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Everything posted by KingBoots8

  1. My concern if Miami is involved is if Waddle get shipped over to KC. He’s only about a half-step slower than Hill, and he was damn good even with a bad QB
  2. $230m for a guy who hasn’t seen the field in over a year, has 22 civil lawsuits pending, and had impressive garbage time stats he put up while only winning 4 games in 2020. sounds “brownsey” to me
  3. Dang. A bunch of squeezers and 22 civil suits but he gets $230m guaranteed. Big Ben is considering Un-retiring
  4. Honestly, why not? If they’ve got gas in the tank let’s ride it out. Let them compete and they can add some quality depth
  5. I feel so sorry for Browns fans. They deserve better than this honestly. This is a collapse on the level of the 2017 Jags- to have come so close and fallen so fast
  6. All these teams are really tugging on him. It’s gonna be an exciting climax to this story once he finally releases who he will be coming with.
  7. Haha I am actually with you. I love Fitz (how can you not) and wouldn’t mind him back here for a farewell tour
  8. Honestly, thank you Cole. You came up big more times than I can remember on 3rd down. Heck of a player, but this is the sad side of the business. Good luck.
  9. The places we need the most help at seem to be pretty deep from what I can tell. There isn’t a “must have” player at a position of weakness we need to move around for. When Free Agency has come to an end we can take a look at our needs and get an idea of where we may go. CB is the most glaring need with Levi leaving and Tre still recovering. We need depth at O-line for sure, and may want to look at TE after OJ leaves next year. I can absolutely see us going WR with Cole leaving town too. Those positions luckily are stacked for the most part. We just need to sit tight and let the board fall as it may. BPA
  10. I’m already hookin’ on the streets to raise money for him- get out here ASAP
  11. Fun little side note: my fantasy football name is the BardBarians, a play on my old D&D bard who was infamous for writing songs and poems about things and people he hated. Every week before the Thursday night games I send a poem to my opponent talking crap about their team and detailing how much better my team is. last year the BardBarians won 2 out of 3 leagues (and made the semi-finals in the last one). I like to tell myself that my ballads got into their heads 🤣 (the actual reason I won is I had Josh Allen in all 3 leagues)
  12. I live in broome county, and the term I usually use is “throw it in the dirty Susquehanna” so that’s probably why it sounded that way haha.
  13. Happy Von Diggs Day to all, and to all a Heyyyeyyyeyyyyeyyy!
  14. Start by taking his phone and throwing it into the Erie
  15. So, the thing about Von Miller is that he’s won a championship for every team he has played for professionally. i mean, historically speaking that could be a sign for us… right??
  16. Crap, I used “late” and “great” twice. May need to fix real quick lol
  17. Beane was a kind a generous man Building his team the best that he can He found some good players to join in the fun To help us compete for a super bowl run He was tired from days of working real late And he knew March 16th was gonna be great So he rested his head and took a short snooze But when he woke up he heard the bad news A player he liked backed out of a deal And he didn’t like how that made him feel He sat there stunned, his heart was torn And that was the moment Mean Beane was born. He didn’t stamp loudly or throw a big fit He didn’t scream curses like “dammit” or “sh*t” He put on his shades and he made a few calls He reminded the world that Mean Bean has balls He found the best player had no contract yet His chips were on the table, an all-in bet He waited and waited until the moment was right Everyone thought he was done for the night Mean Beane stunned everyone by sneaking around He shocked the whole word with some money he found Von Miller was coming to the 716 A deal that you’d never see with “old Buddy Nix” That was the day the whole league had learned Mean Beane was not one that should ever be spurned Mean Beane was here and he’s not going away Wait til you see what he pulls on draft day And this was the moment the Bills waited for An end of the search for an End who did more Mean Beane then started preparing the party Because the Bills are about to bring home the Lombardi
  18. “Yeah Doctor, it won’t go down… …uh, it started with the Von Miller signing… …I mean, I’m not complaining I just wanted you to know… …yep …uh huh… …ok. Thanks doc. GO BILLS!!!”
  19. Getting the band back together again? (the garage band)
  20. Julio took the news hard. Will be out 6-8 weeks.
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