I used to think it was a lack of talent around Rodgers that was the issue. But after spending the weekend in GB this year and talking to a lot of Pack fans I started paying a little more attention to MM’s conservative style, and I think that style is the reason the team hasn’t been successful. AR seems like he hates the conservative approach and the disconnect between him and MM ended poorly.
MM reminds me a lot of McD in that they both seem overmatched by simple game management philosophy. Whether it be reviews or clock management or 4th down approach, both coaches don’t seem willing to evolve beyond the era in which they cut their teeth. The difference between the two is that MM has a star QB with an ego and his own beliefs, whereas McD has been allowed to shape a roster of “yes men” who won’t question his approach. Which goes back to the selection of Allen over Rosen. I think Rosen presented a lot of the personality traits that Rodgers has and McD wanted no part of it.
Good luck though, I like the Pack and hope they find success before AR’s time is up.