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Everything posted by BillsFan692

  1. He's not afraid to speak his opinions even though he knows people will try to bully him and tear him down. Sounds like courage. Sounds like leadership to me. Now I don't think we should be mixing our football and our politics, but like the Beatles said, you ask the questions and we answer them. Do you think John was more of an R or a D?
  2. Mmmkay but that has nothing to do with my point. There is no way 5 or 6 QBs are drafted in the first 12 picks.
  3. So let me get this right. You, in your infinite and far reaching wisdom think that 5 or 6 of the top 12 picks will all be QBs?????? When does that ever happen
  4. To early to know how all the moves ultimately turn out. Wayyyyy to early to give mahomes credit for any thing. I'd be shocked if he turns into any thing special. He did good in one game against a team that wasn't in contention in the last game of the season??? A bit premature (like the NFL media hype machine) to crown him. Then again Bradford got 20mil so hey its the NFL.
  5. Just saw the details... seems okay to me lots of incentives built in and some ways out. What do you think of it 26cornerblitz?
  6. Because there is already a huge thread on this signing. Just discuss it there?
  7. Didn't foles light it up his first season? He definitely lit it up this post season too, consistent enough for me!
  8. Someone remind me who deshawn Watson is and what he has won in the NFL. Everyone talks like he has made it, or something.
  9. At this point, are the patriots fans even having fun?They seem entitled more than anything, so used to just winning now they expect it will happen. In order to appreciate the winning you have to do some losing. Since the pats have been winning for the past couple of decades I can't see their fans sitting on the edge of their seats on Sunday quite like us bills fans do. Honestly, that makes me feel sad for them.
  10. It's called counting chickens before their hatched. Indi can only blame themselves for the mismanagement.
  11. Foles literally had a perfect game tonight. And it took that to win. I'm not so sure it was a win tonight with wentz.
  12. Looks like a young kid to me with a lot to learn we will see
  13. So what Hindsight on Watson is 20/20 and what exactly has he done anyways? Talk about Watson when he does something. Who was in the playoffs this year? Tyrod Taylor. So Watson who ?
  14. We are counting our chickens before they have hatched in Kansas city land lol When teams prepare against Mahomes you will see what you got. Alex Smith was one of the most winningest QBs in the game. Let's see how your young guy does this season.
  15. It's always called once the defender loses position and keeps his ARM "around" the attacker. What are you even talking about?
  16. If we use all of our awesome draft picks to get an unknown unproven rookie (especially not even the best one available which will surely be gone by 4), I would lose my faith in this management staff. I think there is absolutely zero chance these guys make a move like this. At least, I hope they are smart enough not to
  17. Alex Smith is the definition of mediocrity. Honestly it's a lateral move I just couldn't get excited about.
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