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Everything posted by BillsFan692

  1. If they do as good this off-season as they did last im not worried at all. I hope we get Kirk cousins
  2. Trading ZayJones is ridiculous. First of all we traded up for him but more importantly it was only his rookie season! Honestly that is laughable I would keep clay and zay Benjamin and McCoy and id try to get a stud in free agency wr, I hope we go for cousins. I want Alex Smith like I want herpes.
  3. On first and goal from the 2? The pass is more successful on fourth down IMO. On first down is best time to run!
  4. This offense is brutal to watch. 3 points... what a disappointment for Buffalo.
  5. That must be deflating. Just stop. I mean, honestly. Quit trying to pretend like you know football better than our coach who broke the drought in his first season while jettisoning players and stocking up draft picks. Because you dont.
  6. Tyrod not the answer lets just enjoy these gamess and thank our coach for getting us in there in spite of our QB situation.
  7. Lol, what? Is this guy a troll or what? Or just call the current rule evenly. If every little tap resulted in a PI you'd have them on every play. The refs draw a line and it has to be egregious to get the flag, unless NE is involved then severity doesn't matter.
  8. They called a holding on CB on a third and 10 stop that was total bull **** then 2 plays later the big 42 yard PI. It's crazy man It would have been the patriots second 3 and out on that third and 10 but noooo phantom holding call free first down then Brady launches it up for grabs into double coverage and they called a 42 yard PI. It's disgusting man
  9. I mean these calls are crazy with the PI for Brady... He is just chucking it up and the refs are marching them down the field
  10. The dolphins picked this guy up right before we play them??? Those dirty bastards.... they are going to know everything!
  11. That wasn't even the only call... the 4th and 1 when the bills clearly stopped the running 2+ yards from the scrimmage, but they give him credit for a lame ass extension that under the actual rules of the game isn't actually allowed. (You can reach for the out of bounds, or for the end zone where the play ends immediately, but you can't reach and then pull the ball back to your body and get the spot for your "maximum extension". On a play so critical, they really messed that up. So that's TWO huge momentum swings in the game against buffalo. What about the 50 yard PI call???? I mean after 3 of those.... you check out. The players checked out for sure. Who can really blame them? The fix was clearly in.
  12. Because CB is one of the most valuable positions in the entire NFL? Do you even football brah?
  13. You guys know that the owners split the revenue evenly, right? So if the "NFL" is doing good, ALL the owners are sharing in that. The NFL is a multi billion dollar business. Do you think they totally leave the outcomes to chance?? Hell no. They want their superstars in the spotlight as often as possible and will massage outcomes wherever necessary to insure maximum viewership and entertainment. You love Brady or you (more likely) hate him, but either way your tuning in and praying he loses terribly. Just like any entertainment league (NBA, NHL, NFL etc) the super stars are taken care of and the dynastys get all the breaks. A Jets fan actually sued the NFL over this. His case was that he bought a ticket to a sporting event and intended to watch a fair contest. Went all the way through the courts and the NFL argued that in fact it's entertainment, not sports, And his ticket only guaranteed him entrance to the stadium for entertainment purposes, not a fair contest. NFL even argued they could decide the outcomes if they wanted too. Judge agreed, and dismissed that suit. I mean come on the saints winning a SUPERBOWL after Katrina, the harbaugh bowl... manning getting another ring on his way out the door. The patriots Dynasty. It's clear to me that I'm watching the WWE.
  14. Cause Tyrod would have for sure beat the chargers??? Why do you pick that game? What about the Carolina game where Tyrod couldn't score any points... or the Bengals game he squandered. What about the jets game where nearly all of our offense came at garbage time? Hmmmm I think trying to shoulder the blame to Peterman is bullllllshit.
  15. You want McDermott fired after his first season which far exceeded expectations. What more specificity do you require? Can't take that opinion or the person who pontificared it seriously.
  16. Thanks for making this post. It's clear as day to me that Tyrod is a major problem.
  17. What???? Tyrod took a 15 yard sack on first down. So terrible that's rookie stuff. Throw the ball away you dip stick McCoy had some heartless runs. Clay with the dropped TD pass... tyrod terrible as usual. Let's not forget Dennison and Tolbert. But ALL that BS aside we were in this game with momentum on our side until the refs crushed it out of us. It's all about big money tv ratings and contract negotiations. You don't leave 100s of millions of dollars up to "chance". You manipulate things in your favor to make $$$ and the NFL has gotten a lot greedier lately. Too bad they are all stupid because these types of things are the reason WHY the ratings are tanking, not player protests.
  18. It's wrestling man. It's fake as hell it was never more obvious than today. The patriots are NOT some godly statistical anomoly!!! They appear that way because the rules are always tilted to their favor/benefit. It's a joke man. Bills screwed on Christmas eve NFL should be ashamed.
  19. Man so sick of having to watch Tyrod play. Is it next season yet?
  20. Uhhh did you just say the bills offense has low time of possession because our defense gives up too many yards ????? How about all them 3 and outs..
  21. What is this guy even saying? McDermott is a great coach so far how can you even knock this coach with all the evidence in front of you? Jettisoned talent, improved the defense, freed up salary, stock piled draft picks... Oh and while doing all that he has us in contention going into week 16 for a playoff birth? You sir need to get a grip on reality! Or better yet, just go root for them texans. What were they predicting for buffalo again in the preseason? 4 wins?? Got it. McDermott crushed expectations in his first year here. Give me a breaakkkk with that noise!
  22. Looked about the same to me. He had a good first half and a pedestrian at best 2nd half. It was okay. Mia @ Buf a lot different then Buf @ Pat
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