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Everything posted by BillsFan692

  1. Id bet money Mcdermott already told the pegulas this season was going to be a bust. There is no way anything that happens this season will get him fired in my opinion.
  2. Its less effective as a demonstration because KC won...
  3. Some one mentioned TT but yeah.. allen was looking like tyrod on sunday... got to let the kid keep playing though and hope by the end of the year we are all good.
  4. Playcalling was super questionable i mean how do you completely abandon the run in the 1st quarter? Lol wtf
  5. I have a different theory on the patriots sustained success that borders on an analytical anomaly in a sport that boasts parity. Sure, Tom Brady has been a great QB, and Bellicheck is a talented coach -- but so what there have been plenty of those "Combos" over the years, they didn't necessarily lead to the sustained success over multiple decades that the patriots experienced. No, their sustained winning is a combination of those things but also the "unseen hand" that is the NFL as entertainment value. The league has helped the patriots out quite a lot a long the way and over the years with the calls they have made (And not made) that have really impacted their seasons at crucial moments, and in big games. Slightly tilting the table more in their favor in those prime time moments. When you tip the table in favor of already talented individuals, you get a Football dynasty that the NFL has banked billions off of. Everyone loves a hero (and a villain), and for every underdog you need the reigning champions. The NFL Knows this, and when Brady is gone the will choose their next Dynasty -- lets hope it's buffalo!:)
  6. I heard Allen seem to acknowledge he should not be pulling stunts like that and it's not something he plans to make a habit of -- I for one am glad he did it because that was a huge first down for us, and it's comforting to know that in those "big game moments" when things are really on the line you never know when he could pull something off like that.
  7. This kid is a phenom I mean just wow, he's big, he's tough. Stiffarming and jumping over linebackers? Leaping from 5 yards out for the TD? Oh and dropping 50 yard dimes that Foster will eventually catch -- there is a lot to be excited about now.
  8. Allen most exciting thing we have had in a while!
  9. lol now they are postulating that Tyrod was injured BEFORE the game wow Tyrod looked awful like he did in so many games for the bills last year like the play off game against Jacksonville...
  10. I agree with you but would also argue that ESPECIALLY politicians/lawyers/judgesand those in power/authority are more likely to be despicable on the inside. They tend to value power, status and their own ambitions higher than other things which is probably why they excel in those fields. Normal people just arnt' cut out for it.
  11. Yeah he is on fire tonight looking impressive as the #1 overall. Browns might finally be in business
  12. Actually there was someone else before me arguing with him i just jumped in on him because i think he is very Naive about the benching that took place in this game lol
  13. Can we at least agree tyrod was 100% being benched after that last possession and it had nothing to do with medicals?
  14. He wasnt knocked unconcious so the only way we will know for sure is his own self reported symptoms... not sure what that would prove. I find it extremely hard to believe he would give up his starting job to the hungry rookie over having his head rattled. Duh. How many times have great quarterbacks stayed in and come back when they got there bell rung but werent actually KOd? Plenty all the time and Tyrod is tough is nails. No way he comes out for hungry rookie over that weak hit. He got benched and is saving face. Its 100% clear to me.
  15. You are mistaken. I didnt say he pulled himself, i said he got benched. Then after the fact he decided to let them take him out for concussion because its better for him this way. Again dont be Naive. Tyrod is tough as nails and if he was winning there is zero chance he lets them take him out and put mayfield in after that weak sack. Players get asked questions in the tent and based on their answers they go back out or not. Its up to him in that moment, given that he knew he was getting benched it only makes sense for him to answer poorly.
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