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Posts posted by BuffaloBud420

  1. both of these responses are why you're "lambasted" on the regular. someone doesn't agree with your shallow opinion, and they're either drinking the kool aid or they don't understand. it's clown shoes bud.


    you're turning into a poster who just disagrees with everything the bills do without taking a step back and really looking at the right vs wrong, and why it's being done. your fall back to this is since the bills haven't been good in 17 years, you're always right. that's more lazy than anything else.

    You are a poster that agrees with whatever the Bills do. I think the past 17 years, prove I'm right.
  2. not a single person on here is expecting mediocrity. if you read any bills board i think it's pretty obvious people are desperate to win.


    what i see here is that if someone doesn't agree with your posts, they obviously don't care about winning. you aren't getting "lambasted" because you disagree with the bills moves, you're getting lambasted because there poor reasoning and logic to your thoughts. not that your opinions aren't invalid, but you tend to be terrible at posting. i'm not a great poster, so i decide to pick and choose my battles. sometimes less is more. get my vibe?

    Keep drinking the Kool Aid

    This thread makes zero sense.

    Don't understand football, Do ya?

  3. this is the dumbest thing i've ever heard.


    i assumed this is where he was going with it, but i was hoping something more fun would dribble out of his mouth.

    We keep excepting mediocrity and if someone disagrees with a Bills move. They get lambasted.

  4. newton is a pocket passer? Nah


    Newton is a scrambling qb playing the role of a pocket passer which is causing him to regress. Its a bittersweet pill. Play his way and be done in 3-4 yrs or play in the pocket and last longer. Dorsey is doing everything he can to work on newton. Well was. Dorsey's gone

    Newton throws from pocket and scrambles. Taylor can't throw from pocket well and is best when you move him around.

    No you don't. You have assumptions you think are facts because they conveniently fit your argument.



    You can say the grass is red as much as you want but it doesn't make it correct.

    Fact. Brandon Beane never worked for a team running our current offensive scheme. Do some homework, pal.
  5. Insulting others does nothing to make your argument effective. Simple facts are these:


    1. No GM has been chosen

    2. You have no evidence that your underlying thesis is correct.

    I have plenty of evidence that Beane has no experience scouting for players to fit our current offensive scheme. Those are facts.


    I am confident this opinion is based on zero facts and just some random thought that you had. Beane not the GM, so you don't actually know what his personal preferences are. But don't let a lack of factual knowledge stop you from starting yet another inane topic.

    Alright Stevie Wonder.

  6. they have a decent line that does better run blocking than pass protecting. They have decent runners, though we are better with McCoy they have newton which offsets that. Their qb is inaccurate. Ours is, too. They have we depth problems behind their number one who struggled last year whilst ours was hurt. Their production on offense was up and down because of their qb play, just like ours.


    Their defense broke and let teams win, a lot. Their defense lost a few key players and crumbled, like ours. Their defense is built on a stout DL pressuring the front to let the backfield play ball, where they struggled in performance last year just like us.


    If any team closely resembles us, its Carolina. The only difference is they have Newton who will throw for 20-3 yards down field often enough to let people forget that he actually is not accurate, can't read a defense and most importantly and just like Taylor; runs under pressure

    Completely different schemes. Nobody is arguing that except you.


    Newton is a pocket passer. Taylor is not.

  7. I'm opposed to Beane because of his larger background in comm/marketing, single-franchise work history and potential as a lackey for McD. However, this is the first I've ever heard of a scheme being referenced in regard to a GM.


    Pulling for Veach, resigned to the fact that it'll be a charade and Beane is the shoe in.

    Veach is a better fit cause he is use to scouting for a west coast offense. It absolutely is important the GM and coach have the same vision for type of players they want, which equates to the scheme.

  8. Because you are telling me they only put big bodies on the outside. When I brought up Curtis Samuel said he drafted to be their slot cause they like their big guys on the outside... Zay Jones isn't small and I haven't seen anyone project Jones to be a slot guy without having not panned out on the outside.


    More over you are helping my case by saying we have added players similar your made up knowledge of how Beane values players.

    Height is not the end all be all for slot WRs. Jordan Mathews is 6'3 and Jarvis Landry 6'1. Very good slot WRs.

  9. Lmao and the very next quote he says how he moved to the outside this past year hahahahshs

    Ok. Most of NFL sees him as a slot. Holmes and Watkins on outside, Jones in slot. Pretty good. Some of the best WRs in NFL line up in slot most of the time. I don't understand the problem.

  10. Zay Jones will be lining up outside, the only thing stopping that is if they feel he isn't ready, meaning Holmes the 6'4" FA acquisition will be lining up outside. We actually signed one of their slot WRs Philly Brown whom is 5'11"

    He will be slot. We can revisit this.

    Zay Jones will be lining up outside, the only thing stopping that is if they feel he isn't ready, meaning Holmes the 6'4" FA acquisition will be lining up outside. We actually signed one of their slot WRs Philly Brown whom is 5'11"


    This is hilarious

    "I was a slot receiver my first three years, and I wouldn't say I perfected the slot, but I was damn good at it," Jones said.

  11. Yes, it is true. It's well documented how high carolina was on the guys we ended up taking.


    Like that 6'2" big bodied WR to play on the outside.... hmmm isn't that where you claim carolina values their only big bodied offense?

    Jones is a slot WR. In our offense and especially theirs. They needed a slot and maybe liked Zay. They have two outside WRs.
  12. Yet still ignoring how we ended up drafting the same exact players they had high on their board.


    And it's easy to throw that blanket statement, they like big bodies, then are shown them drafting smaller players and now its where they line up that counts.

    Not necessarily true. What you are ignoring is that we run a completely different offense. Which we know is true.

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