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Everything posted by Billzgobowlin

  1. If we are 6-2 that would be 2 wins against the Jets and 2-0 in the division
  2. Ravens will be a tough game but even so that would still allow us a wild card spot
  3. I am curious to see what they do with the Corner Back position. Gaines is fighting out there and so is Wright but neither is healthy. Mabin isn't the answer if we have to replace Gaines long term. I think we should bring in a starter like Nolan Carroll or I even wonder about Sam Shields. I get they are unemployed for some reason but we can't be depending on two healthy CBs the rest of the season with one of them being a rookie.
  4. Hey at least he is wanted now..... If I remember wasn't this a Jauron draft where we had to get a big interior presence and wasn't Donte Whitner his first round buddy? I was so excited because he played next to Mario in college and didn't even know him.
  5. They should be moving Ducasse from the roster and flipping Glenn inside.
  6. The biggest issue I have is them getting rid of Kromer. The line has looked out of place and unable to play well.
  7. What I get from all of this is the Bills weren't shopping him and gave a prohibitive price when asked. I think this was leaked from the Seahawks to show "Hey were are trying to get better"
  8. I think he has decent enough talent to be a backup in this league but he is proving he is a headcase. Name one backup that drives the headlines and is a loose cannon like him. Even when Vick came back he quietly did his job.
  9. Dallas Texans became Kansas City Chiefs Los Angeles Chargers became San Diego to LA Boston Patriots became New England Oakland Raiders became LA to Oakland to Las Vegas Miami I thought wasn't original but I might be wrong Denver I think is the other original Also Houston Oilers became Tennessee Titans I might be missing one
  10. I don't think he should be done rather they need to figure what makes you more likely to get concussed a second time and adjust to that resolution. His hit wasn't hard but the angle looked like it hurt more than anything
  11. If nothing else the bye week gives Tyrod a chance to develop a rapport with a healthy receiver. Tyrod tends to lock in to one receiver and has never spread the ball around. I'm guessing Holmes as Zay can't catch a cold.
  12. I attended the game Sunday and what I saw was a bad offensive line. They were getting dominated, there were holds on us and the Bengals were in the backfield before Lesean got the ball. LeSean is totally taking one for the team as well as Tyrod but the pass defense is actually somewhat passable at this point. Problem with the passing game is Tyrod is not a good enough quarterback to make Zay look good. I also find it interesting that people were complaining that Tyrod can't throw in the middle of the field last year and now he doesn't throw anything to the perimeter anymore. The Dbs were good but the first TD was dumb to not safety help. White slipped on a juke by Green and that was all he needed. They recovered from that but Green had a great game. A dry game would have hurt Green because he was quick on jukes, plant and run was a lot of what I saw. White did well but not elite unfortunately people don't see it they just see him giving up that long pass.
  13. Watch Henderson come back, Glenn moving to RG and waving bye to Dukasse
  14. If they had no desire to improve from one game to the next you might have a point about being 2-2 but since they always look for ways to get better I would say no
  15. It felt different against the Falcons to me. They could have let the Falcons score and I would have still had faith. The Broncos game is where I think you see the difference. Players are playing above themselves and they have the talent to match. Our defense is supposed to be that good and with exception of the outlier of the Panthers game, the offense should be that good. I think the Bengals will be a tough one but most of them our.
  16. Eric Lee will be released and Colt to the IR. Because he is a receiver that thumb will most likely cost 6 weeks
  17. I thought about this a lot. I would have challenged in this situation but I think I like what McDerm did. I am guessing he figured it would not have been overturned and he quickly had a new play ready and maybe caught the Broncos off guard.
  18. It's not so much offensive as what kind of grown man does these things. Two celebrations really rise to this stupidity, Moss's mooning and the dog peeing.
  19. And thats when their offense will slow down as Brady gets worn down more and more. He is not a 20 year old anymore. You started seeing it last year and now they have to score to make up for a bad defense.
  20. So a white baby that grows up in a group of hispanics will already have misconceptions of them? No people are not naturally racist. Experiences are what charge that thought, through media, through personal interaction and social status. People tend to believe what they are told
  21. This is unnecessary. I am sure of one thing I can never understand a man till I walk a mile in their shoes. Just like you can never judge me because that same thing is true. You claiming I am ignorant is not appropriate because you don't know my experience at all and yes I know what it means and it is a personal attack. I have had many friends of different races and people are treated differently based on stereotypes does that make it racial. I was in high school of 40% african american, if we were in Gym class and we played basketball I would pick the black guy first because there was a better chance that guy could jump and in general play better basketball. That's stereotyping not racist. There were a lot of hispanics that got in trouble and a lot of white people that got in trouble and it had nothing to do with race. You take this Trayvon Martin case that happened, the first report was a white guy that shot him and then it turned to a white hispanic why is that? This is where some media is fanning a flame that isn't there. People need to start thinking of these cases from an impartial standpoint and they will realize the hatred is sometimes more about us then whoever we think it is about. Is there injustice? Absolutely 100% agree but I think it has to deal with high crime areas and the way people portray themselves. Are there dirty cops? Absolutely, but I don't think anyone here can honestly say that that is not the exception. I think people that commit crimes need to be prosecuted fairly cop or citizen but to protest against cops when so many and some I know personally are very good people and what they do is protect us. They put their life on the line and sometimes they make quick decisions, for anyone that cares find out the whole story before you go protesting that another white (or black in some instances) cop shoots an african american.
  22. I agree with this. We are a free country and everyone has the right to express themselves
  23. I'm not going to assume your background but I am fairly educated about racial profiling and how little it happens. The narrative a lot of times gets put forth by media and people run with it before the facts come out. Again how you act is a better indicator of how people profile you than your color based on experience. I have personal dealings that back this up and I am not making this up but you can assume what I do or do not know.
  24. What inherent fear do you refer too? My best friend growing up was black and while I understand I was not him, we did everything together. Your charge that I don't understand because I am not black is a bit of an assumption based on my race.
  25. They have yet to face a good defensive team.
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