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TBBills Fan

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Everything posted by TBBills Fan

  1. I was younger but that combo levitre, wang and Wood was huge for me back then
  2. Oh my the NJ Jesters have egg on their face
  3. My tip is don't go. The Bears mauled us
  4. That's what I was going to say. They are still in cap hell and stuck in mediocrity because of it
  5. Simple question. What would you remove from your life if it guaranteed a Bills Super Bowl this year?
  6. That's true. But Pearl Jams close friends call him EV in honor of Eddie.
  7. That's what we have to hope for, otherwise we could get wrapped up in how futile and meaningless or little moment in time is
  8. You are correct. There isn't a description to adequately describe how much is out there we just aren't aware of. Then consider time. Theres so much more that we don't know than what we know on so many levels
  9. That's a great analogy. Our entire planet isn't even the smallest spec if the universe was laid out as a 2d painting
  10. https://www.popsci.com/science/hobbit-fossils/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/08/06/science/*****-floresiensis-hobbit-fossils-humerus We are learning more and more every year about how much we don't know. Our past, including how we came to be (like space and a few other subjects) is fascinating to me
  11. The movie theater got hit and the putt putt was across the street.
  12. We never got the 90s SB era red helmet back I don't know if this is folklore or true, but I remember being told we went from white to Red helmets to make it easier for Ferguson to throw to the right guy!
  13. I think this is my favorite post of yours
  14. Yeah, remember Tony was going to Bump Paulie up, Paulie told him no. That's the last we see of Paulie. They always had a love hate relationship and Paulie was always one of the best at playing the game that is that life. He saw his shot and took it. Him and Johnny Sac tried to do that as well so his loyalty was always questionable at best If people really watch, the ending is not awful. It was well done.
  15. My theory He sold Tony out so that NY could take Tony out as Journey plaid
  16. Pure will and determination. I'll say it. This version of the offense will be better than 2023. Book it Dan'o
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