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Posts posted by BuffaloBud420

  1. Not true he scouted for Hurtey before Gettlemen.

    Which was a similar offense. Let's try to get the facts first. Ok.

    And yet, we took players they were high on and we're linked to. In that case we SYNCED up on the same brand of player. So in essence Beane would be in the same philosophy.


    More over I don't think anyone would compare Mcaff to Tolbert or Curtis Samuel to a big bodied receiver.


    So your narrative that they only like big players... they did the exact opposite with their first two picks.

    On the outside they only like big body WRs.

  2. Even posters on this message board are able to identify college and pro players who fit the scheme and culture of all 32 offenses in the league. And that's without the tools and info available exclusively to NFL FOs. Why can't he?

    Never said he can't. Said he had no experience doing it.

  3. Makes literally no sense. Gms draft scheme diverse players all the time. Gms draft different scheme players all the time. Its a necessity of their job. Saying that he hasnt doesnt mean hes incapable. The world isnt flat.

    I'd rather have a guy with experience doing it.

  4. Lay off the reefer man. Every thought doesn't need its own thread.


    A good GM can find players for whatever scheme the coaches run. Dennison's offense doesn't prevent us from taking big players or a QB next year who can be a pocket passer.

    So you want a first time GM that never pick players for our current offensive scheme? Layoff the meth, man.

    If we're going down this road, I assume you're more of a Brett Veach guy? Former WR at Delaware (caught passes from KC OC Matt Nagy) and a lifetime Reid guy with time spent looking at fits for a West Coast scheme.

    There you go. I think that is a far argument.

  5. McDermott and Whaley didn't have the same vision for the team. Now it doesn't matter if McDermott and the next GM don't have the same vision for the team? Wow. I wonder of some if you guys even watch football.

  6. Beane was building personnel for a different offensive scheme in Carolina than we have here. I'm confused as to why this means we shouldn't hire him. It's the OC's scheme, not his. What am I missing ...

    So you want him to pick players for a scheme he never had to before?


    And you know exactly what he likes because of what his boss picks?

    If that's what his boss likes, He is doing heavy scouting on them and knows what to look for. You now want him to pick players from a entirely different pool? Get someone that has picked players for the scheme we run. Common sense.

  8. We know which way the defense goes. However it looks like Beane and McDermotts offensive philosophy couldn't be more different. Beane is an offense guy, played Quarterback in college and scouted QB and offensive skill positions his entire career until being assistant GM.


    You look at Carolinas offense and ours as it sits, quite different. If you look at the players Carolina has on offense. They like them BIG (Benjamin, Funchess, Olsen). They also like to let Cam sit back and sling it, we don't know if Taylor is capable of that.


    Dennison likes a lot of PA, boots, screens. With short yardage throws, probably occasionally taking a deep shot. I think we should stay away from Beane, If we want to go the current way on Offense.

  9. So Russ doesnt have say and power. Ok.


    Here is Sabres GM search.


    Bradley Gelber (@BradleyGelber)

    4/30/17, 9:20 PM

    Wow. @FriedgeHNIC says he believes Russ Brandon is leading the search for the #Sabres next GM. That ought to make fans happy... 😳 twitter.com/buffalowins/st


    Get ready for same here Bills fans

    Lol. What a joke. Who knew the Pegulas were so gullible.
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