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TBBills Fan

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Everything posted by TBBills Fan

  1. thanks Chad for making St Joes look bad!
  2. "What do i think of My teams execution? Im all for it!" Same could be said of KB lol
  3. Pulled then yanked
  4. Like 83... Elway -Mayfield kelly-Allen Anderson(cant remember for sure)-darnold Wpuld be fun. Wouldnt mind playing the browns for the afc crown annually
  5. They are who we thought they were! Now if youre gonna crown them go ahead and crown they ass
  6. There is no sex in the champagne room
  7. Anyone catch the first episode? Ive got to admit im excited about what the season could potentially bring given the theme and the fact that we will see the AHS universe come together with Coven and Murder House That said, episode one felt like a lot of set up and Im not a fan of Paulsons acting in this one...seems like she was mailing it in to me. It appears like episode one was setting the stage for the season and while i thought the first episode was just ok im still going to be tuning in to see where they go.with it
  8. man I just got Madden 19 and boy Josh really doesnt have much to wrok with...may have to adjust the game difficulty for this first season hahaha
  9. I think it is a mute point at this junction
  10. Maybe we are trading our 1st rounder for sammy watkins hahah
  11. I dont think he is doing that. They have said all along they have a plan. I believe this is a rare honest moment where beane just shared part of their plan. Im sure Josh already is aware of where they are going with this and beane was being honest. It makes sense really, and i dont think this is Beane getting involved in playing time but Beane simply laying it on the table giving us a little insight. I like it
  12. He might get vet minimum at this point right as the season starts. Most likely he has played his last down....not sure any team will want him now. Bad move dez venting publicly
  13. Awesome report thanks
  14. So the prince in nigeria isnt sending me the money??!?!!?! Oh **** ivsme got to call the bank!
  15. We are going to cremate him and keep him Thanks guys. it helps to let it out and your words made me smile and laugh a bit
  16. Woke up this morning to get ready for work and there he was. We knew he was sick so its not a shock but here I am at work, a grown man and having a hard time composing myself. Our pets our family and Reebok was an awesome lil cat. Ill miss my buddy. Dont really want to talk about it at work, not big for sharing on FB, so thank you for listening. now I have to put on my happy face and face this 12 hour day......sucks, Ill miss him
  17. Naked and afraid is by far the toughest. Those bug bites can be vicious...
  18. Didnt we pick mckelvin over revis?
  19. Idk, stuff like this where there are eyes on the investigation usually move swiftly or die quietly..... which appears to be happening now?
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