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Everything posted by Chris66

  1. Congrats its been a long time coming
  2. That would be so Billsy even Murph would understand it
  3. Maybe the other owners are pissed at Pegula for keeping the team in Buffalo. Maybe they are also pissed because he seems in no hurry to build a stadium. Maybe it has less to do with NE and more to do with screwing the Bills.
  4. Yeah the live version from the other side you can see him extended along with the marker. This angle shows who is pulling him back. Sync up the 2 and its pretty clear forward progress was over the marker
  5. Nba game avg about 160 points a game. Thats 2 baskets a min. Lot easier to fix those games than nfl. Dont buy it too many people would have to be involved.
  6. Agreed, he is fully extended and being pulled back by #22 . You see this clearly as #60 Andrews moves out of the way.
  7. What motivation does the league have to fix games.
  8. Actually yeah once you time up this angle with cbs's angle
  9. Just watching Turning Point on Nfl Network. They just showed that play. As Lewis is falling forward with ball extended, he is being pulled back looks like # 22 Lewis then lands on Thuney. So forward progress was given.
  10. My bad. I thought you were saying nfl ( as in 32 owners). Only care about money and not winning.
  11. I believe they changed the replay over the offseason. All replays go through the league office with the replay official in charge making the final decision.
  12. So he called the steelers to release him and every gm notbto claim him. Yeah that makes perfect sense
  13. So your saying that Pegula is in on it as well? He paid 600 million more than the team was evaluated and he doesnt care about winning?
  14. I understand the rule. Im just saying its not uncommon. You see it every game No it was when Lewis was falling forward andvextended the ball over the marker and pulled it back to his body when his knee finally hit the ground
  15. I get what your saying but again you see the forward progress given at least 5-6 times every game. Its not uncommon
  16. Im on a 5 inch screen i cant see it that well.ill take your word on it.
  17. Not for nothing but you see that forward progress given in every nfl game. He was falling forward. Its not like he ran backwards trying to escape
  18. Tough to tell from that angle. The official is right there from the better view
  19. Well to be fair. They did get the call right. Even though replay wasnt meant to be used that way. Its the same when they ofer turn a goal in hockey for offsides or when replay show the runners hand slightly off second base after a steal.
  20. Like I said small screen.. right hand and arm then. Still a lot different than James or Benjamins non catch. Benjamins I would have let stand just cause it was so close. That call reminded me of when they reverse a goal because a skate was above the blue line.
  21. Im not an official. I can guess.my opinion doesnt matter in the long run. The Cooks catch is a tough one. Tough to see on a small screen, but it looks like his left hand and arm stay under the ball.
  22. My guess is because he has control the ball hits the ground but doesnt move. The official is right there watching the entire play.
  23. Thats the sign of a mentally soft team. Tied at the half and you let one bad play dictate the rest. I didnt see that. I thought the Bills played tough right till they were gassed. What I did see was a coaching staff fail to adapt the game plan in the second half. McDermott doesnt seem like he is a x's and o's type of coach
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