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Everything posted by T-Bomb

  1. Not sure how you can give an unproven player that much cash... NFL teams are stupid.
  2. This just sounds like someone's fantasy...
  3. Maybe, I bet some team overpays for him and then regrets it, we'll see...
  4. I don't think there is any other option, they have to keep him as their starter, especially if they draft a QB. They won't be drafting a QB who can play right away. I'd hate to see them bring in any of the other FA QB's, because they're really not any better than Taylor. Foles will cost too much, that horse has left the barn, needed to grab him before his Disney World adventures...
  5. There was a news story on WGR recently that stated the Eagles were trying to get McCoy back when pawning off Matthews, McBeane said no.
  6. Bledsoe, Taylor then Fitztragic. Fitz years were the most fun for some reason.
  7. I get the impression his "love" for Buffalo is genuine, but still, he grew up in Philly, was a hometown hero on that team, they finally win a SB while he is in his prime years, and he loses out because of Chip Kelly, a coach who was smarter than everyone else...
  8. That could have been him last night celebrating if McBeane would have let him go back to Philly in the Darby trade. Probably the closest he'll ever come to a SB victory. Man, Chip Kelly really screwed him.
  9. No, he seems like a whiney B word. Too bad he sucks
  10. THAT is what the internet is for! Not moderated forums where you can't have any fun
  11. It will be interesting to see what happens to him. I just wanted the Bills to draft a top prospect, but they won too many games, so that plan is shot to hell and back.
  12. I watched a movie with my GF instead.
  13. Foles has one hit wonder written all over him.
  14. I think most NFL fans don't give a crap about Joe Montana, just like they won't give a crap about Brady when he's done. The NFL and its media minions have a vested interest in silliness such as legacies. I think most NFL fans would not care at all if it wasn't in their faces.
  15. I have no idea, I don't think about Joe Montana, I don't even think about Jim Kelly.
  16. I didn't watch it, don't really like either team. But mainly didn't watch it because I despise the current state of the NFL. Plus all those idiotic commercials and way too long halftime garbage. It's nice to see that the Cheaters lost though.
  17. Who cares about legacy? The NFL is the epitome of what have you done for me lately.
  18. Wait until their team sucks when they have no QB. ofc, a lot of the fans you see whining will no longer be Pats fans, they'll be on some other bandwagon...
  19. I'd rather listen to that than anything John Murphy has to say...
  20. I won't be watching, but I rarely watch NFL anymore anyways...
  21. What a Billsy mess. So typical of this franchise...
  22. Not sure why everyone is picking on Tyrod, he worked hard and did his best. He's def not the worst QB the Bills have ever had...
  23. Yeah, was pissed when I gave him $17 the website took a mandatory tip... Kinda turned me off for future generosity tbh.
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