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Everything posted by BillsFan692

  1. Do you see a sign on my front lawn that says Dead punter storage?
  2. I think Bean and McDermott are ahead of the curve, over all. They are competent enough and some of the best we have had in a while, I am really not on a crusade against them by any means. Still, even given those "warm feelings" I have for them, I can't help but find this situation to be mind boggling. If nothing else, it's just real eye opening to me about the way some of these things happen even at the most professional of levels. As for my own solution to the "punter situation", if it was up to me and I was in charge of this decision -- I probably would have stuck with the guy I went all through off season with, minicamps OTA's, training camp and the actual pre-season, who also has been servicing the team in that position for 3-4 years, and if I was dead set on changing him I would have done it long before now, or I would ultimately wait until next season. Now I do understand they did try to bring in more camp bodies ahead of time to either A) improve schmidt or B) replace schmidt, but those guys just didn't work out. Making this type of slap dash 'shoot from the hip' change to a final roster position just 7 days before the start of the regular season seems.... strange, mind boggling, and eye opening. But I suppose more then anything it speaks to their confidence level in what Schmidt was bringing to the table, I think in their minds maybe "They can't do worse" -- at least that's the only rational explanation I am able to come up with for these happenings. Where did you read about the bills wanting to sign him before the patriots? I'd be curious to read up on more of that information -- that would probably change my thinking a bit. Also I have heard a few other posters mention 'stole him from under the hoodies nose'.. but I don't understand what they mean by that. I thought the patriots were not happy with this punter, that he was unable to 'earn any game time' because his performance at training camp and through the pre-season did not warrant any game time, was there some other information I missed on this topic?
  3. Not at all. I'm not sure if it's a literacy issue or just comprehension in general but if you let me know I'd be happy to work with you on those issues. Yeah I am definitely hopeful that he is an upgrade and appreciate that video. Not really at all what I am pointing out or discussing -- which is rather the slap dash way in which we have arrived at our "solution" for punter just 7 days before the start of the regular season. And Corey Coleman who cares right? I mean so what. The only reason I'm ever mentioning Corey Coleman is simply to stave off the "Bean knows what he's doing he always gets it right trust the process" type of posts. Bean is pretty good in my personal opinion and I like him a lot, but it's foolish to pretend like he is always right and 100% knocks it out of the park on every pickup. Given that those truths are self evident (that we can't be certain about a guy until we have him in our hands for our own evaluation), is it not shocking that an NFL club would be making a move like this with a starting position just 7 days before the season kicks off? They must REALLY have not liked schmidt, because this is pretty risky move if the new rookie punter who has never even played a snap in the NFL isn't so hot. I get that the punter isn't a glamorous position and it's definitely not the most important one, that doesn't mean it's not important at all. I can say for one thing there is no other position on the team where this "situation" would be appropriate.
  4. Way to put it all out there, bobblehead. Truly an inspirational post. Yeah sure, continual improvement is great -- but certainly the fact that Corey Coleman was trash and cut 2 weeks later shows that Bean misjudged the receiver. I mean sure he took a low-risk flyer on a guy that he thought may have had potential, but he was wrong and thankfully (and to his credit) it was low risk. Look I love bean and mcdermott, I'm a fan. I just don't think the actual punter position is as 'low risk' of a situation as Corey Coleman was -- although a lot of casual fans act like 'punter lol so what' but the truth is the punter like every other position on the team is an important one. With corey coleman, in that situation so what if he doesnt' work out, in this situation we won't even know at all what we have until the punter gets there -- heck he probably doesn't even know where the locker room is yet. We'll all find out if he's a good punter or not soon enough.... like on game day of the season opener.... YEESH. And to the point of the original post, is this really how NFL clubs are run? Throwing darts at a board to fill the final position of your roster just 7 days before the start of a season opener? Just a bit shocking, don't you think? Some have suggested that it is money related as the counter argument for the inexplicable nature of the entire situation -- I mean I suppose it's a plausible argument but I'm not so sure on that.
  5. Just hopefully not the same guy who watched Corey Coleman, am I right?
  6. Yeah I know what you mean, I am hoping that he works out great too and that we are set on the punter position for a while. I just find the process a little shocking to be making this type of move 7 days before the regular season kicks off. I think it's riskier than Coleman because with Coleman, so what if he doesn't work out you didn't really lose anything you just have what you had before. This I find to be more risky because it's your only punter you know? If he doesn't work out it's a bigger deal, in my opinion.
  7. It's like you and I are having completely separate conversations -- why are you talking about Corey Coleman? I am only referencing Corey Coleman to highlight the fact that they thought he might have potential and then obviously he did not. Do you disagree with that assessment? I think everyone can agree on that one. So the question I am posing is: Given that presupposition how can we be so sure that the new punter on our team -- a rookie that has yet to play an NFL snap, that we just acquired off the waiver wire only 7 days before the regular season begins, will actually work out and be decent and serviceable? And I am answering: We can't, the emperor has no clothes, they are basically throwing darts at the board with entire positions. Most of the counter arguments go something like "LOL PUNTER" or some such but I find it fascinating none the less. I mean hey it's a grim reality but one we should acknowledge even if it's "just the punter position", it provides insight into the overall operations of an NFL club (ours, the one we care a lot about!)
