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Everything posted by BillsFan692

  1. So then where does that leave Josh Allen who also made racist comments albeit at a younger age? Is tre gonna want him gone next? Where does the holding the team hostage bit end?
  2. Its always been Lets just play point 2 out to its ultimate conclusion. You are essentially saying tre white is soooo gooood that he should run the team and whatever he wants he gets. Essentially you are saying because of his talent he can hold the team hostage. Disagreeeeee
  3. Also if we not accept jake fromm apology why we accept Josh Allens?? Just saying I hope Tre aint headed there next. Hey when you got no real argument just call me racist
  4. And how is "I accept no ones apology and leave no room for forgiveness" even a good strategy for the cause?? I believe in order for the movement to succeed room for apologies and forgiveness is tantamount. If we close the doors to letting people apologize and deny them the opportunity for forgiveness then what kind of place are we heading????
  5. Thats what we are discussing because 2 hours later tre re-tweeting anti-fromm "we dont accept your apology" BS from Tyler Locket and Richard Sherman
  6. They dont "have" to do anything. I dont "have" to go to work tomorrow but if I want to keep my job I probably should. Cant let a cancer divide the locker room because of some national political issues. Thats BS anyways if Tre really wants to fight for the cause he should be out in the streets (day time, peacefully) marching along side all them white kids black mids brown kids and being part of the solution... Not Twitter warring against his own teammates and coaches. Tres twitter bull#### been going on since before the national race politics began so I dont think it can be dismissed.
  7. Exactly thank you. Les Frazier gave interview yesterday re: Fromms apology to team saying he thought fromms apology was sincere even though he doesnt know the guy. He thinks our teammates are mature enough to take that at face value and allow fromm to prove it to them and earn their respect. Acknowledged its easy for locker rooms to become divided right now. Added that nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistskes especially in youth. Like 2 hours later Tre retweeting Tyler Locket and Richard Sherman re: Fromm Its just embarassing and disrespectful to team and coaches what Tre has been doing. Love the guy for his talent if you want but this will come to head as he is definitely a DIVA
  8. Also Bills Sports Media journalist refuse to ask bills brass any questions about Tre which I dont understand.
  9. I mean I see there has been a lot of discussion about Tre White in this thread. Shame we didnt have another to talk about him and the way he acts about this team and its fan base (been going on since before the protests started for anyone who actually follows his Twitter and isnt starstruck). Oh. Wait. We did have that thread... until it was mysteriously closed. Boo. Anyways -- its alsays been a problem to me that tre wont represent any bills colors on his media. Only dude on team who does that. About 3 months ago he tweeted his "favorite cosch best one he ever had" was his college coach. How rude!!! He also tweeted something along the lines of "Bills fans were not appreciative enough" of him, because some fans were questioning why we didnt draft mahommes. And he said something like "I know what I have to do, bet." Beane has made a comment at a prsser re: resigning your own guys along the lines of "Well if a guy wants to play in lousianna there is only so much you can do about that." Beane recently exercised Tres option presumably to gain some leverage.. Personally given the way tre is acting this past week Id rather they just ditch him and get whatever he is worth probably more then they spent. Anyone questioning my motives re protests can see what I said for myself in the locked thread before anyone comes at me with that bs. Tre seriously one tweet away from bringing Joshes 15 year old tweet back into the fray....
  10. Woah woah woah I make a post about tre and its 99% team related gets locked i get a warning like we can keep the world news out of these forums now today we got 28 pages about Jake $@$#@$ Fromm??
  11. Dillusional the blacks arnt turning out for trump no matter how much he says "The MAGA loves the blacks"
  12. Thats what I said... statement in support of george floyd was released by the team was it not???
  13. Actually I 110% support every protestor in america I despise donald trump and I stand along side my black brothers in their fight against racial injustice but way to "miss the mark". What I hate seeing is bills fans having to constantly flock to tres twitter and "beg him" to stay in Buffalo. And why is he bringing our coach into this political stuff???
  14. Is Tre calling out our coach on Twitter? I cant believe tre is turning into a diva. Him and Jerry are getting into the politics on twitter ugh whyyyyy
  15. Don't delude yourself, the NFL picks the winners and losers by exerting as much influence as possible. It's not a "statistical improbability" what Belichick and Brady have done, one only has to consider all of the angles. Sure, Brady and Bill are good, great even. But that's all it took to get started. Once the NFL realized what they had in the "patriots" (a team EVERBODY loves & hates) it just made complete and total business sense to insure that gravy train kept rolling along. Whether that takes the form of soft discipline, special referee treatment, soft schedules, etc. It gets the job done. But those days are numbered and it's time for the NFL to turn the corner. What's the next new and exciting team that they can 'sell'. I can see the bills in the running. We'll see how the refs calls go our way (or not) through out this season... we'll get a sense of where we stand.
  16. Stefon Diggs is the real mccoy, we haven't had a receiver here as good as him in quite a long time. I think between him and brown it's a nasty 1 2 bills are going to be better on the O this season. Just hope the D keeps going at that elite level.
  17. If want to bet odds like these is there any place to do it online or do I have to be in vegas? Lol
  18. On a more serious note consider authentic player worn /signed merchandise. Allen signed official helmets (not replica) go for quite a bit of moolah since he is popular right now... 600-1200+ but you can buy them up and they will be worth 10x if he wins some rings. The more winning he does the more they might be worth. The more personal the items are to allen himself as well, the more their value will increase if his future is bright. Its a gamble. No different then stocks except you will be taxed more on the income... then again, going this route, you wouldnt have to report it;)
  19. Just get ready to stock up on the inevitable allen-themed cereal boxes. You will make a fortune trust me. Worst case scenario your set on cereal for ever. Win/win!
  20. Fitz could easily win a SB as long as he was on a team where he didnt have to be the reason why. A team with a good defense that keeps the other tram scoring low. A team with a good offense who doesnt -need- him to do heavy lifting. If he ever landed on a team like that in his career (like eli with the giants), he could easily have been a "winner". Problem is scrub franchises like that eras bills team, current era miami team tries to throw together terrible teams and blame the QB when the results are Ls. Fans put a lot into individual players and positions (true of any sport) but the reality is there is a LOT that goes into the making of a championship roster in just about any sport and its always about way more than 1 dude. Why im excited for this years Bills team! Allen is good, but the TEAM is good, allen wont have to do heavy lifting just play solid ball.
  21. Yes exactly right! So that makes him like top 32 in the entire world then right?
  22. His arm is fine. Dude balls out where ever he goes and its usually to ***** teams with ***** defenses and ***** coaches.
  23. The first video 2019 highlights was a good watch but it ended at an appropriate time. With 13:49 left in the 3rd quarter of the Playoff game @ Houston. Watching Allen running up to their 45 yard line in those final few frames really made me scratch my head and wonder how we lost that game, being up 13-0 at that point. Painful!! =P
  24. The song is eminem right? Yeah like who even likes that multi platinum recording artist, @$#% is trash! (lol)
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