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Everything posted by T-Bomb

  1. I gave all my money to Dalton and that receiver that I can't even remember his name anymore...
  2. What does it matter? A show hosted by the superhomer is going to suck no matter who the co-host is...
  3. From what I am hearing this was not a singular event but a cumulative type injury?
  4. Oh well... I wonder if Kyle will retire now?
  5. Who says I am against football? I'm not, I'm against the NFL's current state of affairs.
  6. That's not the issue, it's future availability. If he does further damage playing in a game that is 99% likely a loss, it's not very smart to be "macho".
  7. I hope he's not risking further damage.
  8. I would like to see the Eagles beat the Steelers.
  9. I have over 40 nieces & nephews/great nieces & nephews. Soccer seems to be the main sport, not many of them care about the Bills or the NFL, some care about the Sabres. I think it's a good thing if the NFL gets knocked down a few notches.
  10. I feel bad for the adults who go to the "Pro Wrestling" matches, my goodness...
  11. Who cares, the league sucked.
  12. I expect competence from the franchise, still waiting...
  13. "Belief" is one of the pitfalls of the human condition, it should not be lauded as a desired quality.
  14. Nope, they can't throw the ball, like pretty much every other NFL team can...
  15. Oh well, old people die. At least he made it to 82, it's a good run.
  16. That won't happen, but I do hope the Colts trade Luck to the Bills.
  17. Every year...
  18. Kinda why they never win enough games to make the playoff's year after year...
  19. They should respond by trying to cover him, nothing more.
  20. Aww, captain Homer is upset...
  21. Ouch, yeah, there are tons of stories like ours. I remember getting ridiculed by many ppl for wasting my time/electricity mining for them...
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