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Everything posted by KingBoots8

  1. I don’t know too many punters who have thrown touchdowns and blasted by defenders for first downs (except that one time in the pro bowl). He was a valuable part of our team for a long time. I always liked the guy, and he was damn good at what he did.
  2. With everythinng they gave, I say Kyle, Freddy, and Moorman should be up there. They were mainstays during the drought years. At least we got one to the playoffs
  3. Can we get a reboot of “Hanging with Hamden” too?
  4. Lol Josh must’ve hit on his girl at a bar once or something- dude is a good player but he has way too big a grudge against a rookie. Maybe St Doug is chirping in his ear because he hasn’t burned that bridge long enough. Either way it seems a bit petty. Here’s hoping Allen torches this guy and cooks his crow well done.
  5. What do you think will expire first- the timer on the lock or the beer?
  6. I can’t believe how many people are acting like the sky is falling or preaching doomsday after the kids plays 2 quarters of preseason football with the 3rd string. McDermott and Beane proved last year that they’re not inept at their jobs. Let them develop Allen and sit tight for a while- we’ve been waiting since Bledsoe (or Flutie, or Kelly, whomever you’d like to argue for) for a QB with this set of skills and potential. Jimmy did 3 years in USFL before coming to Buffalo and doing his thing. Let Allen have a season to acclimate to the game. Theres no need to drag him through the mud. Some people act like this kid spent the night with their sister and didn’t call her afterwords... and let it be known I wasn’t pumped at first about him being our guy... but he’s here and he’s gonna do his best. I think we will be pleased with the pick.
  7. Maybe there’s a better angle on the cameras, but from my vantage point it looked alright. If I’m wrong I’ll certainly own it. That being said, I feel TT got thrown under the bus a few times. I actually liked him in spite of some of his shortcomings and I’m not a Peterman apologist. I have no problem calling him out for a lame duck pass- it’s just that from my angle it didn’t look so bad. If it was behind him I hope he learns from this and has a good remaining preseason to prove himself.
  8. Honestly I wish TT the best- he’s not a bad guy and was always a class act while here. He deserves success- as long as it isn’t against us that is. I hope he does well and can improve his game. there is no reason anyone here should wish him unwell or hope he is unsuccessful. Good dude, good teammate, and ultimately we just needed a change. Better for both parties.
  9. Ford definitely hurt his chances last night with the penalties too. The one series just didn’t go his way at all. Was hoping Cadet got in after that but didn’t. I guess next Week we will see
  10. Writing “5 Takeaways” and showing Peterman could give some people around here a hernia if they didn’t know the context of the post lol.
  11. Murphy for sure. Ford... well... I think we need another game or two before I throw him under the bus, but he needs to cut the penalties down ASAP or he won’t make the 53.
  12. How much do you sell these hot takes for? I mean the whole point of preseason is to run plays as practice for these guys and to evaluate your talent. If you’re not doing one, you’re doing the other. They already practiced a 4th down at that point- so watch the special teams go out there and do their thing. The punter actually did a good job from what I saw. You need to sit sit back and trust the process, man. There’s no reason to think the sky is falling. This regime has made plenty of positive moves thus far to have faith in their plans. Plus- it’s the first preseason game after a season in which we made the playoffs. In the words of Aaron Rodgers: R-E-L-A-X.
  13. I also meant to highlight the blown 4th down near the goal line for the 3rd string: From what I recall the second the ball was snapped Allen was under pressure (I think the left tackle missed an assignment or just didn’t anticipate the blitz). He tried to stay on his feet and make something happen, but he had someone at his heels the entire play. He tried for the heroics but ultimately should have thrown the ball away. I’ll chalk it up mostly to his rookie status and the line not expecting the blitz. He will learn as he continues to grow, and it could have ended a lot worse than that.
  14. He also had a personal foul on a third down, as well as a holding call on another earlier third down. The guy is a mountain of muscle but he definitely had a bad night.
  15. Murphy played great, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Ivory has plenty to offer, and last night was a showcase of QB play for most of the first half. Let’s get through preseason before we get too excited for him. I meant to notate that- Davis has looked great in camp and had one great play early on, but had a few whiffs last night that were just ugly. I think he will be fine but it was definitely an off night.
