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Everything posted by T-Bomb

  1. That doesn't give you the right to demand a business' organizational chart. Typically when a consumer doesn't like a product, they stop buying it...
  2. Why do they owe you a clear answer?
  3. So... You'd have been fine with the power given to a rookie GM?
  4. With the QB crop coming up in the next draft, the Bills will have to have a very bad w/l record next year to get a chance at one of them. Two picks in the 20's isn't going to work. I'd definitely be up for trading Tyrod for a 1st round pick.
  5. No, it holds more value if the "patina" isn't messed with. Number one rule with collectibles, don't repair them.
  6. I think we all need to face facts, Whaley destroyed that draft, picked the wrong player after trading up (should have been Mack), and now the franchise is suffering for it. So many of us at the time berated the move as idiotic, especially in a deep WR draft. Trading up for Watkins to help out the previous draft's reach of a QB, it's so very plain to see why the Bills have sucked for so long... Watkins will go down as another Buffalo Bills draft bust unfortunately. I'm glad McNoggin has the guts to not pick up the option and to move on from the frail player that Watkins is.
  7. Yeah, that doesn't sound too good...
  8. You can't be elite 4th pick overall and only play 70% Sorry.
  9. It's the same thing IMO, not being able to stay on the field = not good enough.
  10. It's risk vs. reward. So far, Watkins has been a very bad bet, not sure why ppl think that will change... Dude gets hurt/tweaked CONSTANTLY! How many times do some of you have to be kicked in the balls before you know it hurts? Honestly... From what I recall, the DR's said it was about pain tolerance, not about further damage... Picking up the option would be compounding the mistake to trade up for him in the first place. That kinda crap has to stop, it's stopping IMO.
  11. Then he'll leave... I mean, what exactly has he done for the Bills? He can't stay healthy... He has simply not performed, bottom line. Why pick up an option on a player who is not worth the option? I don't understand the whining...
  12. How does picking up a 1 year option ensure you "keep Sammy"? At some point he is a free agent, what if he doesn't want to play for the Bills? If he doesn't want to play for the Bills in 2017, why would he want to play for them in 2018 and beyond? This move does NOTHING in terms of the Bills being able to keep Watkins, that's up to him... 5th year option, franchise tag, both of them are hostage scenario's for a player that doesn't want to be here. If he wants to be here, he will, whether or not this option was picked up.
  13. I got it! McNoggin
  14. Watkins can't stay on the field, i.e., he's a bust. I'm glad they declined the option. He can prove me wrong by playing all 16 games this season,... go!
  15. "We have a dumpster fire going if anyone is cold"
  16. I'll throw a few names for what ppl might be calling him in 3 years: McDumbAss McLoser McFired McMuppet I mean, I guess it's endless...
  17. This is like a really stupid thread? weeeeeee
  18. No team will give a 1st rounder due to him being injury-prone.
  19. When the Bills were good in the 90's I never remember caring about the dumpster fire Patriots...
  20. I liked both Whaley and Murray. But I guess when your teams still suck after 4/5 years you get fired, that's how it works... IMO, Whaley was the best GM the Bills had since John Butler.
  21. Gilmore's cap hit would have stung worse. Unless he was a great player, he was never a great player...
  22. lol at the ppl who think they know how good a rookie will be. Newsflash, you don't...
  23. I've always disliked Murphy, he's a combative kool-aid drinker. Jones is worse than Tasker in front of a mic...
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