I think he's right about the statues being taken down. It's just most politicians don't have the balls to say what a lot of Americans are thinking...
It's getting tiring that the leftist way of thinking is the only legitimate way of thinking, that agenda being pushed by 99% of the news organizations in the world, Hollywood, etc. Liberals are the most intolerant to other viewpoints, which is odd, because they preach progressivism and tolerance.
There really isn't a melting pot anymore, more like a sausage making machine being run my the liberal media.
Having said all that, Trump is definitely arrogant, doesn't put in the effort to gather all the information before making stupid tweets, and is a basically a forum warrior. However, I'd still rather have him over Hillary.
And before someone spouts off how Trump is creating all this racial tension, no, it was already there and will continue to be there no matter who is in office...
I don't see Trump resigning any time soon, the American people and the gov't are just going to have to deal with it I think.
Trump might be enabling white nationalists, but not any more than Obama enabled black lives matter.
Bottom line is don't let politics run your life, just like don't let the Bills games on Sundays run your life, I imagine it's a very sad and bleak existence if you do.