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Everything posted by Billzgobowlin

  1. This is not the first team to say this. If Tyrod wants to win next week he better learn how to throw and throw a lot. We go to the playoffs if he opens up a little, we are out if he doesn't
  2. I think our D line will be ok but I would like to see a LB and CB. They are tired no doubt but I see them getting better. Dareus was a big loss talent wise but They have good DTs.
  3. You think Kyle doesn't care? Watch Tyrod's presser, you think he doesn't care? If he doesn't he is a great actor.
  4. The O line flat out needs to get better but we have to make the other teams respect the pass in order to be able to run and that is not happening. Dennison isn't fully the issue but are game plan on offense needs to be reverse. When we pass first in games we tend to do better on offense.
  5. I think most of them care. A 47-10 game is not what they want to be associated with.
  6. I am all for starting the guy, I don't want to see another game like the last two. The hesitation I have is what if he still needs time to understand the game. He isn't a first round pick for a reason but I haven't seen anything from him to believe he can't do it yet though. I like his composure but preseason and mopup duty and starting a game are two very different scenarios. I'm cautiously optimistic understanding he just might not be ready. I am hoping we have the right people in place to make that decision.
  7. I was expecting a stronger run defense when Humber got back but it has pretty much gone the other way. I don't think it is necessarily his fault but the whole front seven has been garbage the past two weeks and we are going downhill fast if they don't adjust. Take Brown out and whoever else even along the line if we don't get consistent play. Time to start playing the process talk and make people hold to it when they obviously aren't
  8. I don't disagree as long as we realize late rounders don't always have star power, heck Taylor is a sixth rounder doesn't mean he will be enshrined.
  9. Sustained offense drives every once in a while wouldn't hurt but these LBs are not starters. Consider McDerm's last job he had Davis and Kuechly and now he has Humber and Preston.
  10. McDerm said what he had to. Every coach would say that right after the game if they had any sense. What they actually do might not change but he is best evaluating rather than opening the door right now. Emotional decisions are bad. Part of the decision has to be what is in the best interest for Peterman. Also what if they do go with Peterman in LA, why give the Chargers any more time to prepare for Peterman? They might go with him in the long run but 5th round QBs don't always become starters.
  11. Garbage time wasn't the main issue because we weren't doing anything against any type of defense that game but the issue with thinking Peterman was successful is the Saints prepared for Taylor, a running QB(albeit one that doesn't run). Taylor doesn't see openings in coverage and throw in anticipation. Peterman was doing it. Taylor is good at making things happen when he can scramble but doesn't see the field real well. The Saints game plan would have been completely different on defense had Peterman been in there. We can't run because throwing is not a real threat. He seems to get thrown off by zones and checks down to short passes in the middle which makes it worse when we run on first and second into a stacked box and said third down is 5 yards too short.
  12. Tyrod was very effective last year, he just seems to have one route he follows this year and ditches to RB if not happy with it. Peterman seems to scan the field more. Benjamin doesn't seem to be here for Taylor and I could feel there being a mutiny if they continue to let Taylor struggle when the team looks like it could be much better. Let's not kid ourselves though, this game against the Saints was never going to be a win. These Saints will win the super bowl if they keep playing like this, their defense has always been their achilles heel and it looks very solid this year.
  13. I'm sure Tyrod would have gotten something going way before the 34 point lead if he could have but I am also sure the Saints started playing off way before that point. Tyrod needs to be quicker in decision making. I know if teams game plan for Peterman it will be harder sledding but I kind of think 3 points wouldn't be all we would score. I think it is telling they kept starting receivers in with Peterman in there though.
  14. I'm thinking he will get replaced next year but honestly the line play was the worst part about the last two games. Get him protection and he can be affective.
  15. True that was sad but don't look too hard at the rest of the box score, you might be just as disappointed.
  16. I know Tyrod is not elite but this game was more than Tyrod's fault. I don't see Tyrod being here next year but please give him a break
  17. Not sure if he would be good but not sure we are the team to take that chance
  18. This is a much different offense.... Tyrod won't be the QB next year unless they go deep in the playoffs imo. This trade was primarily for next year.
  19. San Diego has been much better lately and the Jags have been so inconsistent.
  20. Losing to a subpar team the way they did is a fluke, they have only done that once this year. Whether they do that again or not shows if it is a trend. For those blaming it being on Thursday night I don't buy into that notion, the Jets had the same amount of time. They just flat out were not ready.
  21. I agree and I think why "the process" has been so important is because McDerm has known the talent is not fully in house. I am curious what becomes of Dawkins and Conor McDermott, are they the future Bills tackles. McDermott has been untouchable with cuts yet he doesn't play any games or is even dressed. I also tend to believe most of the LBs on our roster might not make it to next year. I don't see Brown staying as our MLB, in fact the surprise first round pick I could even see being the replacement.
  22. I think you really have to chalk this game up to anamoly. Nothing looked like it has all season, penalties, tackling, turnover battle. Now with the weather getting colder let's see if the Bills understand how to use it to their advantage.
  23. The Bills would have lost at least two of those games last year against the Falcons and Raiders because they wouldn't have been demolished by the passing games. I also would say the Falcons and Broncos were undefeated when we faced them so since then the fortunes have changed.
  24. I would like to see Cordy, Incog, Wood, Dawkins, Henderson. But we will never see Dawkins at Guard because they think he is the future LT as early as next year.
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