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TBBills Fan

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Everything posted by TBBills Fan

  1. Ill second that, I look forward to reading your thoughts every week.
  2. this article provides additional insight into what a joke our front office USED to be and how GOOD it is now. So Seattle picked him at 75, they were worried about another team at 88, but there we were waiting a "half round too long" (pick 105). Well a good FO would have an idea who wants who and picks accordingly. A good FO would have known to pull the trigger with their 3rd to make sure they got their guy. Apparently we were sold on Ftiz and didnt have a good read on what the teams ahead of us would do. A Good FO would have known that they didnt have a shot to get him in the 4th. Obviously we were so enamored with TJ that we let a great player slip through our hands. As ***** as that all is, we can at least rejoice in the fact that our FO is pretty damn good at playing the game with other NFL execs yup see my post above. At least we have pros in our FO now yup
  3. Bills-34 Seahawks- 28 Bass has a perfect day, Edmunds makes a game changing play, the board erupts and still calls for both of their heads Mcdermott- Claps Allen- nearly flawless DK-Hurts us with a big day board erupts calling for Beanes job
  4. Ill be honest, it was awesome to see BB have to go deep into his bag of tricks to TRY and stop us. The D standing up, the onside kick, the gadgety plays on several handoffs....he knew this game was the season and knew we have the better squad
  5. thats hilarious and I can see why. What a freaky movie. And the way they included video and audio from the actual sessions really made it quite a scary flick
  6. Very well said. Activation and awakening
  7. and much more....its the doorway we havent evolved enough to open....DMT is quite a journey from what I understand. I havent had an opportunity to try it
  8. On the topic of unexplainable, check out the movie "The 4th kind", anyone who is enjoying this thread, sceptics or believers will enjoy that movie. It includes audio and video from the people involved at the time and really gives you something to think about regarding our minds, hypnosis and the unexplained...people dissapearing, killing themself or being murdered...by aliens Short of it, a shrink in Alaska used hypnosis to help clients remember their abductions and chaos ensues
  9. The third eye.... Im sure it could. Sometimes there is a solid answer to odd or seemingly unexplainable things For me, it was that one time hasnt happened since and never happened before that.....Im 42.
  10. I didnt eat that close to bed and I do not remember what I ate. Okay, here is another interesting experience. MY aunt who lives in NY, went to a psychic. She is a smart woman and also a skeptic so she didnt provide really any infomation, certainly none about her adult nephew. Now with that said let me go back a little bit, my grandfather was really the patriarch of our family. He passed away on my wedding day. Literally, oh and I am also his first born Grandson. So YEARS later my aunt goes to see the psychic. Well my Grandfather showed up...which I believe does happen as our guardian angels I NOW believe are family, loved ones that passed away. Well during this reading the psychic said my Grandfather had a message for me and made a joke about something I did. The message was personal, so I wont get into the details of that part, but it was VERY accurate. I dont want this to sound racist or anything, but heres the funny part. About 2 years prior to my aunt seeing this psychic, my other uncle had a HUGE 50th birthday bash, banquet, people from all over, live band etc....well at the time I couldnt make it at the beginning, was in the process of a nasty Divorce but had a date for the event. I didnt mention I had a date or anything like that to my family. Well my date was this beautiful African American woman ( MY family is Italian) and we showed up during a speech so literally the entire party stopped as we entered. No big deal, Candace and I had a great night, my family welcomed her and everything but Candace and I totally enjoyed shocking the ***** out of everyone and had a good laugh about it Now here is the funny part, my Grandfather told my aunt through the Medium that he thought it was hilarious and got a huge kick how I shocked everyone at my uncles Birthday when I brought the black girl, as he was very much a prankster who was always joking around and liked to catch people off guard. I heard this story from my aunt, about 6 months after she visited the psychic. No way a Psychic could have fished and obtained such info prior to the reading, no way. So....
  11. Ive had sleep paralysis once. It was very scary, it began in a freaky dream and continued when I woke up. So in my dream, I am in this dark, yet clean kitchen, my GF is there and she introduces me to this odd looking man. White, bald, dark cloths tall and a eery look. I get vreeped out as she tries to introduce me, Im like no I dont like him there is something wrong. He is silent with this Evil grin on his face. After she tries to convince me I said no thanks, i dont need to get to know him, walked into another room, laid on the bed and started saying the our father prayer. At this point I havent been in a church for almost 20 years mind you. As I am praying this entity comes in, and is standing over me, CHOKING ME. At this point its a struggle and I am saying the prayer as i am struggling. At this point I wake up, however I am still praying out loud, still being choked and can NOT move. It took every ounce of energy I had to be able to break that feeling of being choked and simply sit up. My GF was laying next to me and woke up in a panic as she heard me struggling Scariest ***** ever True story I have had multiple other experiences, and yes I do believe in Ghosts, "demons" and "guardians/ Guardian Angels" I think there is much more to the universe than we truly understand at this point and my personal experiences have made me go from a non believer in the supernatural/unexplained to a believer.
  12. I agree with this, I think their offensive production may improve. Addition by subtraction
  13. I challenge you to a duel sir, the loser must change his name
  14. trying to get my wife to divorce me. so far Im up 5k...she took my winnings though...
  15. Not to mention her Savings is still stocked and full chess not checkers, when I lose I will still win! nooooooo I need this Bills win and Divorce dont ruin this for me Warcodered
  16. I just closed my savings account, $5346 on the chiefs! I changed the password on the bank account so that I can put it back in before the wife notices!
  17. Fromm deserves a shot, he will call it right
  18. Stretching the zone deeper makes a big difference. A RB with speed we do need, "Motor" can make people miss but he isnt running past anyone
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