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TBBills Fan

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Everything posted by TBBills Fan

  1. I like that, congratulations man!!!!!!!!!!!!! People do change, and no it is not the end all be all, but can we agree its not a good look for her, and she is definitely not doing Mahomie any favors, which makes me at least wonder if she is doing it for him at all.....if she is not, that is not a good sign for little patrick
  2. No it doesnt but in a me first society where attention on ME matters most, what she is doing is certainly telling about her personality. Could I be wrong, of course, but to me, her actions scream life is about me me me. Add in the fact that she hit the jackpot, its not a stretch to at least consider the idea that "true Love" she has for him now could certainly change as it suits her. Its not just this, she enjoys the spotlight gong back, this is the first time she was scrutinized for it. What was it last year, a big woah is me post about opposing teams fans being an ass when in reality she may have been the one being an ass....my experience is girls that are that thirsty for attention and are willing to compromise her husbands name is telling. im also divorced so take it with a grain of salt lmao. Keep in mind even the best marriages have a 50-50 shot of burning to the ground
  3. yup you can tell she loves to be the center of attention.....once she has enough most likely divorce and she takes at least half.... she appears to be that kind of girl.....
  4. or when they were stuck in the woods....a personal favorite was when Paulie visited the psychic
  5. yup and literally the play before it, that BS PI call, both the DB and WR were looking back and they tripped on each other....thats a no call all day long. Back to back gifts, easy TD and game over
  6. Thank you to the 2020 Buffalo Bills. It was great to watch and cheer you on every week. Expectations arw now high, Im looking forward to what you giys bring to the table next year
  7. Kick Ass 2. Horrible compared to the first
  8. If Daboll goes I hope they hire from within for continuity and scheme purposes or hire a guy that uses the same type of system Daboll uses. Obviously tht system fits our QB and team.
  9. Heres the thing with that, its has been alluded to that wasnt his call and was made from above. Now if thats true, we can criticize him for not having the balls to say no, heck even Rex did that with ownership....... I think it is
  10. this is true. Our D needs to not allow long sustained drives and the trenches is where it begins. I have faith that our scheme and players will be ready for this
  11. he wont forget, but what resources can he use to stop Smoke if his #1 is on Diggs and they shadow him? Its really a pick your poison situation for him. 112 other coaches tried and werent very successful at stopping this offense. Take one thing away and another will burn you. If he keeps it cover 2, then Diggs lights it up, so does Knox and our RBs...... Blitz and Allen and the WRS destroy them.... I believe the only way the colts win is by a STRING of flukey plays I see them trying to control the ball and clock, thats where our D needs to do its job. Not an easy task for a good coach and a good team.
  12. he may have a HUGE game for this reason alone. People forgot about him, hes been out so the recent tape doesnt include him. If they focus on Diggs, Smoke lights it up
  13. This isnt really related to the thread but Im ***** get stoked for Saturday.
  14. oh I know but I find weird things amusing like BBs tone and sarcasm. BB was basically telling Lou to STFU.
  15. "yeah great point Lou" lmao
  16. Not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed
  17. If im Sam Darnold Im doing everything I can to win these next 2 games.
  18. I didnt say the superbowl winner came from the best conference EVERY year. Why would YOU say something so stupid? I said at that time the NFC ran off what 13 straight..Id have to look up the exact number In fact its kind of stupid to think that playing and beating top tier opponents doesnt make a difference when the big game comes. An argument can be made that having a easy route may mean you get there, and sure you may pull one off, but a majority of the time you will lose. Id rather be able to say my team is the absolute best regardless of who we play against and those kids battling the best all year damn sure prepares them for what should be the most intense and important game of their life. By the way Id rather be the guy that wins the superbowl too. I just would rather "harden" up on the way there as opposed to hoping I belong once I got there.
  19. Yes we did. And it was quite an accomplishment. However the NFC was bettwr at the time winning what like 10 straight.... We shpuld have beat the Giants, it was more than norwood. Dallas owned us as did washington Again, if you come out of the best conference you are going to win. Id rather be that guy then giy who made it out of the weak conference
  20. I dont prefer tye good qbs yo be in the other conferenc. During our glory years the NFC was the better conference. How did that work out for us? Iron sharpens Iron. Id rather they be the best of the best going into SB sunday. Not the team that got in because they were the best of a bunch of average teams
  21. that article just fired me up!!! Allen-Diggs 2020.....and beyond
  22. its almost like they get their talking points from this board......
  23. this would be one time Id applaud Hoodie for his ability to really walk that fine line..... Do it! That would be epic
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