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Everything posted by BillsFan692

  1. Omg its his first ever game lol now you sound like a true bills fan!
  2. If tyrod was winning in this game there is absolutely zero chance he would have self reported for a concussion. But when coach comes up and tells you your done and your head is still ringing from the previous awful possession then maybe you self report to save some face and leave with your head held high. Dont be naive
  3. Mayfield looking like the #1 out there right now but i agree that allen has looked better than darnold if you ask me and i think Allen has the bigger potential of all 4
  4. Unfortunately we found success in spite of tyrod not because of him. Im just glad that our coaches arnt "totally clueless terrible evaluators" and that they were right about him when they sent him packing.
  5. Tyrod def fake the injury which happens every time he gets benched lol
  6. Thinking it might be how he finishes the year. Its baker mayfield time lol. Faking an injury to save the humility.
  7. Im ready for some RayRay. Bills can still turn this around. The start of this season was always going to be brutal. The second half gets a little easier. I dont think we are as bad as we have looked through 2. Plus we had a string of 3 really terrible games last year but then we righted the ship. Long season boys, its to early to throw in the towel!
  8. Tyrod QB rating is very low this year i dont understand the post? Is it supposed to be sarcasm?
  9. Isn't tyrod at the bottom of the leage in QB Passer Rating? Like literally only one spot ahead of our brand new rookie Josh Allen? Lets talk about it.
  10. Isnt our coach always going on and on about special teams value??? Im not seeing it...
  11. Rodak Tweeted The Bills will get to offset the amount Corey Coleman makes from his Pats deal. Assuming Coleman signed for his league minimum $630,000 & doesn't get cut this season, Buffalo will get $592,941 of salary cap relief because of the deal. That's 16/17ths of $630,000. Joel Corry added, Matt Gavenda
  12. How can we be talking about dabolls last stop before he has even played his first game
  13. Bro... the Buffalo Maven? What is that like his own website he just started to take down BN? Lol get out of here with that. More like people get sick of negativity for the sake of negativity. "To stir conversation". Its really not what you are looking for from your beat writer imo Ever check out Rodaks twitter?
  14. Wont watch him dont care what some out of work sports writer has to say. Also, i did subscribe so there you have it!
  15. Uuhhh what? I believe you are in very small company if you honestly believe that "Rex is the better coach" and "whales was the better GM"...
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