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Everything posted by BillsFan692

  1. I mean, to me Peterman looked like 10x better than Tyrod has these past couple of games. I'm sure the kid will make mistakes and throw some picks but, I'd rather see the offense move the ball occasionally than just 3 and out all game=p
  2. I mean, overall I agree with what Shady had to say about why Kaepernick doesn't have a team anymore. I must say though I was shocked by how brutal and blunt he was being. It seems Kaep has quite the race charged following right now and they've got their focus on McCoy. Wouldn't be surprised to see some more drama come from this.
  3. Sounds more entertaining than this season is shaping up to be.
  4. Don't you think Tyrod makes his own problems though? He never beats the blitz with a well timed accurate pass that makes the Defense have to respect him. I dunno, maybe it's my current biased perspective.
  5. I mean honestly, while Sammy may be the hands down better player -- Matthews has the better stats over the same years in totality. Which means that Sammy hasn't been living up to our best expectations for the past 3 years.... maybe he will blossom into that guy, who knows, but getting matthews to replace him isn't terrible.
  6. I certainly remember Sammy dropping a few critical passes in game winning drives.
  7. Yes, a 2nd and 3rd round pick, and reasonable starting caliber players to replace the losses, I can't see how you don't take that if you are the brand new regime.
  8. How pissed is Shady? I mean he's the highest paid Running Back in the National Football League, so I'd say not very.
  9. There was absolutely ZERO chance of this team "reaching glory" this season, our future is much brighter today than it was yesterday now that we have 6 picks in the first 3 rounds next season.
  10. TWO FIRST ROUND DRAFT PICKS TWO SECOND ROUND DRAFT PICKS TWO THIRD ROUND DRAFT PICKS There, I justified it. You guys have no VISION. Did you think we were superbowl bound this season? I mean COMMMMEEE ONNNNNNN
  11. I have literally never heard of the website you linked in the OP. So, yeah.
  12. With TWO first round picks we COULD maneuver to a #1 overall if the board looked right. Just sayin.
  13. What are you talking about? Both of these guys were #1 on their respective teams... You are saying their #1 first stringers are '1 year borderline scrub rentals'? o.O
  14. We picked up a #1 caliber CB and a #1 caliber WR, we also picked up an extra 2nd and extra 3rd round draft pick. I think this is smart IMO. Chances are we are not going to have a legendary championship season, so hanging it all on Watkins and Darby is stupid. As McDermott has been saying -- build for short term and long term -- I honestly think this does not have a huge impact on us short term and it has tremendous upside long term.
  15. Two First rounders Two Second Rounders Two Third Rounders Going into next years draft... Can you say hell yes? We traded an undersized CB and an injury prone WR. I'm not really going to lose any sleep tonight.
  16. Our future is bright, and that is what matters most. We are going to be a high-octane running team, and we picked up Boldin for a reason.
  17. Are you kidding? We now have: TWO first rounders TWO second rounders and TWO third rounders in next years draft? We exchanged an undersized CB and an injury prone WR for some-what comparable counterparts. This WR had an amazing first 3 season in the NFL: "Matthews is one of just five receivers to record 65 or more catches and 800 or more receiving yards in each of his first three NFL seasons along with Odell Beckham Jr, Mike Evans, A.J. Green and Randy Moss."
  18. This is all very anecdotal. Different job different team different players different situation. The most confusing part to me is why we are building a case for a few years of failure being okay under the new McDermott regime, but 2 years of better than bills average failure under Rex Ryan was insufferable. Come to think of it wasn't Rex fired because Whaley had pegs ear and wanted him to bench Tyrod and he more or less refused? Enter McDermott who also fights with Whaley over Tyrod, but Peg being wiser at this point realizes it is Whaley that is the problem. Off topic at this point but come on, we (as fans) seem awfully confused about where we have been where we are and where we are going. My general point is: If McDermott can't give us better than Rex his first year then why did we fire Rex and Hire McD? He either IS a better coach, or he ISN'T. I for one think he is a better coach, and that he will have more success than Rex did in the same time frame. I have to believe that is why we chose to fire the old and Hire the new, it's also why I am having trouble understanding most of the logic in this thread. If that turns out not to be the case, I will be disappointed. At least with Rex we were knocking on the door.
  19. Y'all act like you can see into the future. Our schedule is only difficult based on speculation. Aside from NEx2, nobody knows what to expect from any of the team's we are scheduled against this year. You are all simply speculating. Gilmore -> White a downgrade????? We will see about that. Never liked Gilmore at all not sad he is gone. White is a young and promising player, I think at the very least he fills the spot just fine. I am certainly as likely to be right in my speculation as you are. As for everything else, it's all speculation. There have been many instances where new coaches have immediately made an impact. I'm not saying we will go undefeated or That we are "super bowl bound" I'm saying reading some of this loser mentality talk is so bills. Root for your dang team, get excited and hope for the best! I know it's been a long drought but NOTHING lasts forever. In my opinion, the odds of us performing better under McDermott than we did under Rex Ryan are high.
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