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Posts posted by Watkins90

  1. I don't buy it. We will have an estimated 37 mill in cap room. Beane said he isn't going to do big FA Splashes and rely on the draft. They CAN and possibly will get rid of Dareus and his big contract if he doesn't ball out this year.


    According to your link its an 11 mill cap hit next year if we do a June 1st designation and split it between 18' - 19'.

    If we have that much cap room why even get rid of him. He is worth the boneheadedness in terms of having him with us and not against us with his talent.

  2. my problem/problems are that he signed a contract. honor it. i get he is great. holding out and holding team hostage, with a look a t me attitude is bs. he will not play today, yet will most likely get paid. if they lose on on a 1 yard run from goal line...will not go well.

    You don't want to be paid what you are worth? The dude is the best in the game, and to other posters he hasn't been a head case like Dareus. He will get paid eventually, but will be worth every penny, much more so than Dareus.

  3. Yep i am. Still concussed. Off the Roster. Was specially told many times would not happen.


    Now can release from IR once healthy or with Injury Settlement

    You said a concussed player can't be cut. He wasn't cut he was put on IR. There is a difference. You don't win this one buddy. Semantics count.

  4. Some of you need to stop acting like Jonathan Williams was the next Thurman. If you want change, you have to go through some tough times. Not sitting here saying Beane and McDermott are geniuses but we need to give them the benefit of building the team in their image, which doesn't happen overnight.


    Expecting them to take over and win with someone else's roster is insane. Especially when we haven't made the playoffs in 17 years. We had to do something different, fans clamored for change, and now that we've got change people are crying about it. You gotta be kidding me with all this outrage over an easily replaceable, backup running back.

    It's not insane to expect them to inherit someone else's roster, especially one that had the potential to be in the playoffs.

    Haven't we said before that good coaches are able to adapt tot he personnel they have? Why couldn't McDermont adapt? I'm not saying completely change his philosophy, but he these guys took a borderline playoff team, that many felt coaching held back, and completely blew it up.


    There have been plenty of examples of teams getting rid of coaches, not blowing up the roster and then making the playoffs the next year and for years to come.

  5. Beane is really turning this entire roster over. The gut that may be left by 2018 is Dareus and that's because he comes with such a big cap hit; otherwise, he'd probably be gone, as well.


    I wouldn't be surprised if Bills trade McCoy before the trading deadline to acquire extra picks. Tyrod could be on the trading block, as well if he doesn't perform early on.


    Either way. It is going to be at least a couple years of more hardship, and that's if Beane is able to draft well. We have no clue. He certainly is putting all his eggs in one basket, but ****, if "his" team isn't performing by year four we are looking at a quarter century without the playoffs.


    It just doesn't make sense to me. We have been mediocre the last couple of seasons, 7-9 and 8-8. A couple things go our way and were probably in the playoffs? Why blow a roster like that up? Why not try and make some tweaks to get over the hump rather than starting from square one?


    Oh well, here is to another long season and the race to the #1 pick. :cheers


    Game on JETS, game on.

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