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Everything posted by Billzgobowlin

  1. I personally thought it should be the best candidate for the job. Most teams that do the token don't give the minority interviewed a chance because they already have made up their mind.
  2. I was impressed with him but I think he is a decent player caught on an awful team. He is young and probably worth a flyer. I am guessing with Todd Bowles the Jets won't do any better this year and will continue their regression.
  3. He is quite the wild card. He has played Tight End in High School and a little in college so it isn't completely foreign to him. I bet they will have packages for him this year but man if he catches the ball he will bulldoze the defensive players. He would have been drafted in the first round as a tight end if the Hokies didn't need him as a QB so bad.
  4. I don't get that same feeling. The hugs for holly bit they showed on NFL network didn't have that Marrone vibe.
  5. I hate that he is looking for other teams because he was one of my favorites but I hate even more that he is trying to keep playing after the abuse his body has taken.
  6. I'm not sure where you heard he wants total control.
  7. Who was supposed to decline Watkins at this point? I think since the draft he has been running the show because they don't have a GM but I still believe a GM will be hired to do what a GM does otherwise they would have given McDermott the power already. I guess we will see though in a few weeks when someone is hired.
  8. I think a GM will come here because they have a clean slate from the scouting department. I also think that the GM will probably be able to buy in to what Pegula is doing as far as resetting the personnel at OBD. McDerm would have to be part of what the GM signs on to but I still believe the GM's job is to find the talent. Signing two backup special teams CBs doesn't change my mind.
  9. It had to have been a collaboration because it takes a year to set up most teams draft boards. McDerm would not have been able to do it in 3 months.
  10. Give evidence to the contrary. That might be true but it is mixed whether Gutekunst or Wolf is next in line when Thompson does retire.
  11. I don't know what to make of this because Sammy is a special talent but special means nothing if he can't get on the field. Not sure how this is disrespectful.
  12. I be fine with that role but not sure Beane is the best option as GM.
  13. He has major issues so much that he was fired the day before free agency. I don't care if it's the Redskins, that doesn't happen.
  14. I think this might have had more to do with the ousting than McDermott. I doubt Russ made the decision but I think he had some involvement. Whaley was on the way out before McDermott was hired imo. There were rumblings about Whaley having little to no say in the new coaching search. I think this thorough restructuring of personnel is Pegula's doing as opposed to McDerm.
  15. I think the Tre White pick is a good one. He is a leader that is desperately needed with the loss of Gilmore, Graham and Aaron Williams. He won't have the true ability of Gilmore but I don't think he will need to with more pressure from up front.
  16. So he clearly ran the draft by himself without the scouting department? How was that possible in 3 months when most scouting staffs put together their draft board in a year. Sure he had a say in it but not possible to run a draft for the first time when you have three months to prepare for it. His time has been spent evaluating his own team. Despite you knowing "how things operate" you haven't given any evidence other than saying you are connecting the dots. You can keep saying that but there is nothing public known that shows McDermott was or will be the main person in charge. Even if he was involved heavily in the draft which my guess is you can't prove there is no way you can tell who will be in charge going forward unless you are Terry Pegula.
  17. This is still conjecture. You don't know if he was running the draft. You are assuming based on how you see the facts. You don't know what is going on in OBD or what Pegula's thinking is. You don't know why Whaley was fired. All you can say is what the media has been feeding you and all that is conjecture. Give facts and not opinions. I am not ruling out Beane as GM but I know there is more to it than McDermott being the strong voice in the building. No business man, especially one as successful as Pegula gives complete control to someone he has been employing for 3 months. There are things happening that we don't know. Most on here were convinced Anthony Lynn would be the next coach based on media and how did that turn out?
  18. If it's one thing I am sure of the names public don't include the whole list. I think it won't be limited to candidates McDerm will know. Everyone was sure that Lynn was the next coach of the Bills because he had the inside track and Whaley wanted him and he ended up in a different city. Sometimes the media doesn't have the whole story.
  19. Except Wolf interviewed for two jobs just a few months ago.... Where is the documentation? It just seems to be conjecture of what is going on. If he truly had the power why wouldn't he be in charge of the personnel department. He isn't as powerful as you think.
  20. No I honestly believe the complete football ops wipeout is a Pegula reset. If it weren't I believe McDerm would wait for the new GM especially if it was someone he trusted. I seriously doubt McDerm has been given that much power in 3 months. He might have made picks for the draft but honestly who else was going to do it?
  21. After Cyrus, Dareus and Ragland I doubt we pick from Bama for a while.
  22. Not sure I buy that. I think McDermott had a little to do with the firing but ultimately Whaley was never in line with the coaches from Marrone to Ryan to McDermott and it finally caught up with him.
  23. This is conjecture based on connecting dots. There is no inside source.
  24. I think this line of thinking is flawed. If McDermott had all the power he would be picking the GM, he has little say in it at this point.
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