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TBBills Fan

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Everything posted by TBBills Fan

  1. JaCrispy dont worry your secret is safe with me. These arent our real names
  2. getting excited!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Plus they changed a classic winning uniform for those god awful ones..just like we did
  4. I agree wit this, there is a huge benefit in terms of continuity and it also seems like the type of process, guys move up as opposed to moving in from outside that Bean and Mcdermott would desire
  5. and welker before him In this system it seems like you can really put up big numbers in the slot. Really gotta also give it up to Beane, he built this offence perfectly with the right people. The results are showing and not a fluke. Good time to be a Bills fan. FINALLY!!!!!!! 20 long mother fudging years lol
  6. Gameday!! Lets put on a good show on National TV tonight and end up 9-3!
  7. What may be late to some is me arriving just when I was supposed to sadly I just read Greggo was fired.
  8. Its comically bad. Sunday Im watching them show him lying about taking over play calling duties..lol
  9. we got about 20 more years of that...sigh
  10. I agree with this. And yes congrats, quite a turn around the last few weeks
  11. practically a brother to me going way back to when we were both posting in the But back in the day
  12. Yes I do have someone that I trust to help me with the accounting aspect. The fact that I am not established definitely adds additional challenges. I have projections and looking at the current production I am personally doing now, this business will be profitable. Thank you for your insight!
  13. I would LOVE to hear more about this and if you have a contact that would be awesome! Thank you I dont claim side hustles on my taxes
  14. Thank you that helps. I will actually be brick and morter, as I need the products on display for clients to choose. In terms of cost, the Manufacturer provides the product on consignment, so there is no up front product cost. So basically with traditional small business loans they will be looking at my credit and assets to determine eligibility? Do they look at profitability and allow no collateral? If the Company does not exist yet as it is starting up will they even consider profitability? Investors or Investment companies? Generally better or worse? Does it matter? Portable Sheds and Carports Thank you I am! However I disagree. Information and knowledge is important, and listening to everyone who is willing to say anything has value. Its up to me to sort through and decide how I proceed. Last time I checked there is no human being on earth that is perfect so I dont mind hearing from others. After all, if I knew it all Id already be rich and retired.
  15. Hello I am currently in the early stages of opening my own business. We will have a location and a physical product we are selling. Currently putting together a business plan As a first timer, I was hoping my fellow Bills fans could give me advice..."dos and donts'" with starting a small business..specifically things I should be aware of or try to have ready if my intention is to get a Small Business loan, grant or investors. I am going to go with a S-Corp, and work in the industry so I have familiarity with the vendors I would need and things of that nature Really it comes down to securing enough capital to have the bills paid for 6-12 months as the company starts. The good news is the actual product is provided via consignment so we are looking at rent, payroll, supplies, licensing, marketing etc as our cost. I am aware this is pretty generic, I have been doing some research online as I try to get all my ducks in a row, so any insight, help or advice you are willing to share would be awesome! Thank you!
  16. Football and wrestling
  17. late to the party, but Umbrella Academy is fantastic
  18. he definitely hated cousins and definitely loves Josh...this combo is gold
  19. This is all true Add in his advanced age period,. He had croanies galore and his entire purpose was really keeping the team positioned to stay during the transition to new ownership. So, being competitive wasnt the first priority, keeping the books clean, keeping it profitable were the biggest concerns. I have to give a ton of credit to the Pegulas and the team they built with Beane and Mcdermott I also give a ton of credit to Ralph for making sure we are able to have this moment
  20. I think this may have been a plot in Ballers season 1 lol
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