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Posts posted by Watkins90


    I would love it if the NFL had a new commissioner. Goodell has bungled a lot of things. Goodell over exposed the product with the lame Thursday games and the London games. He !@#$ed up the Ray Rice situation and now isn't doing the best job with the anthem situation. Goodell also isn't effectively modernizing the game and utilizing technology effectively either. A new commissioner would allow the league a soft reset and allow new management to go forward in a much better direction.

    You know how stupid you sound. Goodell only recommends changes, its the owners who actually vote on them. They're as much to blame as Goodell, for all of what you mentioned.

  2. I will respect the !@#$ out of Jerry Jones (Who I despise, !@#$ the Cowboys) if Jones can get Goodell fired. Jones holds a lot of sway with the owners and if he can convince them Goodell has been terrible and shouldn't be the commissioner anymore then my respect for Jones will be tremendous. Hell even if Jerry Jones can just get some owners to question Goodell he will earn a lot of props.

    Why should Goodell be fired? The NFL has had nothing but unparalleled success and growth in revenue with him at the helm. Don't let Jerry Jones butt hurt get in the way. The fans who boo him at the draft are just dumb hillbillies.

  3. I wonder why teams don't bring in different coordintors for the rush and pass games if you think about it they're completely different skill sets. Roman's run schemes with Dennison's pass schemes could be great. But coaches are egotistical and want the whole thing to be theirs.

    You'd think Dennison and McDermont would have seen how well the rushing attack did last year and just stayed with that dynamic while going with their own passing attack.

  4. Front row sports is a good place for illegal streams. Also, just google search the game and I bet you can find it.


    Also, search Bills Mafia on Facebook. Someone typically live streams the game from their phone. You're watching someone watch their TV but it works.

    Grr. All the streams down.


    Welp, listening on wgr

    Front row sports is a good place for illegal streams. Also, just google search the game and I bet you can find it.


    Also, search Bills Mafia on Facebook. Someone typically live streams the game from their phone. You're watching someone watch their TV but it works. Live stream on Bills mafia Facebook page.


    good call...hadn't seen this yet


    3:10...haha...no you're not, matty ice

    You know what I like about Matty Ice. He didnt complain on the fourth down throw. He didnt cry to the refs for a defensive penalty. If that had been Brady he would have ran right at the red and bitched at him for not throwing the flag.


    good call...hadn't seen this yet


    3:10...haha...no you're not, matty ice

    You know what I like about Matty Ice. He didnt complain on the fourth down throw. He didnt cry to the refs for a defensive penalty. If that had been Brady he would have ran right at the red and bitched at him for not throwing the flag.
  6. Cam was wrong ,no doubt about the way he said it ,,but as usual,,, his lack of political awareness and now he is called a bad person,.,who hasn't said something before thinking about what others interpret it as? the fact that a woman was as well as informed as she is ,should have been framed in his response, then no problem ? how many here can actually ask a in depth question as she did?

    all that said she is not the innocent girl as she is being portrayed by media, she has as many faults as anyone else.

    I'm not entirely sure what I just read is English.

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