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Everything posted by T-Bomb

  1. I'm interested to see how the McBeane approach to player selection works out. For instance, I don't think this FO would have ever drafted Dareus. Would that have worked out better or worse for this team in the long run?
  2. Or Richard Cranium's...
  3. What's the problem exactly? It's intelligence vs. extreme talent, not sure why you're having such a hard time with it...
  4. Ralph is cheap!
  5. He lacked physical talent...
  6. It most definitely is a derogatory term. "articulate fine young man" was what most if not all of the FO ppl used to use back in the 90's-early 2000's when talking about black players, yet they used the term intelligent when talking about white players... Why? I used to cringe/laugh at that every time I heard it. It was so obvious... I dunno, just compare Sammy to Zay Jones, I personally get the impression Jones is a smarter dude. I hope that helps the team in the long run in some way.
  7. They were super desperate, thought they had a contending team.
  8. Ah see, I didn't say the derogatory term "articulate", you did. I also didn't call them "fine young men". IMO, they just seem smarter. "Patriots smarter" I hope.
  9. I don't normally pay too much attention to player interviews during pre-season, but I am noticing a difference between the McBeane players and previous regimes' players in terms of speaking ability. Two players in particular that strike me as better speakers are Zay Jones and Jordan Matthews. I know this doesn't mean they are more intelligent, therefore they will be better players, but I can't help but feel that way when I hear them speak. It's a far cry from listening to Leodis talk. In fact, there was a Bills CB a while ago who had one the best/most awful quotes ever, something along the lines of "we has to better preparate ourselves" Wish I could remember who it was, think he played in the early 2000's. It might be wishful thinking on my part that this translates to more wins, but I like the shift in types of guys the Bills want to fill their roster with.
  10. He seems kind of stupid to me... I doubt he lasts long.
  12. I know he had a good season last year, but what I saw last night was an old man who really should not be on an NFL football field.
  13. Well I don't agree with the left's agenda, so it's unlikely I could ever vote for a Democrat. I am a fiscal conservative and a social agnostic. I strongly disagree with the left on spending/social programs, and strongly disagree with the religious right on social issues.
  14. I'd still vote for Trump over Hillary again... And I am a registered IND. I really wish we could revamp the election process.
  15. It's not really possible at this stage in history with the way the two party system has a lockdown on the election process. The fault lies mainly with the primary election system. Cool, it is not some silver bullet answer to all our social ills, but it does speak to deeper cultural issues, issues that can't be quickly wiped away by revisionist history/statue removal and the like. I think the bottom line is, it's going to take a lot of time to fix these issues, more than one human lifetime. We are an instant gratification culture that gets easily butthurt and are unwilling to wait for these issues to be worked out.
  16. You should watch the vid.
  17. If it was a done deal then why bother meeting with the owner and the coach? A deal in principal is not a done deal, jeez some of you people...
  18. It's not as simple as black lives matter wanting blacks to stop being killed by cops, don't be so naïve. People need to stop painting that movement as some type of "wholesome movement of goodness". And ofc, white nationalists are obviously in the wrong, that's not even debatable. The point is, Obama was just as guilty as Trump when it comes to "inciting" racial tensions, something the liberal media is very blind to. In any event, these issues are not going away in our lifetimes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVVaRJ5pCAw
  19. You don't cover up the past, you deal with it. Rewriting history has been a flaw of humanity for so very long, and we just keep on doing it. This is so very true. There is such a lack of intelligence in this current movement, it's based on emotion, which is dangerous.
  20. Andre Reed wasn't always injured.
  21. I guess we should start talking reparations? Marry Wilson has enough money to do that right?
  22. I think in time, any statue of a white person is going to be considered offensive/racist. I imagine at some point in time Ralph Wilson's statue will be protested against and torn down because he was an evil racist.
  23. Does your penis meet their requirements?
  24. Taylor shouldn't be developing anymore, he's been in the NFL 7 years... He's looking terrible this pre-season, I just don't think he has what it takes mentally.
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