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Everything posted by Billzgobowlin

  1. I think this would have been an interesting question if the Bills ended up being the Patriots (one blocked kick away). Are they the best in the AFC if they are undefeated?
  2. Gase might but having his two top QBs go down might help him.
  3. Neither challenge was per se to challenge a play but an official ruling. Mcderm was challenging forward progress which he would have never won. The second was getting them to notice a pick not an actual pass interference. Both were bad ref judgement but also bad challenges.
  4. If it was serious with the neck he would have been at the hospital. Probably a neck strain
  5. With the Redskins listed so high it obviously has nothing to do with winning or quality of stadium.
  6. Plain and simple he was a coward that talked to no one. He was getting toasted and didn't want to look bad on the field. I don't care what you think, it just shows the immaturity of him. That last bit about not having any Bills gear because of how he wasn't here long is a low class comment.
  7. I'm not sure what Allen's size has to do with receiver's being taller. Height advantage is big for pulling down balls over DBs
  8. I'm pretty sure Beckham would be well to talk to his buddy Jarvis about cheap shots....
  9. Funny how the Jets are in the same boat but people expect them to win without winning before. Let's face it some teams get a major pass and the Jets are one. That is a huge if on Bell. He has been out of the league for a year and he is supposed to be hot right off the bat? Also is his line as good as Pittsburghs was? Anderson is a good receiver and he might be the best of both rosters but I like the depth on the BIlls too
  10. Not sure what you mean by immature.... First names that come to mind with immaturity is Antonio Brown, Odell Beckham and Leveon Bell. Antonio is threatening not to play because of a helmet, how much more immature can you be? Yet people were wanting him on this team.
  11. I do get this feeling that Barkley would have this team in the playoffs and with Allen it might be a struggle. Interesting to see how much of a step he takes from last year.
  12. I feel like they warmed up to Cleveland very fast even if they trade for jokes like Beckham and have a head hunter like Landry and a domestic abuser like Kareem Hunt.
  13. Just remember two years ago everyone accused the Bills of tanking and we were just getting rid of people that didn't fit a plan. I personally would have never drafted Tunsil and Alonso wanted out.
  14. Except that they upgraded to better players in the process so they recouped their original compensation which never happens and upgraded talent.
  15. Ryan Shazier exists in literally one out of a million case. You think he isn't being taken care of by the Steelers anyways?
  16. Not sure what to think about this. Bills have an overabundance of WRs, Pro RBs and quality tackles of which the Texans need each. We could beat out the Dolphins on spare parts alone that will probably be cut.
  17. Gibbs and Parcells are two that come to mind. Neither had a hall of fame QB.
  18. If so you need to trade back but I would say that Allen could have been considered the best player and definitely a position of need
  19. Only one I would dismiss right away would be Bell. You can't know for sure what you get from him with a year away from the game and he is invested heavily into by his contract. Plus it is divisional and I wouldn't want to lose that draft compensation to the Jets even though all they will do is draft another DT with the pick anyways
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