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Everything posted by T-Bomb

  1. I tell him thank you for your service but we need to get younger not older.
  2. As have I, at a young age too. It seems like most everyone has these days...
  3. He needs to be replaced, but only when there is a QB on the roster who is: 1) Better 2) Ready to play That's the only logical approach. As a person, Tyrod seems like a cool guy, too bad he's not an elite QB, but that's life...
  4. You keep saying this stupid ****... The only drama is the drama you're creating! Luckily, the McBeane FO doesn't seem to be the drama queen type. They'll keep Tyrod if no other, as good/as cheap, veteran option becomes available.
  5. I'd trade for him. Go big or stay home.
  6. That's the way the internet is telling him to think...
  7. The Bills already have a bridge QB on the roster...
  8. Truth stings? He should only be replaced when they actually have an upgrade at hand. It's not like he's going to be getting top money. It's simply ignorance or wishful thinking to see it otherwise.
  9. And starting him day one simply because he's a first round pick is not doing #3 either. I don't see Taylor having much baggage or "history". I think what you're doing is just self-affirming your hatred for a particular player as opposed to thinking logically about the situation.
  10. It makes sense to keep him until they have something better on the roster and ready to play at a level above his. Not sure why this is so hard for some people to understand...
  11. Good, if the Pats keep signing Bills players, they will suck eventually...
  12. The Bills need to just pay Taylor this season, whether or not they draft a QB. Say no to Cousins!
  13. Well, you can stop now because you suck at it
  14. This thread was doing just fine until a couple wannabe forum mods showed up...
  15. Oh, you're feeling special too I see. Only the "special" ppl on these forums don't have to take their own advice and ignore threads/posts they don't like?
  16. And what makes you so special that you can judge others? You must be a joke too then?
  17. I think it has been proven out that most ppl don't give a crap about the Jills... <insert Picard facepalm here>
  18. iirc ~300km diameter is when spherical starts, so yeah, these flat earthers are whack...
  19. Some ppl are such precious snow flakes they can't handle being picked on, so their only option is to want to kill other human beings... Nice
  20. I don't know much about college football, bit if he is indeed inaccurate, no thanks. The one thing the Bills have been missing for so long is consistent accuracy.
  21. The #metoo movement is going to ruin a lot of young male athletes' careers. Women these days can just sling out whatever unsubstantiated claim they want and instantly get the man socially convicted.
  22. But he sucks... What good is it if the "best QB available" isn't good enough, you go ahead and pay him stupid money anyways???
  23. I'm more of the former type, engineer with patent's etc. I'll take personal accomplishment/achievement/financial gain over fun any day. Fun is too subjective and when it's over it's over and looking back on fond memories of "fun" is quite useless IMO.
  24. You have him at? Seriously? LMAO
  25. Who cares??? People should just worry about themselves IMO.
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