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Everything posted by Billzgobowlin

  1. Let's just go down each position (Free Agents would work too) QB-I think a long term needs to be addressed, is it Peterman? than a backup needs to be found RB-We need at least a bruiser and McCoy will wear down soon, maybe next year or after WR-Don't mess with this group unless a burner is available in the fourth TE-I think we have decent depth here with O'Leary,Clay and Thomas OG- two Guards need to be replaced with a backup C-we are good with Wood and Groy but I could see an upgrade here too T- I think we have McDermott grooming for the right side and Dawkins for the left potentially so I think that is good S- need backups but really enjoy watching Poyer and Hyde. My favorite position on the team CB-One more starter, depth good DT-I think all set DE-Good with Alexander rotating LB- at least two starters, with Lorax moving to DE P,K- all set I see high priority should be Guard, LB and CB. I could also see RB being a high priority. This fits the run and stop the run philosophy.
  2. This is one game, let the Saints game at home play out before making judgements. Patriots were supposed to fall apart after the Chiefs game and what happened. The Bills have not lost two straight this year. This next week will determine what the true identity of this team is.
  3. It was absolutely an unnecessary flag. This was the typical ref got his feelings hurt. Ref messed up a critical spot and got called out on it. He didn't touch the ref and wasn't out of control. Stupid flag Not so sure about that. I think McDerm will deal with it but didn't seem to be warranted.
  4. Brady might not have won the game but believe the Jets gameplan would have been different. Brady and McCoy on the field would have produced more than 21 points (of which 14 were garbage time). I have a feeling if Brady were on our team this might have been the first loss though. The Bills got lost in the big lights and kept turning the ball over, the Jets rose to the ocassion
  5. Alexander isn't rushing the edge anymore. Maybe next year when we get depth at LB he can
  6. Remember through all this toil of a 5-3 season that we weren't supposed to win this year. Some good came out of last night in that Zay has started catching the ball and we have been getting key contributions from White, Milano and Dawkins and this is good for next year. Some are convinced Taylor is our long term QB and that is not the case. Is it Peterman or are we going to draft someone next year? Who knows. If we end up 9-7 and miss the playoffs would it be a lost season? This team has a ton of draft picks next year and I almost guarantee their first four picks that they make will be starters (2 1sts and 2 2nds). Games like these happen and honestly I think this type of game was long coming (unlike Bengals and Panthers games with the lack of talent to compete) where they are sloppy but honestly this game is the first game that had an "old Bills" style feel to it. Be excited about the future and what we can see coming.
  7. Difference is Hughes cares too much, Dareus doesn't.
  8. He netted a 6th rounder after us trying to trade him for months, that should say something about what people think about him. If anyone in this relationship should be hurt it should be the Bills and all they had to deal with from him even after they forked out big money. Love his game, don't like him as a person
  9. He is missing his bye this year so let him rest and learn the playbook and develop chemistry with Tyrod. Hard to do in two days.
  10. 5 wins doesn't get us to the playoffs. I am optimistic but let's see this play out and enjoy the ride. They have been 5-2 two other times during the streak but I do agree this feels different. I am hoping for a win this week but I am really intrigued about the Saints game, it should show what type of team this is whether pretender or contender.
  11. Going with wife and two daughters. This will be our ninth stadium. Hoping to see another win.
  12. I'm pretty sure the biggest issue with him by most is that he wanted to play on the Bills until all the trades and the talk of the media saying we were tanking and the subsequent Boldin saying to the Pats I'm available.
  13. Yet, and here's the sickest part, they are first in the division.
  14. I am all for improving the D but when these things happen you always have to wonder why.
  15. McDermott is for the future. I think the first to go would be Jordan Mills
  16. I don't see anyone saying he is on the roster. I was merely stating he would likely be the first called since he was last time.
  17. I don't disagree with his talent. I almost wonder though why Thompson was so successful yesterday is maybe because of his chemistry with Taylor.
  18. I think your numbers are off. The Bills allowed 460 to Brady in 2015 and I think Fitz's 374 last year is essentially the same.
  19. He is a talent but I don't see him being happy here and I don't see us signing him as a free agent let alone trading for him.
  20. Except the lack of character is what got us the undisciplined team you saw last year. Clean house to bring in a knucklehead that complains because he doesn't get the ball enough when all he will do is catch maybe 1 or 2 a game? Not very likely.
  21. More than likely they will have to address cornerback depth with something other than Mabin or Seamster. Modest upgrade at this point would be ok but there are some decent options that are currently without a job.
  22. He is only practice squad and can be claimed Agreed but I am worried about the rookie wall
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