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Everything posted by Billzgobowlin

  1. Not sure why people are scared about Denver being up by 17 points. The Bills are a good team and they can beat any team.
  2. Not all players at all positions are the same. Manning in his prime is better with a worse line than anyone in the past 5 years. If it's not Manning you need to look at Oline first. This goes to all positions. None are an island
  3. Steelers game will be really important but we don't get to the playoffs without winning next two games either
  4. The one problem is people don't want Gore to run it and I agree but they need a bruising back to wear down the defense.
  5. But the Bills goal line stands have saved 11 points
  6. New record for defensive injuries in a game after a first down?
  7. In 34 defenses they generally have different coaches for inside and outside. Not sure what they run but those two positions are so diverse in responsibilities in a 34.
  8. No because they aren't the same team
  9. I believe pass was intended for Isaiah Ford and White intercepted. ESPN does this quite a bit
  10. Pass on all of them. If we trade for a receiver it has to be a significant upgrade on what we have and Beasley and Brown I would be pretty confident on ending the season with.
  11. I thought about this too but honestly if the Bills were to lose games like the Titans, Giants and the Jets which they have done in the past you are looking at a 2-3 Jets team, a 3-4 Giants team and a 4-3 Titans team, not to mention a well played game against the dominant Patriots.
  12. Most obnoxious thing at a game is someone pounding my seat or the one next to me. I don't care about anything else but constant pounding on the chair I can do without. Usually it's a kid kicking a seat.....
  13. Unfortunately no one around him does!!!!
  14. I think this would have been an interesting question if the Bills ended up being the Patriots (one blocked kick away). Are they the best in the AFC if they are undefeated?
  15. Gase might but having his two top QBs go down might help him.
  16. Neither challenge was per se to challenge a play but an official ruling. Mcderm was challenging forward progress which he would have never won. The second was getting them to notice a pick not an actual pass interference. Both were bad ref judgement but also bad challenges.
  17. If it was serious with the neck he would have been at the hospital. Probably a neck strain
  18. I believe McKenzie is next up. Just a hunch
  19. With the Redskins listed so high it obviously has nothing to do with winning or quality of stadium.
  20. Plain and simple he was a coward that talked to no one. He was getting toasted and didn't want to look bad on the field. I don't care what you think, it just shows the immaturity of him. That last bit about not having any Bills gear because of how he wasn't here long is a low class comment.
  21. I'm not sure what Allen's size has to do with receiver's being taller. Height advantage is big for pulling down balls over DBs
  22. I'm pretty sure Beckham would be well to talk to his buddy Jarvis about cheap shots....
  23. Funny how the Jets are in the same boat but people expect them to win without winning before. Let's face it some teams get a major pass and the Jets are one. That is a huge if on Bell. He has been out of the league for a year and he is supposed to be hot right off the bat? Also is his line as good as Pittsburghs was? Anderson is a good receiver and he might be the best of both rosters but I like the depth on the BIlls too
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