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Everything posted by T-Bomb

  1. Taylor is not Brady...
  2. I will if you whine about Trump for me
  3. Nah, I said they would not win ulness the weather sucked or there were a bunch of turovers. Well, Cutler threw 3 pick's... But, IIRC I said that before posting in the predict the score thread. Either way, we now know it's not 0-3, question is, is it 3-0? That seems highly unlikely...
  4. I ultimately did pick them in the score thread, because I had them with a win on my preseason pick's. I do have them finishing with two losses.
  5. I know the Dolphins kinda suck, but the Bills have shown they have trouble sweeping weak division opponents.
  6. I think the Bills lose the next two games. That's why I'm pretty sure they don't make the playoff's.
  7. Bingo, he may never be able to cut it in the NFL, which would be considered a bust.
  8. I think everyone griping about the Tenn loss should remember the Bills put themselves in this situation. The losses to the Jets & Bengals come to mind.
  9. McD is not showing game management intelligence IMO, not a good sign for the future.
  10. But that's just not very realistic...
  11. So is he saying he would not have grown up here if they kept losing? Nice attitude...
  12. Small companies is where it is at. Mine has been sold a couple of times, getting more corporate each iteration. Early retirement just may be in my future as well. Good luck! I'm sure they do exist, and I'm sure plenty out there are smarter and better than I, but when the issue is forced, that's when it's total BS. We live in an era where it's predominately forced to satisfy PC requirements.
  13. I thought the Bills plugged all the leaks? Russ, is that you?
  14. Ouch... My first eng job out of University was for a female eng manager, it was a joke, office dynamics sucked, I lasted 6 months before I quit. If what happened to you happens to me, I'll be quitting lol. I have about 20 years to go, and I see a clear line of manager succession that looks promising, so we'll see... I'm not interested in a company that forces office diversity for the sake of political correctness.
  15. In my company, the Engineering manager has to have a clue about machine design, so it's doubtful that would ever happen. If they don't have machine design exp in sales or eng manager, then it's time to look for another job, regardless if it is a man or woman in the position. IMO, the office sucks with women, it was much better without, and I'm not some 60 year old "good 'ol boy" either.
  17. It's rare females are ever the boss in my field, but I'll keep that in mind lol.
  18. Women in the workplace who think they have power are even worse.
  19. The league has peaked with Brady, once he's gone it's downhill IMO, and not just because he retires. Brady will be kind of a historical landmark for when the league was at its best. NFL fans are a dying breed, it will fade away. 100 years from now there will be no NFL.
  20. Women in the workplace are nothing but trouble. I work in an engineering office comprised mostly of men, over the last 5 years more women have been introduced into the office. What was once a great place to work, has kind of turned into a funeral home, it sucks. It was much better when it was 100% men. The women can't seem to get along with one another, and all the men are deathly afraid to say the wrong thing. My job is mentally demanding, and the levity the office lost has hurt the work experience for sure.
  21. I've always told my GF to wear a personal recording device at work because of all the **** she has to put up with, but that's probably illegal in NYS... Plus probably not a good idea when seeing patients.
  22. It's our online, clickbait, reality TV watching society at work... Luckily I work with mostly male engineers and not a bunch of catty women.
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