Nazi's. You have a right to disagree with me, but you are not going to trip me up, change my mind or make me rethink my statement. I meant what I said.


    You are trying to come off as some type of expert, but I see right through it. Book smarts means nothing if you are not able to carry on a basic conversation without overthinking and getting bogged down in semantics to the point where it is impossible for you to stay focused on the subject.


    Yesterday was fun, but I think I will move on, have a good day.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    You called an entire group marxists and don’t feel obligated to reply as to why. You called Jan 6 a Reichstag fire for the D’s yet won’t opine on the MAGAs motivation . Libertarian my ass. Very weird choice of words. 

    If you thought that I was calling the entire left Marxist, that is a you issue with reading comprehension. I can't help you with that. I explained Jan 6th and the Reichstag fires twice and I do not acknowledge your redirect because it was not relevant to the conversation. What part  of "Jan 6th is to the Democrats what the Reichstag fires are to the Nazi's" was not clear? If you need more context, Google is your friend. My point was clear.





  6. 1 hour ago, Scraps said:

    Fox News did not "put in a seed of a fraudulent election".  Trump did.  Fox simply didn't act as a fact checker because they were afraid of losing market share.


    When Trump calls his opponents communists, marxists, facists who want to destroy the country, how is that different than what you are complaining CNN or NBC does? 

    It isn't, both sides do it. I am not a MAGA, I just hate the far left and the media a little more.


    Jan 6th was bad, but it is no worse that Chaz, the BLM Riots, the two assassination attempts, and the attacks on Pro Life health center by Jane's revenge terrorists after Roe V Wade was overturned. It was a protest  gone wrong with some extremists taking advantage of that. At no point what there an actual threat for an insurrection.


    What Trump said before the riots on Jan 6th is not different than what comments that Schumer and Biden said before Trump's first assassination attempt.  The only difference is in how the media spins it.



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  7. 46 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    Nope. My opinions are formed from many sources including documents like the Jan 6 timeline which in turn was based on evidence used in an indictment. Nevertheless, your choice of sources doesn’t absolve you from naming Marxist D’s and their Marxist policies. Nor does it hinder you from giving your opinion on the goals of Jan 6 in regards to Rs. You’re just “ not interested “🤫


    Absolve me from naming marxist D's? Get bent.  I am under no obligation to do that. You took a word that was not the main idea of my point and tried to go down a rabbit hole so that you could site google links that fit your narrative and than try to accuse me of not being credible.


    I do not do redirect questions.  Stick to the topic next time. You hand picked Marxist because you wanted to get bogged down in semantics and completed ignored the rest of the conversation. That is childish behavior. I decided to stop engaging after that. Enjoy your evening.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    Name some Marxist D's with their most Marxist positions.  What was Jan 6 to the R's?  What was the purpose?



    I am not interested in a Google battle. We could ask passive aggressive questions all night to each other and hand pick our favorite articles with our personal spin so that the other side can react with a passive aggressive eyeroll until 3 am and neither of our minds would change.


    Long story short, I base my opinion on what I observe and what I hear from opinions from all sides. You get your opinion from mainstream media.

    4 minutes ago, Scraps said:

    Fox News did not "put in a seed of a fraudulent election".  Trump did.  Fox simply didn't act as a fact checker because they were afraid of losing market share.

    Orange man bad cause the news says!

    • Disagree 1
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  9. 22 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:



    while your at it explain your bizarre and and suspicious reference to Reichstag fire.  Do you mean that MAGA's planned Jan 6 to cause changes in laws that would make them more powerful?



    CNN, NBC news, Fox and other similar stations focus on appeals to emotion, gossip and telling us what we should be outraged about. When you tell people everyday that the opposing candidate is a threat to democracy like CNN or NBCNews does, or put in a seed of a fraudulent election like Fox did in 2020, eventually some nutcase will go vigilante like we have seen in both Jan 6th or the assassination attempts.


    Yes, my statement is nothing to be confused about. Jan 6th is to the Democrats what the Reichstag fires are to the Nazi's. They are using it as a blanket excuse to justify suppressing opposing views. It is as simple as that to me. Whether or not you agree does not change my opinion and hand picked propaganda with a leftist spin won't either.


    You probably assume that i am a MAGA but that is not the case. I traditionally vote libertarian and independent in elections. I personally see the both the Marxist far left and the Christian Nationalist far right as equally crazy and dangerous. The only difference is that just one of them is being pushed as the norm by the media. To me the media as it is in the US is a much bigger threat to this country than either party.

