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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. Was hoping for Mike Davis from Seattle, signed with Chicago for 2 yrs 3 mil per. He is only 26 and looked good this year running and receiving. Gore had a good year but man, just when you thought the backfield couldn't possibly get older.... Like all the people using the word 'judicious' on here every chance they get, ever since Beane used it. ?
  2. He may have been their #2 but he was #4 in rec yds behind Allen, M Williams and Gordon. Austin Ekeler was just barely behind him in 5th. I say hell no to paying 12 million for him. I would rather get John Brown for around 7 and then draft a stud in the first couple rounds.
  3. Could probably sign John Brown for around 7 mil I would think. Do that and draft one in the first 2 or 3 rounds.
  4. Wanted the Bills to get James, wonder what they are paying? I am guessing 7.5 or 8 per. I hope Kroft works out, the good thing is they can walk away after this season if he doesn't.
  5. I wouldn't mind John Brown for around 6 mil and then draft one in the first few rounds.
  6. 2015 was his best year, he has not been very good in coverage the last 3 years. He was on a pff list for the 5 fas most likely to be overpaid. He might be a decent pass rushing olb but 14 million is a lot to pay for that. Glad the Jets are burning through their cash, when the dust settles there will be a lot of good players still unsigned who will sign for good value. If the Bills are gonna spend big at all I am hoping for a tackle, Williams or James.
  7. Great news!!! but not seeing anything on nfl.com or espn yet
  8. you have to kill a muskox and wear his skin.
  9. Cats Cradle, The Sirens of Titan and anything else by Kurt Vonnegut Steppenwolf, Siddhartha- Herman Hesse Letters From the Earth-Mark Twain published posthumously-Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam-translated Edward Fitzgerald Kim- Rudyard Kipling On the Road- Kerouac Anything by John Steinbeck- Grapes of Wrath, Winter of Our Discontent, Cannery Row etc. Desert Solitaire -Edward Abbey The Milagro Beanfield War and New Mexico Trilogy- John Nichols Last of the Mohicans- James Fennimore Cooper The Count of Monte Cristo-Dumas One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest-Ken Kesey Dune- Frank Herbert Watership Down- Richard Adams The Mysterious Island and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea-Jules Verne Just a few off the top of my head. I used to read a lot of books, not so much anymore but this thread is inspiring me to start reading books again. Thnx
  10. So glad this fell through, good for Beane wanting to improve the team but this was a terrible idea imo. ***** this guy, keep building a team. Bills don't need primadonnas. Dodged a bullet.
  11. ***** this, who ***** cares. The guy has been a ***** nightmare for his team. He has revealed himself to be a narcissist who blames everyone but him. He was not even the best receiver on his team. I think he and Raper had a narcissist douchebag locker room showdown and he lost. Count your blessings and move on. The other side of the coin you get an angry determined Antonio showing the world he can be a positive force and lead.
  12. Maybe A B will like the team culture and embrace it to spite Pittsburgh and Papa Bear Big Ben. I have a feeling the unquestioned authority Ben had there really irked him, especially as he got older.
  13. Just don't like wrs that demand the ball or throw fits when they don't get it, can throw off the whole dynamic of the team. Like it if he comes with the right attitude. Another thing is he wants a new contract, he is not the best wr in the league anymore but I don't think he knows this. Will he expect to be the highest paid?
  14. If it is true, on the 10th anniversary of signing TO, I hope he shows that he is not a selfish diva or a bad teammate. If he comes with the right attitude I will be psyched.
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