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TBBills Fan

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Everything posted by TBBills Fan

  1. How do you miss that? Lol
  2. I was just wondering if he same thing
  3. Actually, that kind of makes sense. Buff vs Cincy game decided by a coin flip and move on. I think both teams might have been okay with it. I mean as a Bills fan, honestly I am okay with this solution as well though. Just to make it fun, the league should flip a coin and heads is one option and tails is the other!
  4. Hahha NFL network put a game on instead of total access.
  5. Yeah Cincy is getting the short end of the stick if they play us and everyone wins this week. Because if they would have beat us, then playoffs would be @ Cincy.
  6. Yeah but if we beat Cincy and then the ravens win this week, I think ravens would have won the divional via tiebreakers
  7. Yeah okay. And I agree. It seems the ravens, Cincy and us all have to give concessions. Chiefs definitely seem to have gotten lucky compared to the rest.... Edt.. But at the same time I think the ravens and Bengals really are taking harder hits then us as well.
  8. Oh okay. Now let me ask: This week Bills win, KC loses, Cincy wins Then if we play Cincy it's in the AFCGG. This game would be played where?
  9. Oh wow, yeah it would As an aside, I'm still confused about this scenario: Bills, Bengals and chiefs win this week. Then Cincy and the bills win in the wildcard weekend. Then it's bills vs Cincy in the divisional game That game is going to be in Buffalo and not a neutral site???
  10. Yeah fans of both sides filling the stadium could make some interesting and fun games
  11. Oh okay. Yeah the more I think about it, if KC loses this week and we win, the result in Cincy wouldn't have changed anything. So this week, win and if we end up playing Cincy and/or KC they will be neutral if they both also win. I think this solution does really make the most sense. The coin flip for ravens/Cincy seems odd though. Why not keep this as a neutral as well if needed vs coin flip? What's different?
  12. So would that mean that if the bills win and KC loses this week it will be in Buffalo in the AFCGG?
  13. I don't envy those trying to figure this out, that much I know. It seems like no matter what they end up doing, some team or teams are gonna get the short end of the stick. the league is gonna have to do something with the backing of all 32 front offices regardless of what solution they come up with But what is the right answer? Is there one?
  14. I hope so. Age may be irrelevant depending on what actually caused this.
  15. Yes, sadly you are correct. I am praying for him, his family, his friends and teammates.
  16. I just want to hear an announcement that he is gonna be okay. 24. Just a baby
  17. Prayers for Hamlin. Just in shock right now
  18. That entire situation is intriguing and I'll be watching. There's some parallels to McDermott's arrival
  19. LFG, big time players make big time plays in big time games!
  20. But have you ever seen a 90 year old tall person?? 😂🤣😂🤣
  21. That's kind of a win- win hahah I feel the same, I think it will be funnier for us bills fans if there is an implosion
  22. I would have been too. Then he really sent a message afterward is just icing on the cake. It's kind of baffling to me. One can wonder if his heads in the game?
  23. I never said he was "focused on preparing his team to to the exclusion of all else", it seems you are. I personally don't see much to lead me to believe that, and I think this statement is evidence of that. Knowing the stakes is the base line for everything else. To not care about it is one thing, to have no clue what they are doesn't inspire confidence in their prep work coming in I also don't think he was sending a message, you need to watch the video.
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