What spoils exactly?
The NFL is a big sham.
The Bills are not so important that tax payers should pay a dime towards a new stadium. People who think that's the case are delusional and drinking the NFL Kool-Aid IMO.
I just hope this new "all star" front office doesn't build a team full of Chris Kelsey's. At some point actual talent is needed, not just a bunch of "lunch pail"/"high motor" slow lighter skinned guys.
I think when the Buffalo sports teams stop sucking many of us will have other things to discuss and there will be less time for the optimists and pessimists to fight it out on the forums.
I remember last year during pre-season when he got hurt. A BBMB mod gave me warning points for saying that injury would hamper him all season. The MOD said I was being overly negative, and that high ankle sprains are not a season long injury.
I think the MOD's name was MASH.
What a douche.