    4 minutes ago, Scraps said:

    And what you spit out isn't "lazy spin"?


    Why would I be so original anyway?  I don't know either of these men.  My information comes from what I read.


    My real opinion are that both these people were/are mentally ill.  Isn't that the same thing the uber pro 2nd amendment crowd says after every mass shooting?  Why should it be different this time?


    "My information comes from what I read."


    In all fairness, most people would say that and this is exactly why the media presenting one political party's ideology as neutral reporting is so dangerous to the US.



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  10. 34 minutes ago, Scraps said:

    You don't know what party I belong to, or if I am in any party. 


    The first would be assassin was a registered Republican.  The second had actually voted for Trump in 2016.


    Jan 6 wouldn't have happened if Trump had accepted the results of the election.  Deflect, minimize and gaslight all you want, that is the truth. Period.


    Come on now. We both know that this is a lazy spin that leaves out a lot of other facts about the assassins. Not one word in that reply is an original thought.


    If I wanted CNN's recap of the topic, I would have gone on their site.


    What is your real opinion on the topic?

    • Disagree 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    What about?  What about...? Jan 6 stands on its own.  You don't really believe it was a photo op but you say it because you can't publicly admit that subverting the democratic process is just fine with you and that your only upset it didn't work


    7 minutes ago, Scraps said:

    Assassination attempts don't demonstrate Trump's fidelity to Democracy.


    Are you saying the MSM is responsible for the breach at the Capitol on Jan 6 2021??


    Reichstag fires.  It is all you have. Your party tried to kill the opposition twice. That is worse. Deflect, minimize and gaslight all you want, that is the truth. Period.


    I blame the MSM on both sides of the spectrum for both Jan 6th and the assassination attempts. We need to go back to news instead of media entertainment.





  12. 10 minutes ago, Tiberius said:


    STFU you moron 

    Classy. I will take that as you conceding the argument due to having no thoughts of your own to add. Sounds like I took away your entire playbook when I asked you to not include mainstream media propaganda in your reply. Fair enough, but because you acted like a child, I reported your post.


    You are the perfect representation of your party.


    Have a nice day.

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  13. 3 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    I'm sure you think its great. You Nazis want a society like that 


    Whenever someone on the left calls someone on the right a Nazi, it is nothing more than mere projection.


    Hillary essentially wants no hate speech or misinformation unless it is state-sponsored. This sounds quite like a particular country in Central Europe 80-100 years ago, doesn't it?


    Please stop projecting the intents and goals of your party on the other one, and please spare me the tired, unimaginative propaganda and tropes that the mainstream media has jammed down our throats for eight years if you reply.

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  14. 57 minutes ago, Scraps said:

    You say you despise Trump.  What do you despise about him?


    I've never liked his personality, and not "cause the news says."  This goes back to pre-politics when he was hosting reality shows and putting in a troll effort to buy the Bills. His personality is off-putting and he digs his own grave when speaking. For example, there are plenty of jarring stats as a result of illegal immigration that Trump could have focused on last week, but instead he went with a crazy, dog eating one that at most happened once.


    He has had plenty of time to reach out to the center and independent base that is fed up with Biden and the far left, but instead, he caters only to his base in his speeches.  Some of his Christian-Nationalist followers on the right are the perfect mix of ignorance and arrogance spreading a false version of Christianity. He should be winning this race in a landslide, but he keeps shooting himself in the foot. Long story short, he his handling this race like McDermott handles two minute drills in playoff games.


    With that being said, the country was running much better with him in office (minus COVID which I do not blame him for) and I will be voting for him because I think that Harris is so much worse. I don't have to like the guy, but this time around, I do think that I have to vote for him.



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  15. On 9/13/2024 at 2:57 PM, L Ron Burgundy said:

    Isn't very smart?  He's legitimately stupid.  Can you think of one time he's said something intelligent?


    All I can think of is a couple random one liners during debates.  More timing than saying something smart.


    The cats and dogs part 100% illustrates he uses TV and internet like our resident internet brain folks.  The moron Boomers that believe anything that supports their bias.


    We could be making fake stories right now he'd report as news tomorrow. 


    All that you do with posts like this is prove how narrow and hateful the far left is. You had nothing but insults to offer.


