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Buddy Hix

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Everything posted by Buddy Hix

  1. I'm glad Tyrod thinks the kid is coming into his own as a professional. I hope Sammy and the Bills can hit the reset button and feel each other out this season. Both sides in this equation have a lot of trust to build, Sammy has to show he can stay on the field and dominate for an entire year and the Bills have to prove they are now being run in a professional/competent manner.
  2. I don't think I have been ranting or irrational, but that is simply my opinion, you are entitled to yours. And you fail to understand the dynamic that I have tried to explain. As you stated, Presidents of football teams will be asked for input on football decisions. While Russ no longer has the ability to make decisions he would still have the ability to sway a decision if the decision makers (McD and Beane) were on the fence about things. Which is why I would prefer not to have a President that has the track record of Russ Brandon and would support his firing. I understand that Pegula has chosen not to fire Russ and therefore advocate for Russ to not even have a voice in any football or hockey decision. So I am not trying to have it both ways... And like I also stated, my opinion and the opinion of the disgruntled fans means nothing. Pegula has made his mind up and all we can do is hope he has made the correct decisions.
  3. Which leads us back to why 2/3 of respondents want Russ fired...the Bills and Sabres have a president whose input is worthless as it relates to on field/ice issues.
  4. I agree, no responsibility...but Terry also made it clear that Russ will be asked for his opinion on football operation decisions, which is asinine to myself and a lot of other Bills fans that feel somebody with Russ' track record should never again be asked to provide input in that forum. Under Pegula's leadership it has been apparent that he likes to employ a group consensus philosophy, I hope that is no longer the case. Let McD and Beane be the only 'group'... As to your other question, it is impossible to say for sure what Russ' influence has resulted in during Pegula's ownership and the Marrone years, the team isn't forthcoming in that respect. All we have is speculation....speculation that Whaley and Rex were free to do as they please and speculation that Russ has influenced trades, Rex's hiring, Whaley's firing, etc.
  5. Yes, I have no problem admitting that fans draw their own conclusions as to the level of influence Russ has on football decisions based on their bias for or against the man. I think this issue could have been put to bed by Terry Pegula earlier this year when he was questioned about the role Brandon has on the team. Instead of easing the minds of questioning fans (myself included) who feel Russ has shown an ineptness to make sound football decisions and stating that Russ has no influence, Pegula decided to be ambiguous with his statements and let it be known that Russ is still a sounding board. I think the only hope for both camps (pro & anti Brandon) is that McD and Beane are now in control and free to do as they see fit.
  6. Such an idiotic statement...there is really no point in discussing this further when you have people who equate the positions that Russ has held (GM, President) with that of a secretary.
  7. Good read and pretty much how I see things at OBD. Until Russ & Overdorf are gone this team will have a tough time succeeding.
  8. Only saw him play one game, the Clemson thriller. I am going to assume he is exactly that player and the Bills are now set at QB for a decade.
  9. What part of my post was trolling? Do you know what trolling is?
  10. Plug his ears and go "lalalalalala".... No seriously, I don't have a good answer for that. My hope is that OBD gets to a point where Russ isn't consulted. I am rooting very badly for McD and his guys to come in here and take control and right this ship.
  11. Do the Russ fans/defenders on here think Russ didn't advise Pegula to extend Whaley 15 months ago? It is more plausible that Terry and Kim did that on their own rather than consult with Russ? I highly doubt that Russ wasn't consulted on that decision, which is where my frustration comes from. I think we can all agree Russ should never be consulted on football related decisions, but it appears he still has a voice.
  12. It's only a non answer if you don't take into account the answers Terry gave before that question, regarding how the GM search will be a collaborative effort. Terry isn't dumb, he understands the optics of having a career loser like Brandon who has proven to be inept at football decisions advising him, so Terry makes an effort to distance himself from answering those questions directly.
  13. Exactly....god bless the Pegulas for keeping the Bills in Buffalo but they are simply bad owners. We can hope they learn quickly but the evidence points out that they do not. Today Terry was asked if Russ will have input into the GM hire and Terry said that Brandon would...Why in the absolute !@#$ would you ask Brandon anything related to football? I love the Bills but I have no hope that this dysfunctional team gets turned around until the one constant of the drought is no longer asked a god damn question...fire Russ Brandon or put a muzzle on him.
  14. Wake me up when Russ is canned, as long as he is president as has influence the failures will continue.
  15. The 5th year option includes an injury guarantee, with Sammy's history the Bills really have no choice but to pass on the option. Not that the Jones trade was bad but it's hard to ignore that the Watkins trade forced the Bills into it.
  16. White's size and lack of physical play as per the scouting reports are my biggest issue with this pick, my second issue is just the feeling that the Bills are continuing to spin their wheels by doing what they always do. I do congratulate White and wish him the best, seems like a stand up guy and I always root for those types.
  17. I would not want that uncontrolled emotion getting flags every play, we already have Jerry Hughes to fill that role.
  18. Same old Bills....draft DB's in the 1st and let them walk. Why not take a shot at a QB like Watson instead of doing the exact same thing that hasn't worked?
  19. Hey Bill, We have very similar outlooks. I want a QB, prefer Mitch T. (know he won't be there) would be happy with Watson. If/when that doesn't happen I would hope for a trade down or Corey Davis. I fully expect another first round DB.
  20. "We hope you like CB's in the 1st round....again!"
  21. I have always thought Whaley was an imbecile due to his inability to articulate or even form a coherent thought. I hoped, as others preached, that being somewhat intelligent wasn't a prerequisite to being able to evaluate talent on the field but it hasn't worked out that way. I hope Whaley has a 'win now' mandate, either way I would be happy at season's end...Whaley is gone or the drought is over.
  22. I feel for the victims, their families and AH's little daughter. So much heart ache over such petty stuff, crazy world.
  23. That's how I feel as well, the drop was the game changer. That being said it is easily the best game I have been too.
  24. From the partial details available I think Whaley did a good job on this restructure, and this is coming from a fan that really doesn't care for Doug's body of work thus far in his 7 years at OBD.
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