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Posts posted by BuffaloBud420

  1. I feel you have the most appropriate screen name on here. What's your beef with Zay? Are you seeing a completely different player than me?

    The full game film I am watching is of a quick, big bodied receiver with great hands.


    Nothing special. Played against low level talent and caught a ton of screens.

  2. Fire him for what, stupidity that happened a decade ago, or the the conspiracies that you whiners have invented since he moved on from being an unwilling GM?


    The dude makes money for Mr. Pegula. That's what his job is. That's a job he is very good at. The fact that you're butthurt, and refuse to listen to anything other than idiotic conspiracies does not make him bad at his job.

    Its so hard to make money in the most popular sport in America and in an area with one the most loyal fan bases.


    Us conspiracy theorists were right at Whaley.

    Can you give us some first hand proof? Maybe your dealer is Russ's dealer?

    I don't need it. Just like I told you Whaley was not in control of the roster and would be fired.

  3. Pegula likes him. It's quite simple. I have always believed he had too much influence. Now I feel that has changed. At this time his presence probably doesn't negatively impact football decisions anymore. It's clear that McDermott is running the show. It seems that McDermott has been given total control by the Pegula's. McDermott won out over Whaley, he isn't going to let Brandon make decisions.

    Brandon doesn't influence football decisions, like Whaley was making roster decisions.

  4. Paul DePodesta says hello.


    I asked this in another thread: name the team that has built a sustained 3-4 year playoff run WITHOUT having (at a minimum) at least a 5-11 season in the two previous seasons. I mean, there may be one out there (Seattle? If so, that's explained by a smart and lucky Russell Wilson pick), but it's awfully hard to think of one. And I don't think it's just the QB. I think the kind of clean break that comes with hitting bottom (dumping unproductive/overpaid players, moving higher in all rounds of the draft) is almost a necessity these days.

    I agree. All the good young teams (Bucs, Raiders, Titans) hit the basement on the way to the attic
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