  16. I agree a bit on the O-line. If you want to play him behind the 3rd stringers- ok, fine. But get him a possession or two with at least the 2nd string o-line (if not the whole 2nd string offense)
  17. I just got back to the 607 area - finally got to take my dad out to his first professional football game (even if it was preseason). We had a good time, and we were on the 50 yard line (13 rows back behind the benches). I tried to make some observations on the team and the game as a whole. 1. Peterman and McCaron seemed to be in good communication on the sidelines before and during the first half. Josh was involved sometimes but looked to be spending lots of the first half with his receivers and o-line on the third string. Could see all 3 working together during the 2nd half (mostly McCaron talking with Allen from what I saw) 2. Peterman looked pretty confident both on the field and sideline. Came out and played well. I think training camp has really helped him compared to last year. The pick wasn’t on him- the ball may not have been a perfect throw but it was certainly catchable. 3: McCoy was hard to find a bit tonight. Obviously he didn’t take any snaps but I think he stayed tucked away most of the game. 4. Murphy earned his spot I believe. He played all over the place and seemed to be involved quite a bit. Excellent running and a few good catches too. I think he’s our RB3 for sure at this point- especially if he has one or two more preseason games like this. 5. Edmunds and KB are giants. They’re about the same height and frame (although Edmunds seems to have a little bit more mass on him). Edmunds played well for a rookie I thought. A few missteps but not a bad debut for him. 6. Harrison Phillips is going to be a star- he’s absolutely the Next Kyle Williams for this team and I hope he soaks in as much advise as Kyle throws at him. Seemed to be pretty close before the game going over a few things. Great showing for him. 7. McCaron can absolutely manage the offense. I definitely want to see him with the 1s but she showed some resilience bouncing back from the early sack. I don’t think he and Peterman have all that much space between them, and the coaches have put them both in a position to control their own destiny at this point. That being said, I hope after the next game they have the starter pinned down so they can get the most reps with the 1s. 8. The crowd was PUMPED for Allen to take the field, and the first play/pass going as deep as he did got people on their feet. He has an absolute canon for an arm, and his release is really quick. The TD pass was like lightning- I couldn’t even tell he made that catch right away. His physical gifts are great, and we have a lot to be excited for when his time comes. He also seemed to stay poised and sensed pressure fairly well in the pocket. It wasn’t always pretty, but not bad for the first game. 9. That being said, Allen made some rookie mistakes. People may look back at the 4th down and wonder what he was thinking. I’m not too worried- let him attempt these kinds of plays now when we don’t have anything on the line. Same with the 2-pt conversion. Was bummed we didn’t get either play, but glad to see the coaches let him roll with it. 10. I also think Allen needs time with the 2s. He seemed to need to make a lot of his own magic happen, and only had a little help from McCloud (who played admirably well on 3rd string- I think he may have a spot if he plays at least 1 more good game). I’m not sure if his first pass would have been different with the 2s, but the bomb to Foster which would have been a TD likely would have. I just want to see more people around him who can hold onto his passes. 11.Foster had a rough game. Seemed like he had some miscommunications and definitely gave up on a play or two. I hope he has a better game next week, but tonight was not a good night. 12. I can’t remember his name, but #51 also he a rough night it seemed. I believe he blew his coverage on one touchdown, and had one or two bad decisions. The helmet penalty I believe was in him, and he committed a holding penalty on 3rd and long early in the 2nd half that would have killed a TD drive for Carolina. Definitely a rough night for him too. He also easily has some of the biggest arms I have seen on anyone. From the 13th row it was obvious he was a freaking monster. Definitely looked the part at least- maybe he turns it around next week. 13. Seemed like a good preseason crowd. Bit more calm than I’m used to, but good size considering. Lots of people there to see Allen for sure. Didnt see any blantant stupidity either, so a big plus on that lol. All in all, a great time. Sucks we didn’t win but there’s lots to take away and to look forward to. Hope my writing wasn’t too boring to scroll through.
  18. Rough pick but Peterman looks more composed. yadda yadda yadda preseason and everything but I’ve liked the offense during that quarter. Not bad. Let’s keep the momentum going.
  19. Gonna echo just about everyone else- it’s a shot in the arm of arguably our weakest position. Guy has upside and we didn’t have to trade much to get him. He’s low cost and if he looks good we can add that 5th year on. This is a win for the Bills, and yet another great move by Beane.
  20. I feel McGahee was a bigger traitor than Lynch. Sat out year one, played 3 for us and wasn’t bad, but sure thought he was #1 in the league (even though he was never a top 5 back here). He talked about moving the team to Toronto and talked a bunch of crap about Buffalo in general. Screw that dude- Lynch hurt for sure but when he left I felt I could cheer him on. When McGahee left I was hoping he would get stuffed every play. I say swap those two.
  21. I’m lucky to say even on the ones I “missed” on, I’ve had fairly good luck with my jersey choices. I got a Mario Williams jersey his first year here, and Dareus his second year in. While they didn’t last too long in the grand scheme of things, they were great jerseys to have (especially considering that amazing 2014 season they had). i have the following jerseys aside from those 2: 12 Jim Kelly SB25 12 Jim Kelly AFL 35th anniversary 8 Brian Moorman 8 50th Anniversary AFL jersey (custom nameplate) 95 Kyle Williams (New design, but the one year Reebok made them) I feel like these days you can only reliably get a jersey from the glory days (SB era, 64-65 era, OJ if you want to get strange looks once in a while) or for well respected players during the drought (Moorman, Kyle Williams, Fred Jackson, Aaron Schobell). Anything else is a crap shoot at this point- maybe Allen if you’re feeling brave, or McCoy (although I would wait until the season starts lol)
  22. Wouldn’t the easiest way to avoid any issue at all be to simply play the anthem before the players enter the field? I mean, sure, it’s “less patriotic” but at the same time it eliminates the controversy entirely. Uncle Sam won’t send checks to the NFL anymore (or they won’t be as lucrative) but now it’s done.
  23. Glad I waited until the kids were in bed and my wife was in another room before I started watching this. Off to cut some onions and cover my tracks. Proud of you Jim. Keep fighting.
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