    We have all heard the same garbage for eight years. If it is not from an internet troll you it is from the media. You are nothing more than the product of the media. You are a human shaped device that broadcasts CNN 24/7.


    I despise both Trump and Harris, but I care less whether or not something thinks that dogs are being eaten and more about the fact a person who had a ten percent approval rating earlier in the year is being position by the media as the next great thing when in reality she has done nothing more than spout out empty cliches and give lip service vowing to fix what her administration did.  this country is in two wars, and an economy on the verge of recession that can no longer be covered up as "better than ever" by the media. We are as divided as we ever were. Is that okay to you?


    If anyone other than Trump was on the Republican ticket, it was be a landslide at least at the level of Reagan or Mondale.The fact that Trump is in it tells us all how God Awful Harris is. The only reason why she is up is that the media is campaigning for her 24/7 and hiding her flaws.

    • Eyeroll 1
  16. 3 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    Good comment. 


    Quick question.  Does the fact Brazil turned into a fascist regime impacting her being able to travel there for vacation 


    I would have to ask her that.


    I can say that she comes from one of the more rural states and that most of her family has told her that things are getting bad. The general sentiment in that area is that the last person was better.

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  17. On 9/13/2024 at 8:13 PM, L Ron Burgundy said:

    Every 4 years.


    My personal views on immigration line up more with Republicans honestly but is it some huge problem?  No.  


    I count immigration as a negative on dems.  I would absolutely limit immigration from certain countries but the entire system needs an overhaul. 


    A non American relative of mine is in the US right now, she asked a lawyer what yo do to get a green card.  First step?  Break the rules (possibly the law not sure).  The system is broken.  


    My sister in law came from Brazil 25 years ago and did everything the right way.  For the longest time, she had to go through two or three times a year of filing for an extension or driving to New York City to the Brazilian Embassy to take care of what Brazil required. Even this summer when she traveled back home, it took a few calls to make sure that there would be no issues.


    Why is it harder for someone who had been here for 25 years and a US citizen for almost 20 to travel back to their home for a vacation that it is for someone from a high risk country with a criminal record to come into the country without documenting themselves and get social services with a year? That is the type of question that anyone should ponder whether or not they are voting for Trump or Harris.


    I think that a good compromise would be to make the immigration process easier for those who do it the right way in exchange for a zero tolerance policy for those to come in illegally and a more secure border.

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  18. 8 minutes ago, LABILLBACKER said:

    If I'm Beane, I'm calling Matt Coghlin and/or Andre Szmyt from the UFL.  Both were around 93% and can kick beyond 50+.


    This makes a lot more sense to me than a known failed Kicker like Cade York with a 70% FG rate. I do not think that the difference in competition level between the UFL and NFL would be a vast for a kicker as other positions.

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  19. When you look at the Democrats or Liberals endorsing Trump or the Republicans and Conservatives endorsing Harris, it is clear that this election is more about establishment vs. populist than Democrat vs. Republican or Conservative vs. Liberal.


    Each side has their celebrity figure.


    If you are pro establishment, Taylor Swift can do no wrong and Elon Musk is the boogeyman.


    If you are populist, you look up to Elon Musk while Taylor Swift is the Boogeyman (or woman in this case).


    To me, it is actually relatively humorous when compared to other issues dividing the country.

    • Like (+1) 1
  20. Older:


    Maurice Jones-Drew: I loved watching his running style and had him as a keeper in my dynasty fantasy league for a few years.


    Dwight Freeney and Donovan McNabb: I was a fan of them when they were in Syracuse and followed them both in their NFL careers




    Gardner Minshew: His grittiness and uniqueness reminds me of Fitz.


    Jared Goff: I was indifferent to him until last year, but I gained respect for him when he beat his old team in the playoffs after being cast off as an afterthought in the Stafford trade.


    I would have also said Mike White because I respected that he kept battling against us despite the Jets lack of protection getting him killed, but he is now one of us.



  21. Lamar is #3 to me. His success isn't at the level of the Mahomes or Allen, but has been more consistent than anyone else over the past five years.


    Burrow has a stretch of short term success second only to Mahomes, but has been hurt a lot and whether or not he can get back there is question


    Stroud and Purdy may be in the conversation someday, but are not there today.


    Hurts is pretty good, but I do not see him as the type of QB that could carry an offense at the same level without an elite cast around him.



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