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Everything posted by 17islongenough

  1. Crazy he is only 22 and already in his 3rd year. I see big things coming from him!
  2. That is what I meant. They have to have a middle ground between NBA and MLB. The reason why the MLB has seen some covid cases is because the Cards and Marlins went out on the town. Its almost like they need to be babysat.
  3. This is what all teams should do. If they want someone to visit they would need to be tested. We have seen how well it has worked out for the MLB. NBA and NHL are doing it right.
  4. The problem is that the cap may be lowered to 175 million next year and the Bills are over that right now.
  5. A lot of companies don't care anymore. Paychex just allowed tattoos to be seen as long as its not offensive . Plus you can cover up your lower arm and leg.
  6. Star isn't that bad of an opted out. We got Phillips back this year. They also save about 1 million in cap next year since this years salary moves to next year
  7. Not sure if the players would even want this. But could you do a bubble in each city? Buy out a hotel and let the players live there. Their family can live with them. Take a bus to and from the facilities. If you want to have a family visit they would just get tested. I know the chances of this happening is none. But we have seen how the MLB is doing. While the NBA bubble has worked so far.
  8. Well that sucks I had my eye on this business but was only going to buy for $250 million
  9. The guy on the left seems so thrilled to be on that podcast.
  10. I know that but other leagues make you test negative for 2 days in a row. That could be 1 week from the date or 3 weeks.
  11. Check out the Mcafee and Hawk show. It within the first 5 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MU8BahwkmU
  12. Hearing Snyder paid off some refs. Which if he did that was a waste of money
  13. So sick of him that you start a thread on him
  14. They will have to see how baseball does. I think their the only other league that will have travel
  15. Does everyone know our former QB Ryan Fitzpatrick actually went to one of these schools.
  16. Not going to lie I sort of miss him. Not because what he brought to the team. But a buddy of mine knew him and could get VIP training camp tickets(free food and free booze).
  17. I think it could be argued that Allen is ahead of Big Ben. Big Ben is 38 coming off of an injury.
  18. Hopefully the new Billy Buffalo so we can get the old one back.
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