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Everything posted by BillsFan692

  1. I mean you say that but allen threw quite a bit last season, at times and through stretches almost head scratchingly so to the point of threads being created to talk about why Daboll didnt just run more singletary
  2. Newtons good... but not for buffalo . Hopefully not for NE either.... but i could see cam taking a honey pot deal to team up with BB and win SB. Pray not!
  3. It's getting Coronacrazy out there ya'll especially in NY (buffalo native but I live in Tennessee now) Stay safe!!!
  4. LOL they would NOT Have beaten last years bills team are you out of your mind? Some people are living in a fantasy world. THIS bills team is "the best" bills team we have had in 20+ years and that's a fact, jack.
  5. He is obsessed with Lousiana to the point he still acts like he plays for his college team and he tweets stupid stuff like "so much ungratefulness I know what I got to do now, bet". His "trainer" has also been quoted saying things like he wants to be "recognized as great" and its hard to "get that recognition on a team like Buffalo". Check his twitter profile sometime he doesnt even rep bills colors on it. Another good one he tweeted recently is that his LSU college coach is "the best coach he ever had". I mean honestly its whatever but I just get that vibe he is deuces
  6. I personally get the vibe that tre isnt going to want to stay in Buffalo... but we'll see.
  7. .. okay it was his first season, though and his mistake in the WC wasnt the only embarassing mistake of the day. Look, we can have a realistic discussion about how fords career played out once hes been afforded the opportunity to have one. Your acting like metcalf has accomplished it all and ford is already a bust.
  8. Pretty sure there is zero chance pegs spend billions moving stadium downtown. Much more likely to renovate. That is unless the public money gets coughed up. Pegs could be using the threat to stay in OP in order to wrangle public funding for a move down town. No stadium down town could be ready in the forseeable future it will take years after taking years.
  9. So which QB we taking in the first???
  10. I mean you can say that about a lot of players ... it's kind of stupid to sit and agonize with 20/20 goggles over past year drafts.... It's really stupid. Like low rent, offseason radio talk show garbage time. Stop it. Just stop.
  11. 49ers have top defense what do you expect they locked them down. 49ers need to score here to ice this
  12. Just frustrated.. desperate to make a play, threw a bad pass. They all do it we have seen allen do it and jimm g earlier in the game
  13. You sure about that? Titans beat NE in Foxborough, something McDermott has never been able to accomplish (even at home). Also bills beat TN in a rough outing early in the season, but it's a whole different team with Tannehill, not that their winning because of him, but they are better with him.
  14. That also makes them look better then they are really.... Just saying, I'd keep hyde but don't know about poyer.
  15. Isnt' there a federal minimum for cocaine? *EDIT* guess not... Not for the rich and the famous anyways.
  16. What makes you so sure he wasnt? That hit surely rattled his brain
  17. He gave himself up by downing the ball,something the punt returner did not do
  18. Tre white went down to the ground first though. Thus giving himself up. Nobody touched him. Quite a bit different since this player didnt go down to the ground and if he did we wouldnt even be talking about it.
  19. The lateral resulted in the ball going out of bounds and stopping the clock which the bills needed as we were out of time outs and had no way to stop clock. Personally I think that was allens true intent to get it to knox to go out of bounds. Foolish maybe, but he got it out of bounds and so it was beneficial... Why all the super analysis?
  20. You saw that too?? What even happened there.... ugh. This loss is brutal
  21. He was trying to get it out of bounds to stop the clock which he did, since we had no time outs it worked out quite well in our favor so let that go
  22. Just typical bills football nothing to see here. The entire team is to blame for that L including the coaches
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