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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. His play dropped off a bit last year according to 2 different analytics sites and Juju outplayed him according to both. He was top rated on 1 the year before and much higher rated on the other. I think he is the kind of guy who will not age well and will blame others as he declines. I think they are more concerned with him being a me first, self centered diva and how that can affect a young team.
  2. He doesn't have to play football, he is a multi millionaire. I can't help feeling that I hope this isn't true. He will want more than he is worth and cause more problems than he solves imo.
  3. Who are these armchair Wiki Warriors you speak of? They sound woefully uninformed.
  4. the Bamboozlers, The Balderdash, The Buffalo Shuffle
  5. Christian Wilkins? Ed Oliver? If I had to pick one of those 2 OTs it would be Taylor.
  6. I've heard that Dan Fouts smoked before every game and a friend of mine in southern Oregon says he grew some of it. Hard to say whether it was performance enhancing or not, but Dan was pretty good in his day. Saw a guy bounce around the inside of a car when a red hot chunk of hash fell into the top of his pants, luckily he wasn't driving.
  7. Probably not, not sure how many teams are interested though. Maybe 7 million with 2 years guaranteed and team option for 2 more would do it. Not sure he is worth it but salaries do keep going up with the cap. Draft a high upside guy to go with him. Boyle got overpaid and he is one more ped offense from being out for a year i think, not sure if his contract sets the market or is just bad judgment by the Ravens.
  8. Cheap even for backup money. I think they are going to draft a qb, both teams.
  9. I think James at 6 per would be a solid acquisition. Then draft one and hopefully be set at te for a few years.
  10. It's not about the money, it's about the quality of the players you spend it on. I don't think Phillips is a good player. The production per % of cap is important if you want to be a top team imo. Spending a lot for little contribution is not a recipe for success.
  11. So if he doesn't make the team, paying him $2 million is a steal? Because if he is on the team he gets $4.5 million. For what he is I don't consider that a steal and I expect better players than Phillips will be paid less. You are referring to the no playmakers part I assume? I hope you are right.
  12. The Bills have ~10% of their 2019 cap committed to their dts, 6th most in NFL. They also have no playmakers at the position and not a single dt rated higher than #70 out of 108 on pff.
  13. I thought T O had a pretty good year for the Bills and behaved himself. Not to mention the Bills QB play that year was awful.
  14. I hated that contract to begin with and in retrospect I was right to. Just because the Ravens overpay Boyle does not vindicate what Whaley gave Clay imo.
  15. My question is why is it always in Indy? On that same track, why do the Lions and Cowboys always play on Thnksgvng? WTF???
  16. I don't disagree. Was merely suggesting an incentive laden deal probably wouldn't get it done. James from the Dolphins is another guy I hope they are looking at.
  17. Between Samuel, Ridley, Butler, Harmon, Brown, Campbell, Harry not in that particular order, any of those guys in the 2nd round would be great and a big upgrade. Pick up Humphries in fa and pair any of those guys with Foster on the outside and the Bills are suddenly looking pretty good at wr.
  18. That would be the ideal, but I think some needy team will probably take the plunge and offer significant guaranteed money.
  19. Can't be the Bills without at least two Williams.
  20. What's going on in Cleveland? Fun Times!! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DoZzgAjjuqZM&ved=2ahUKEwipi-S-zPDgAhVJuZ4KHbUmBPMQyCkwAHoECAwQBA&usg=AOvVaw1WyVjG8wpT_KqRF27dER7w
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