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TBBills Fan

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Everything posted by TBBills Fan

  1. the future is yet to be written, we have choices to make so it really wasnt about my future, things like that. It was more like advice regarding the future....it did dive into my past and I was told things I didnt even know that my mom was able to verify, which was freaky Heres an example, my grandfather when he arrived wanted the remote because hes the man. I was then told he enjoyed old shows like from the 650-70s, and he mentioned gunsmoke. Ok, didnt think anything of it. Come to find out, he had his entire family sit and watch gun smoke with him every week. WTF....I didnt even know that.....so its pretty freaky. My mom was like holy *****....mind blown
  2. Thank you. I had a reading done, and as a skeptic with an open mind, with a sales backround and understanding of how to fish for information and lead people, I must say, I came away just speechless. This man knew nothing but my first name, I didnt speak, he had no way to research me and the things he said were so spot on that he either is the best guesser in the world or there is more to it. Quite blown away by the experience And yes there is a lot of crap to weed through, but if 90% are con artists, that doesnt mean the other 10% are. That is why I am curious as to others that may have tried
  3. Curious as to if anyone in here has ever had a reading from a Psychic/medium? Would love to hear feedback from those that have, good or bad.
  4. how dare you, now people think its ok to throw chinese stars at kids. I just had to stop someone from doing it!
  5. that may well be the 4 Division champs next year
  6. Amazing post. Thank you for the solidarity and more importantly thank you for sharing that! We all have our battles, I have had mine. To hear what you survived, what you have become and the life you have been blessed to live with others is inspiring. I have battled with Depression on and off for a majority of my life, and 6 years ago I was at that point myself. Thankfully a friend and some police officers stepped in, and after a few day hospital visit, I was able to admit my short comings and create a plan to do something to change that. I have!! Every day I try to learn, and every day there are new lessons that seem to need to be taught to me. I am proud of the man I am, what I have achieved, the peace I have found and still search for when I wander, the people I have loved and helped and those that have helped me. I know the hole, I was in it so far I couldnt see any light. So is my avatar odd, sure, but it was meant to be funny and I appreciate you standing up for me in this society that misses the important things only to be outrages by stupid ***** that doesnt matter. Bills shredder, thank you!
  7. I feel like he walks the troll line very well with his use of words and cold overall response And his name is way to close to mine. Makes me feel dirty I remember Undertaker. lol there were more than a few that came to troll during that not so good almost 2 decades....
  8. Thank you, thats been my avatar this entire time. didnt need I needed to change it for a thread. Cancel culture strikes again I suppose! Cancel me! Its HUGE problem in America right now, Cartoon pigs are virtually non existent exactly, mental illness is a REAL problem in this country....unlike Cartoon Pigs with guns....thank you for adding. Something was VERY wrong and something very sad and horrible happened to him. I am curious as to what they find.
  9. yeah it does, wonder if they are going to examine his brain. Living in a hotel when you have your place and family says to me its probably mental illness or drug addiction...but I AM JUST SPECULATING
  10. hate to guess at this point, suicide maybe? The article doesnt give much except no foul play. Hard to think it would be natural causes
  11. https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-hillsborough/former-bucs-player-vincent-jackson-found-dead-in-brandon-hotel-room
  12. I "personally" want an apology? As others have said, SHUT UP KAREN Her dad USED to make the Lombardi......lmao why does she "personally" need an apology exactly? For what, the champs celebrating? Oh she wanted her 15 minutes...she didnt design or make it, and Ill be t the blacksmith that did got PAID for the service....so shut up lady. YOU are whats wrong with society. We need to lighten the ***** up. Im glad to see so many responses with thoughts similar to mine, it gives me a little hope
  13. You're a lucky man, and your wife is a lucky lady. Many blessings to you both! Im not dating...in my 40s and holy ***** balls, it sucks! lmao No we dont and you do make a good point, it is posssible he uses them as a way to speak without speaking, but that may make it worse on his end. First, they are a reflection of him to the public, second its not a good look in 2021s cancel culture society, so if he did have input or endorsed it, Im going to say thats a bad move. Either way, this makes me very happy we got the Right Josh. Kid just wants to ball it seems, seems to have a solid foundation at home that lets him do his thing, not much more I can ask for as a Bills fan besides the Lombardi ha ha how so?
  14. I like that, congratulations man!!!!!!!!!!!!! People do change, and no it is not the end all be all, but can we agree its not a good look for her, and she is definitely not doing Mahomie any favors, which makes me at least wonder if she is doing it for him at all.....if she is not, that is not a good sign for little patrick
  15. No it doesnt but in a me first society where attention on ME matters most, what she is doing is certainly telling about her personality. Could I be wrong, of course, but to me, her actions scream life is about me me me. Add in the fact that she hit the jackpot, its not a stretch to at least consider the idea that "true Love" she has for him now could certainly change as it suits her. Its not just this, she enjoys the spotlight gong back, this is the first time she was scrutinized for it. What was it last year, a big woah is me post about opposing teams fans being an ass when in reality she may have been the one being an ass....my experience is girls that are that thirsty for attention and are willing to compromise her husbands name is telling. im also divorced so take it with a grain of salt lmao. Keep in mind even the best marriages have a 50-50 shot of burning to the ground
  16. yup you can tell she loves to be the center of attention.....once she has enough most likely divorce and she takes at least half.... she appears to be that kind of girl.....
  17. or when they were stuck in the woods....a personal favorite was when Paulie visited the psychic
  18. yup and literally the play before it, that BS PI call, both the DB and WR were looking back and they tripped on each other....thats a no call all day long. Back to back gifts, easy TD and game over
  19. Thank you to the 2020 Buffalo Bills. It was great to watch and cheer you on every week. Expectations arw now high, Im looking forward to what you giys bring to the table next year
  20. Kick Ass 2. Horrible compared to the first
  21. If Daboll goes I hope they hire from within for continuity and scheme purposes or hire a guy that uses the same type of system Daboll uses. Obviously tht system fits our QB and team.
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