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Everything posted by Chris66

  1. No your a flake for bitchin about it. Its Buffalo in December. It snows.
  2. Snow on xmas eve would be cool. Dont think Brady has ever lost a Snow Game
  3. I have to disagree. Absolutely love snow games
  4. Youbcan tell bybthenposts which fans live in buffalo and who doesnt. This isnfreakin awsome.
  5. Red jerseys look like the old pat patriot ones. I thought Peterman was Flutie for a second
  6. Let it snow. Should be an interesting game.
  7. Problem is the Nfl is going to keep treating the Bills like a red- headed stepchild until they build a stadium. Terry is probably not going to build one if all they can sell is Sept and Oct games.
  8. My bad it was 183 as a team. Ball was deflated by .5 psi. Heres some more math. 5 superbowls, 7 superbowl appearances,11 afc title games(6 in a row), 14 afce( soon to be 15) championships.
  9. You held the Pats to 23 pts and Shady rushed for almost 200yds. Bills still lost by 20. How is that for math.
  10. So you just lumped in an entire fanbase base on the .5% that post on message boards. Thats pretty douchy.
  11. How can people not want to attend a snow game. They're awsome
  12. Or the Bills have lost to the colts and miami and just want get on the plane to spend xmas with their families.
  13. Correct as long as he doesnt recock his arm. If he losses the ball at the bottom of the motion incomplete pass. Once he brings his arm back then its a fumble. Very confusing.
  14. But thays the rule. If Brady had brought the ball back (recocked) it would have been a fumble.
  15. https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&ei=SqAqWv6jEeS3jwTchJ-wDA&q=2001+jets+vs+patriots+testaverde+tuck+rule&oq=2001+jets+vs+patriots+testaverde+tuck+rule&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3..33i21k1.1795.8904.0.10349. Google jets vs pats 2001 tuck rule. There are a few clips an d ref
  16. Most expected 7-9 +/- 1 looks like they're going to end up exactly that.
  17. What situation was it meant for. It was called against the pats earlier in the srason on a Testeverde fumble. I think most Pats fans watching new it was going to be the tuck rule.
  18. My guess is you were probably about 10 in 01 and really didn't follow football. Tuck rule had been around well before 01.
  19. No more reviews. Let the nfl handle it with fines on Monday.
  20. Thats weird. No early game for Providence. Must be a typo.
  21. You dont understand. The basis of spygate all started with BBs hatred of the Jets. There are plenty of books out there on BB that goes into detail. Kraft just hired him and gave him full control of personel. Kraft wasnt going to fire him after one year. Not after what happened with Parcells. Also BB wouldnt have taken the job if Kraft was going to meddle. He had already gone through that with Modell
  22. Probably wasnt even there. Nflpa most likely appealed on his behalf.
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