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Everything posted by KingBoots8

  1. We will name the new stadium in his honor, make TO give him his key to the city, and Rex Ryan will change his tattoo in memory of what was and might have been
  2. McKissic Era: 3/15/2022 - 3/16/2022 Some people just don’t want to win 🤷‍♂️
  3. You mean the guy who re-signed with AZ yesterday?
  4. Good for Mitch. Let’s hope dude got paid
  5. Wow, that’s a shock. Hope he comes back on a more friendly contract, or he goes to the NFC. Definitely didn’t think we would shake the OL up after the end of last year
  6. His agent is a freaking mastermind. I hope McCartney doesn’t rep anyone on the Bills lol
  7. Good. Let’s see him go to one more bowl and get that monkey off our back. Sorry Tom, it’s our time now.
  8. Let’s see if we can get this to 50 pages 😏 j/k- he was too expensive and Knox has emerged. We still need to address the position but not anywhere near his asking price
  9. They still have a presence out here too - I mean, they’ve since certainly moved on but they drop in once in a while. Jon and I share the same barber and they go to school about 10 mins from where I did. Everyone who knows them seems to have nice things to say about Arthur and Chandler. Jon, well, that’s a mixed bag.
  10. Ew- despite the up and down play of Edmunds he’s absolutely more valuable than Claypool and it’s not even close
  11. Thank you Mongo for being part of something special. Best of luck
  12. Alright, let’s see: We go after either Chandler Jones or Bobby Wagner- 2 year deal. Not sure we can get both based on cost and other needs, but one of them comes here. If we get Wagner, we need to get some value for Edmonds- likely a 2nd or 3rd with his contract being on its last year. I’m going to assume a 3rd for the purpose of this draft below. We target a low-to-mid tier WR in FA (ex. Kirk) for a 3 year deal if he can be afforded. Slot receiver to replace Beas. We also target a lower end Qb possibly if the price is right (Mariota, McCoy, Fitz, etc) We try to re-sign Harry or Wallace. Still not sure if we can afford both, but one of them has to come back to fill a position of immediate need. Extend Diggs and back-load the contract / bonus most of this year to free up cap. Extend Morse to a 3 year deal and lower his current cap hit. We already got $5m back from letting Klein go. I think all other FA’s walk. We cut or possibly trade Beasley, likely to the giants if anywhere. We shop Daryl Williams to a needy team so we can get him off our books at that price for a RT currently playing RG. For the sake of this argument let’s say these picks are for next year I guess. Draft goes something like this depending on the above (assuming no trades, but I’d be happy to send a 6 & 7 to get back into the early 6th for the right player: 1. OL or DL : look for either a G or C to replace Williams or Morse eventually, or a replacement for Star after next year. 2. CB : Absolutely need someone to come in after Levi leaves or to help the absence of Tre should we be fortunate to get Levi back. 3. OL or DL : whichever we didn’t address in round 1. *****3 if we trade Edmunds : WR to groom behind Diggs/Davis/Kirk 4. WR or TE : Deep WR draft will have talent. Maybe find a TE if there is value here and if my extra 3rd for Edmunds is correct. 5. P or S : Build for the future here and either get Araiza if he’s somehow still here or get a future replacement for either Poyer or Hyde when that day eventually comes. 6. P or WR/OL: if Araiza was gone in 5th, you get one of the others possibly worth drafting here. If P is set go look for a flyer on either WR or OL. 6. LB or QB: Flyer on a LB to fill in behind Dodson backing up MLB. QB to replace Fromm. 7. CB: idk, draft someone with a funny name maybe? if we do this, I think next year we absolutely target a MLB in round 1 to groom under Wagner.
  13. “We won’t wait, we won’t wait for you”
  14. I’m just looking at his on the field stuff here, but man was Cole a damn sure thing on 3rd down so many times. I’m not sure what led to this but I hope he gets what he needs and we get someone with hands like his. I respect what he brought on the field and what he did to help Josh become who he is. Best of luck Beas. Thank you for being part of something special
  15. I probably should have clarified- I was thinking in that scenario if we traded back up and it cost us some of the lower round picks. I wouldn’t mind if we did that if we think he’s the guy. I’d rather pass on fliers in the 6th like Wildgoose and Hamlin and use those picks (plus maybe a swap of 5ths) to move back up late in the 4th and get a day 1 starter
  16. My proposal, IF it needed to change, goes like this: OT would result in each team getting at least one possession to score points. The team that gets the ball first may punt, score a field goal, or a touchdown. The second team must beat the previous teams points: 1. if the first team punted, the second team can kick a field goal to win. 2. If the first team kicked a field goal, the second team must score a touchdown to win. 3. If the first team scored a touchdown, the second team must also score a touchdown AND a 2 point conversion to win. The only way to end the game without each team getting a possession is if the first team gives up a safety on their possession, or if they go downfield, score a touchdown AND a 2 point conversion themselves. If they convert the 2 points they win, if they fail they only score 6 and the second team can then simply score a touchdown and XP to win. High risk/reward. if each team has a possession in which they both punt, the next team to score any points is the winner. I’m not sure how good this works but in my head it seems to be fair
  17. Normally I would agree, but for an immediate impact player I would absolutely do it. Day 1 starter. I’d rather have him than a potential PS player waiting to make a start 3/4 of the way into the season
  18. So, we obviously have a few needs to address like lost teams in the draft. With where we are picking, it’ll likely be the 3rd or 4th best player in their respective position in Round 1. We have a few players on Defense who were early picks and have been rotational in our system, which I am fine with as they get acclimated to the NFL. That being said, Punter is a definite need for this team. Haack certainly had some ugly punts this year, and while I don’t think we will or should address punter in round 1, it does beg the question on where we could potentially select him. This isn’t just some kid with a decent leg- he’s the holder of multiple NCAA record and has an average of over 50 yards per punt. He’s a legitimate generational talent at his position, and could significantly help the special teams in pinning back our opponents. If we were to go for him, what round do you feel comfortable taking him, and so you think he will last that long? I’d be totally fine in round 4 if he lasts that long, or moving a few late rounders to get back into the end of round 3
  19. “Not everybody gets to the Super Bowl and wins.” don’t worry boss- it’s gonna happen for you real soon.
  20. If he’s willing to come for cents on the dollar maybe, but the cost to availability ratio is just not in line. He’s going to put up numbers, sure…. But he’s also going to be out a few weeks minimum for injuries. No thanks. The best ability is availability. Put that money someplace else.
  21. Look, Nessie has an eye for talent and it costs about $3.50 so we should maybe hear her out
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