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TBBills Fan

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Everything posted by TBBills Fan

  1. will we get the red helmets this year?
  2. white on white or white with blue would be slick
  3. life would be so simple if this were true. yeah a crisp white or blue/white combo would be slick
  4. do we get a comp pick for the promotion?
  5. I think I like it..its different
  6. Thank you all! I did not rob a bank! All in all, it went as well as could be expected I love the responses, so you guys are awesome
  7. Anytime between 9 an d 10 am eastern!
  8. Please!
  9. Maybins rookie year, I used him as my primary DE in Madden and got him in to the HOF eventually....
  10. agree...Im 45 and been a fan as long as I remember and that one is special
  11. nah, Antonio Brown would talk AB off the ledge and allow cooler heads to prevail
  12. I watched 90210... Does pro wrestling count? Still watch it
  13. just google 2 girls 1 cup. It is a great resource for easy meals
  14. loved it then. I remember when it was just Len and Nick We only had ESPN so Inside gave a much deeper perspective and really made the game feel special At least to me...I was also young then so that may skew my perspective
  15. Is Florio secretly Einstein? Is Einstein Warlow? Is Shaw Beane? Is TBBills Fan McDermott? We will never know
  16. I wonder if Diggs acted out to take some of that TSW pressure off Oliver? Thats a real teammate
  17. here it is the Antonio Brown shirtless interview as he speaks about AB as a different person........ https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog/3470967/a-shirtless-antonio-brown-rips-albany-empire-fans-for-not-supporting-his-team-in-the-most-surreal-owner-press-conference-in-sports-history Here he suggests he's come to save the franchise. Like he is to Albany what Ryan Reynolds and Rob McIllhenny are to Wrexham AFC, planning to move them up to the big medium leagues. But can't hold their vibe of positivity and hope more than a couple of sentences. "You think I care about what an NAL player says about me?!? I'm giving these guys jobs!" Which should really endear him to his possible teammates. Including the ones who replaced the ones he didn't pay and kicked out of the team hotel with their stuff still locked in their rooms. holy *****. I thought I was a mess. https://www.news10.com/sports/local-sports/antonio-brown-practices-calls-out-fans-for-lack-of-support/
  18. pick 1 coach to for the SB BIll has to be it..... The master strategist for the biggest game and he has the stats to back that up How could it be anyone else?
  19. not true There was a Mod party hosted by Donahoe and DEFINITELY free hats
  20. would you consider the conversation that has been taking place as normal?
  21. just read that check this out https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2023/06/15/antonio-browns-arena-team-in-albany-gets-kicked-out-of-its-league/ Last night, Brown gave a rambling, shirtless press conference during which he wondered whether A.B. would play A.B. $1 million to play. How have the negotiations been going? “I’ve been trying to talk to him, and the guy’s got like three different personalities,” Brown said, regarding A.B. That pretty much says it all.
  22. I can't believe the entire team decided to no show day 3 of Mini camp! We are *****
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