  8. I think the point I was making got lost on you there, it was a very low risk move and who cares in the end. My point is that they were really wrong about him, couldn't they be really wrong about this rookie punter that has never played a snap before? My larger point of course is that I consider this move to be more Risky than the Corey Coleman one, which was a very low risk who cares type of thing. I dont' really feel like the only punter on our team is a 'very low risk who cares type of thing' I feel like it's an important position, certainly not the most important but as noted in my original post, every position is ultimately an important one.
  9. If I could get that cool moby song to play when you clicked on the thread it would perfect. So many punters, so many faces, so many different threads.... 26CornerBlitz is going to tear off my head...
  10. Oh I don't necessarily believe we have made a mistake with the change -- don't get me wrong. That part remains to be seen and I'm not attempting to make any predictions about the success of failure of our new rookie punter. What I am saying is that I believe we made a mistake with the way we handled this since the end of last season -- if they didn't like schmidt and were concerned about his performance then they absolutely should have made every effort to upgrade the position.... but they brought in 2 guys who could NOT out compete schmidt? Ugh.... that really raises a lot of questions about their ability to evaluate this position and find suitable upgrade potential.... Now I am supposed to believe they have found it in the waiver wire heap? Why should I believe that? I am EXTRA skeptical about it since the recent corey coleman debacle which proved to me these guys sometimes are just throwing darts at the board. Yes of course you note that he played for the patriots -- that's great except for he didn't. I mean, the patriots didn't play him at all in pre-season and said he would have to "Earn his time on the field" (implying that he could not). If he's got such a great leg, why not even give him 1 punt in preseason?
  11. I don't really know how you can be so sure of his success given the same folks brought in Corey Coleman just a few weeks back thinking he could potentially be something and they were terribly wrong. I'm not being hard on Bean & Co in general I really like them, I am just saying they arn't always right and you don't know exactly what you have until you have it in your hand. Seems pretty risky and careless if you ask me, and in general I just find it sort of shocking. Yeah, in this case it may work out quite differently then Coleman did, and I'll be happy for sure, but still... the risk is there, and this thread is really about that. Pretty shocking to have a roster position in total flux 7 days before kick off and to ultimately settle on an untested, unproven rookie who has yet to play his first NFL snap.
  12. I have no issue with cutting/changing/trading/drafting punters and kickers. It's just going in to start a season and 7 days before the kick off of the opening game we totally dump what we have and bring in some rookie who hasn't even played in a pre-season game? Just seems mind boggling to me that type of, lets call it "Situation" would even be possible to happen at the NFL level -- you would just think they would have had a bit more planning and forsight then to be scrambling to grab an unknown rookie 7 days before kick off.
  13. I appreciate the quips -- they are really clever. This thread is really about the careless nature in which the position is being handled, rather then the punter himself, or the position in general -- I've presented evidence as to what I see that is really quite confounding to me, and I asked others to share their ideas on the same. I think the thread is appropriate.
  14. Well I mean I would agree with you on the level but again, given what just happened with Corey Coleman I would say that he isn't always laying golden eggs, right? So in that case he kind of got it wrong -- even low risk, but still.. How can you have blind faith in the un-tested rookie punter we just acquired?:P
  15. But I mean because of the Corey Coleman trade I don't really trust our staffs "snap analysis" of a player and am a firm believer you just don't know what you have until actually have it in your hands and can see it for yourself. So just as Corey Coleman proved to be terrible and ultimately cut, this punter may "look the part" to our staff but maybe he sucks too? I mean how do we know? Seems pretty risky to be going with this guy just 7 days before kick off as basically the only option on the team. I just can't believe it's how things are done at the NFL level. No disrespect to our coach or GM, just WOW, that's all I'm saying=P
  16. This just feels strange to me, is anyone else worried about it? I mean we got rid of the guy we've had for 4 years, plus we got rid of the guy we recently brought in because we weren't happy with our original guy. Apparently as it turns out, we weren't happy with either of them. So we cut them both and 7 days before the season begins we sign a rookie (from the patriot's cuts) who hasn't played at all in any preseason games. The patriots said he would have to "earn the play time" when questioned by their reporters (implying I guess that he could not earn it?). I mean I'm all for taking chances and rolling dice but this all seems a bit "slap dash" if you ask me. Every position is important, even the punter, and to have it in such Flux 7 days before the first regular season game just seems like "Wow, poor planning" to me... I'm honestly just a bit shocked by it all, scratching my head like "is this really how it's done?". Seems wild. What are your thoughts?
  17. Yeah exactly -- I was reading the original post like what is this guy even talking about? Strange to make a post like this and get such material facts incorrect.
  18. So with Josh Allen at least he didnt throw 2 picks amirite?
  19. This guy is bad apples bad influence on his brother. I didnt like him tweeting "I am my brothers keeper" after Zay Jones incident... Considering Zay was hanging with him and it his girlfriends house likely up to no good. Zay still responsible for himself but his brother was getting him involved with bad stuff. Imho
  20. Its necro thread day at twobillsdrive as everyone who was previously eating crow would now like a chance to serve it. Lol
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