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Posts posted by BuffaloBud420

  1. Put Antonio Brown or Julio Jones on this team their production is like Sammys. We are a run first team and have a mediocre QB. Wr is the toughest position to evaluate, cause you can't throw the ball to yourself.


    I'm fine with Sammys past production in this offense and if he is healthy today, we should of picked up the option...and if one day we get a QB he can be one of the best in NFL. He is only 23.


    Point being that I'd rather have TT throwing to Sammy than any QB of the past 15 years throwing to Stevie. And yet Stevie still out-performed Sammy.


    So it's time for sammy to put up or shut up. this is a great decision.

    Not me. We had better passing attacks before. Fitz is a better passer than Taylor. Taylor just has other intangibles
  3. people are just disagreeing with you because you think sammy will mail it in. that's all. i think most wanted the bills to pick up the option. i did, but i understand why they didn't.


    you know...it may not be the case where everyone else is wrong, and you're right. just keep you mind open to learning something new. it's the sole reason why i read these boards.

    I'm just trying to get in line with the propaganda machine

  4. Ridiculous. If he reinsures the foot again no one gives him a big contract. Even more ridiculous is suggesting he'll dog it. First it's against his nature and second you want to have a huge year before potential free agency.

    Not always, he may just want to stay healthy until he get that next contract. If he goes all out and gets another serious injury, he is done for good. I've seen it before and I wouldn't blame him.

  5. Bills decide to pass on Watkins' option year Unbelievable. This is perhaps the only thing that could have made the Bills' trade up in the 2014 draft even more disastrous. The Bills are clearly petrified of Watkins suffering another injury and guaranteeing himself a massive payday for 2018 options years are guaranteed for injury only but they've backed themselves into a corner if Watkins has a monster 2017, something certainly not outside the realm of possibility for a wideout who has yet to turn 24. The franchise tag costs more than the option. In a league placing an ever-increasing premium on high-end receiving talent, the Bills are playing fire with theirs. The Bills maybe shouldn't be letting someone who was a defensive coordinator just five months ago run their front office.


    From rotoworld

    Hey, some sense. Rare around these parts.

  6. both inaccurate af. Both can't read defenses for beans. Both struggle when pressure is on and have no clutch in them.


    The only difference is Taylor doesn't turn the ball over much.


    I suggest you watch Carolina play. I probably watch more of their games than the bills

    Cam throws over the middle and tries to fit the ball in tight spots. I will no longer say Taylor's name in the same breath as Cam.

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